Just when Killua was still happy, a voice came from the radio in the room.

The fighting competition has begun!

Yunye even heard the excited screams from the next room.

""Let's go."

He called the other two and headed for the competition arena.

The Sky Arena has prepared a unique venue for the fighting competition, which can easily accommodate even 100,000 participants.

When they arrived at the venue, tens of thousands of spectators were already sitting in their seats waiting for the start of the competition.

Looking at the competition venue, it had been divided into a thousand different arenas for fighting.

"There are so many people.

Seeing this grand scene, Qiya opened his mouth slightly.

"Which arena are you in?"

Looking at so many arenas, Yunye turned around and asked




The three of them said the numbers of the rings.

After hearing this, Yunye looked at his number one ring sign and fell silent.

"Challengers, please go to your own arena"

"The match will start in ten minutes."

The broadcast sounded again, calling on the contestants to go to the ring.

"never mind"

"Enjoy it!"

Yunye waved his hand, and Gra and Leke disappeared instantly.

"Kiya, do your best"

"I'm leaving first."

After saying that, Yunye merged into the shadows.

Only the confused Killua was left standing there in a daze.

When he reappeared, Yunye was already standing on his own stage.

"Are you my opponent?"

Dillon, who had been waiting for a long time, stood up and looked at Yunye with a serious expression.

"That's right."

Yunye nodded and looked at him.

His hair was pale and thick. Even though he was old, his muscles were still strong from practicing kung fu.

His whole body was like an upright pillar, tenacious and unyielding.

It was in line with the style of a martial artist.

"Even if you are just a child, I will not show mercy."

Dillon warned

"It's okay, just go for it."

Yun Ye said nothing. Those who can come to the fighting competition to participate in the competition are all selected. They are top-notch masters. Naturally, there will be no self-righteous behavior of letting them go before the competition even starts.

Everyone comes with the intention of winning the championship, so they must go all out.

After giving advice, Dillon sat cross-legged on the ground again and waited.

As time passed, a figure appeared on the big screen.

"Welcome to watch the highest level fighting festival, the Olympia Fighting Championship’"

"I am the host Bobo"

"The next battle will be broadcast live and broadcast to channels around the world"

"This fighting competition will implement an elimination system. The losers will not be able to continue to participate in the challenge. Please do not hold back your strength."

"The final winner will receive a reward of up to 50 billion Jhinis, and will also become the top floor owner of the 251st floor, the highest floor!"

Bobo explained the rules of this competition in a sweet and passionate voice.

This was like a shot of stimulant for the contestants.

Such a luxurious reward is worth their lives, just to become the final winner.

"Then I declare"

"The first match of the fighting competition officially begins!"

"Please, referees, go to the ring."

As the competition began, staff members in referee uniforms came to the ring.

There were as many as a thousand of them, and the spectacular scene was eye-catching.

They were all referees specially trained by the Sky Arena, and there was no double standard.

They represented absolute fairness and justice!

"Please prepare yourselves, contestants."

The referee said in an emotionless voice.

Hearing the voice, Dillon's eyes became more fierce.

Yun Ye looked around and saw that some people had already started the game, and some had even finished it.


As the start sounded, Dillon jumped in front of Yunye with all his strength, raised his thigh and kicked him in the head.

The protruding bones and veins on his leg were enough to prove that he was not letting Yunye down at all.

Many people in the audience closed their eyes, unwilling to see the cruel scene that followed.

"Are they finished yet?"

After saying that, Yunye didn't even turn his head, and easily dodged the attack by slightly turning sideways.

Looking into the distance, Gra and Leke had defeated their opponents and ended the first round of the battle.

"How is it possible!"

Seeing that his attack did not hit, Dillon frowned and quickly retreated dozens of steps.

"Old man, you haven't practiced enough yet."

In an instant, Yunye disappeared from the spot.

Before Dillon could react, he appeared in front of him and kicked him in the abdomen.


The loud noise announced the appearance of the winner.

Dillon was deeply embedded in the outer wall and was unconscious.

This was the result of Yunye's mercy.

If he really used a little force, he might have exploded into a bloody mess.

"The winner is Yunye!"

Although the referee was shocked, he still quickly determined the result of this match.

The unexpected result made the audience stare with their eyes wide open, unable to believe it.

Even a child could be so powerful that he kicked a strong old man away.

From now on, they will never doubt the selection rules of the fighting competition again.

This scene was also captured by the camera and projected on the live broadcast screen.

Yunye's victorious posture appeared in every corner of the world!

"Hehe, he is here after all."

Netero stroked his head and laughed.

"Xiao Yunye? He's also going to participate?"

Xiba looked serious, with a little doubt in his eyes as he watched his son who was so carefree on TV.

"Master, I miss you so much."

In Yunye's room, Lei Zi's face was rosy, and her eyes were full of love as she looked at the screen.

There were countless people in the world watching Yunye's back at this moment.

Seeing such a young figure appear on the fighting competition stage, everyone's heart could not help but begin to look forward to it.

How far can Yunye go?

"Let's go see how Killua's match goes."

Looking around, I finally decided to go and have a look.

Arena 1234 is located on the 100th floor of the venue.

So if you want to see it, you need to go upstairs.

"Boss, where are we going?"

Looking at Yunye's back, Gra was a little confused.

"Let's go upstairs and watch the game."

As they spoke, they came to the elevator.

Compared to the crowds before, it was quiet and empty.

"How does it feel to fight?"

In the elevator, Yun Ye looked at the two and asked

"Very weak."

The two gave a unified answer.

"Don't take it lightly, because you are only meeting ordinary people."

Yun Ye explained.

Most of the people in the preliminary round are ordinary people who don't have the ability to read, so the challenge is relatively easy.

The organizers seem to intentionally put people with the ability to read together with ordinary people to quickly screen them.


The elevator opened.

We arrived at the 100th floor venue, where the first match had already entered a fierce stage.

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