Yun Ye stood in the distance and watched the two people's practice.

These two moves were created based on the world library in his mind.

It can be said that they are super skills that have condensed the strengths of hundreds of schools. Taking one of them alone is a shortcut to becoming a strong man.


Gra roared, and a wisp of steam came out of his body, but it disappeared in the next second.

The powerful technique is extremely difficult to practice. It is impossible for a weak talent to completely master it without a month or even half a year.

Looking at the other side, Lai Ke was still standing there thinking hard, trying to find his own inspiration

""The road ahead is long and arduous."

Yun Ye murmured.

The two were top-notch masters in the human continent, but in the distant dark continent, they were not worth mentioning. They might even die in that unknown land without knowing why.

"Oh, I haven't finished reading the prophecy poem yet."

Suddenly, Yunye remembered the divination poem.

He took it out of his pocket and continued to read.

The overall view was still very abstract.

Looking at the third sentence, the singer dancing beautifully will eventually stop.

There is only one person who meets the conditions around him, and that is Gra.

His ability of mind is to trigger irregular attacks with gorgeous dance postures, so as to achieve the effect of surprise.

There is no doubt that Gra will face a disaster next.

The difficulty of life and death!

"Fighting Contest."

Seeing the fifth sentence, Yun Ye suddenly had a guess in his mind.

The challenge of the sky brought endless darkness.

It corresponds to the competition in the sky arena.

"Then who will the darkness be?"

Looking into the distance, Yunye's pupils gradually turned dark.

Under the prestigious competition, there was an undercurrent. With the content of this poem, everything became confusing.

At present, these two sentences are related to the present.

I didn't continue reading. After putting the note away, I looked at the two people in training again.

Gra was still trying to activate the acupuncture points.

Lek stood quietly in place, meditating on the knife that Yunye had just swung.

"It's going to start tomorrow evening."

"I will practice too."

Yun Ye closed his eyes.

The Supreme Visualization Diagram and the Mind Ability Practice Method began to run in his body.

Under the black night sky, there were still many people practicing hard, waiting for tomorrow's competition.

Tonight was destined to be a sleepless night.



"Buzz. Bang!"

The scorching sun was coming, and two sounds made Yunye open his eyes.

Looking forward, Gra was red all over, and wisps of steam emerged from the surface of his skin. He swung a punch, and the trees in front of him were instantly broken into pieces.

It can be seen that he has practiced the Six Gates of Dunjia to the entry level.

And Laike finally found his own feeling and barely pulled out the knife.

Although the power is far less than a small part of Yunye, he has already learned it.

There is no doubt that both of them are talented people. They learned two skills in just one night.

Of course, it is also inseparable from their hard training all night.

"Let's go, take a rest and prepare for the battle."

After saying that, Yunye disappeared from the spot.

When he reappeared, he had already arrived at the restaurant provided by the Sky Arena for challengers.

Looking around, many challengers were eating and drinking to reserve energy for the next battle.

Fortunately, the person in charge was smart and added dozens of chefs to cook. Otherwise, with their appetite, they might have eaten all the chefs.

""I'm really here."

Suddenly, Yunye saw two familiar figures.

Killua was eating while avoiding Illumi.

The two always met in different places. Maybe fate is so wonderful.

Killua seemed to feel the sight, and looked back.


Seeing that it was Yunye, he was so excited that he didn't even eat and jumped over there.

Illumi, who was originally preparing to catch Killua, also stopped and looked over when he heard the voice.

""Okay, okay, don't get excited."

Looking at Killua with oil dripping from the corners of his mouth, Yunye put one hand on his forehead to prevent him from getting close.

After taking out a handkerchief to wipe it clean, he finally let Killua hug him.

"Brother, where have you been? I haven't seen you for a long time."

Kiya looked up and complained.

The two brothers haven't seen each other for more than two years.

"I'm just going to sort out some things."

"Has anyone bullied you recently?

Yunye answered very hastily, and then asked with concern

"Yes, that guy!"

Kiya nodded quickly and pointed at Illumi in the distance.

At this time, Illumi seemed to have anticipated that something bad would happen and left the restaurant very consciously.

He could clearly feel that he couldn't beat Yunye before, and he couldn't beat him now.

"It's okay. He won't dare to do anything to you."

"Let's eat first."

Yun Ye invited them to eat first.

When they heard the word"eat", the two people behind him sat down and started to eat.

"Brother, who are these two?"

Killua asked curiously.

"His name is Leike, he is an ordinary hunter"

"His name is Gra, he is an ordinary dancer"

"If you have any problems in the future, you can also contact them to help you solve them. We are all family."

Yun Ye introduced it very briefly.

The two people beside him didn't feel anything when they heard this introduction.

Anyway, it's almost the same.

"Hunter? Dancer?"

Kiya wondered.

His intuition told him that those who could have a relationship with Yunye were not ordinary characters. It was really comfortable to have two more backers.

"Xiaoqi, who is your opponent in this game?"

During the meal, Yunye asked appropriately

"Like Uncle Lake, he is a hunter"

"I can handle it."

Killua said confidently.

After all, he had also gone through the inhumane training of the Zoldyck family.

"In that case, then have a good meal and prepare for battle."

With Yunye's orders, a silent war once again broke out at the table.

When they left the restaurant, only the challenger who was trying to pick on the chef was left.

"Brother, is this your room?"

Kiya looked at the luxurious room in front of him with surprise.

Compared with his big bed room, it was like heaven and earth.

"Do you want to live with me? There are vacancies."

Yun Ye invited

""Okay, okay."

Killua agreed with his eyes shining.

This way he could get close to Yunye and avoid Illumi's harassment.

So far, Killua has temporarily joined this big family.

"Please go to your respective arenas and prepare for your first match."

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