If nothing unexpected happens, Netero will be the referee of this match, specializing in dealing with various emergencies. In a match of this level, ordinary referees cannot control it at all, and if they are not careful, some accidents may occur.

"Welcome everyone to the fourth match of the fighting competition"

""I am the referee for this event, Isaac Netero!"

Netero's voice echoed throughout the venue.

Everyone present looked at him with a curious look, wanting to know what kind of person the president of the Hunter Association was. After watching for a long time, they finally came to a unified conclusion in their hearts.

They couldn't see through him at all!

"The old man really never stops."

Yun Ye shook his head helplessly.

"Is this the president of the Hunter Association?"

Hisoka looked at Netero with a smile on his face.

"President, the time is up."

Bingzi, who had been watching the time, quickly reported to Netero.

"Very good, I declare that the fourth fighting competition officially begins!"

"Please look at the big screen."

As soon as the voice fell, a screen descended from the ceiling.

On it was the official list of contestants.

The first match was Yunye vs. Nia!

"Is my luck so good?"

Yun Ye looked at himself on the big screen and was a little speechless.

He found that he seemed to be the first in everything, whether it was in the ring or now.

"Haha, please ask the two players to go to the ring."

Seeing the familiar figure, Netero smiled and gave orders.

It can be seen that he really wants to see how strong Yunye is now.

"Let's fight sooner and get it over with sooner."

Yunye suddenly disappeared from where he was and appeared on the ring.

Looking across, a petite girl with freckles on her face was standing there shyly looking at him.

"Hello, my name is Nia."

Nia whispered softly

"Hello, my name is Yunye.

Yunye answered generously.

The two of them were polite and didn't look like they were about to fight.

"Both players, please get ready."

Netero came to the edge of the ring and raised his arms.



With the swing of his arm, the game officially began.

At the moment of the start, the originally shy and introverted Nia suddenly became quiet.

A manic aura emanated from her body, turning the air red.


Nia's crazy face showed up, and her wanton laughter filled the entire venue.

"Oh, what a contrast."

Yun Ye was a little surprised.

He originally thought that she was a little girl who didn't know the world, so he planned to be gentle.

But looking at her current appearance, he should be more aggressive.

"Kill you!"

Nia's eyes were red, and a tall black sickle appeared in his hand.

It was Nia's mind ability that caused all this.

【Deal with the God of Death]

Completely transform your personality into its opposite and gain your own power.

The side effect is that you lose your mind and everything is controlled by the opposite.

"Looks like a real murderer."

Yunye clearly felt Nia's murderous intent towards him.

No wonder he was able to stand out in the chaos of 100 people.

None of these 25 people were simple.

This scene was naturally seen by audiences around the world, and they couldn't help but worry whether Yunye could survive.

"Little Yunye, don't let me down."

Netero narrowed his eyes and watched every move on the ring.

If Yunye was really going to be killed, he would save him as quickly as possible.


On the ring, Nia kicked his feet, and the powerful force even generated an air wave.

He came in front of Yunye at a speed that was almost instantaneous, and swung the sharp sickle towards his neck.

It meant the harvest of the god of death!

Everyone in the audience was watching this scene, wanting to see how Yunye would face it.

Would he choose to dodge or die?

Outside the ring, Netero's body was tense, ready to attack at any time.

"grim Reaper?"

"Even if the real body comes, get out of here!"

A black shadow entered the body, Yunye slightly arched his body to avoid the attack, a talisman appeared on the palm of his hand, and he slapped Nia's abdomen with one palm.


The spell on the palm of her hand instantly entered Nia's body, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth.

Along with it came the opposite personality in her body.

After struggling to stand up, Nia became shy and introverted again.

When she wanted to use her mind ability again, she found that she couldn't use it no matter what.

This sudden scene stunned the audience.

They really couldn't think of how Yunye ended the game.

"Good boy."

Netero's tense body relaxed, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Brother is really amazing."

Kiya looked at Yunye with admiration.

Just now, Nia's move was enough to kill him a hundred times, but it was resolved by Yunye.

This gap even made him doubt whether they were twins.

Seeing this scene, Hisoka's eyes suddenly showed consideration.

"The winner is Yunye!"

Netero announced the result of the match.

"What's wrong with my telepathic ability?"

Just as Yunye was about to leave, a white little hand grabbed the corner of his clothes.

"It can be used now."

Yunye patted her head gently, and the sealing power in her body was instantly withdrawn.

Hearing this, Nia felt the Qi again in a daze.

The next second, a manic Qi bloomed from her body.

""Thank you."

Nia thanked him quietly and turned to leave the ring.

It was very clean and neat, without any hesitation.

"Next is to watch the game."

Coming to the stage, Yunye Lao was sitting comfortably where Netero had been sitting.

This outrageous scene made some people's eyes flicker, and they all wanted to see what would happen next.

"Hello, Xiaoyunye.���"No."

Netero laughed and said, as if an elder was reminiscing with his favorite younger generation.

He didn't care at all that Yunye sat in the seat that originally belonged to him.

This made the people who originally planned to watch the show have different expressions, wondering what the relationship between the two was.

"Old man, you are still so energetic."

Yun Ye praised with a smile

"Hehe, your strength is enough to meet the hunter assessment, do you want to participate in the hunter test?"

Netero revealed his real purpose.

He wanted to pull Yunye into the Hunter Association and make him a member.

Obviously, he also saw Yunye's terrifying potential.

"Let's talk about it later."

Yunye didn't agree immediately.

He had no plans to go to the hunter test yet.


Netero just smiled and didn't say much.


Soon, the list of the second game appeared on the screen.

Gra VS Il Blanc!

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