"Is it my turn?"

Gra saw his own figure on the screen

"Please invite the two contestants to the stage."

Netero returned to the outside of the ring and acted as the referee.

"Go ahead, it doesn't matter if you lose."

Yun Ye encouraged with a chuckle.

It's no big deal if you lose, anyway, the purpose of coming here was to gain experience and gain combat experience.

"I'm going!"

Gra's eyes were full of determination, and he jumped to the ring.

At the same time, his opponent also came to the ring. He held a sledgehammer in one hand, and his sturdy figure was like a little giant, forming a sharp contrast with Gra.

"Are you my opponent?"

The dull voice questioned Gra

"That's right, it's me."

Gra took out the two swords at his waist and began to parry.

"Please both sides prepare yourself."

Netero raised his hand calmly.

"The game begins!"

With the swing of their arms, the two rushed towards each other.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Countless iron hammering sounds echoed throughout the venue.

Even though the two had a huge size difference, they were still evenly matched in terms of strength.

This was also due to Gra's frequent stimulation of his acupuncture points, which continuously improved his physical fitness to a certain extent.

So even when facing a hammer as big as his head, he could still use the blade in his hand to fight back.

This extremely contrasting scene shocked the people in the audience again, and they couldn't help but look at Yunye who was calm and composed.

Why are there always some perverted people in his team ?

"Like a bug, go die!"

As the fight continued, Il gradually became impatient and increased the strength in his hands again.

But he was surprised to find that no matter how much strength he exerted, Gra could always resist and attack.

【The Child of Mount Targon]

Il finally couldn't help himself, and a powerful aura burst out from his body.

With the explosion of his mind power, his body size increased again. He completely changed from a human to a giant, and just looking at him was extremely intimidating.

The big hammer in his hand also grew larger, almost catching up with Gra's half body size.

Every step produced a slight vibration, leaving deep footprints on the ring.

"What's the use of being big? Concentration is the essence!"

Gela remembered Yunye's encouragement to him.

Don't be afraid of the horror of the appearance, but observe the essence of the core.

"Six Gates of Dunjia: Open!"

Gera's body suddenly burst out with powerful energy, stimulating the acupuncture points in all parts of his body.

The next moment, his body turned red, and hot steam continued to emerge from his skin. His muscles swelled rapidly, appearing to be very powerful.


He exhaled lightly, and a thick white mist covered Gra's face.

Before Ir could see Gra's face clearly, he had disappeared on the spot.


A pair of muscular feet kicked hard on Il's face.

The giant fell to the ground, crushing the ring into pieces, and almost collapsed.

"You bastard!"

With bloodshot eyes, Il quickly stood up and smashed the sledgehammer in his hand fiercely towards Gra's position.


The huge force smashed the ground into a deep pit, raising countless gravel and dust.

This scene made some people present think that Gra had died under the hammer.

But when Ier raised the hammer again, there was no trace of Gra in the deep pit.

"Where are the people?"

Yi Er frowned and immediately became alert to the surroundings.


The next second, a thin figure appeared in front of Il and punched him hard in the chest, leaving a deep fist dent.

As soon as the punch was thrown, the figure disappeared in an instant.

If you look closely, you can see that Gra is running in the ring at a very fast speed.

He has already understood that although Il's size and strength have increased, the disadvantage is speed!

As long as Gra keeps moving, he will be completely invincible.

"Damn it!"

Il also noticed this, but it was useless.

He kept swinging the huge hammer, trying to hit Gra by chance.

But then, countless fist holes appeared on Il's huge body, which looked like a human hornet's nest.

"Too strong!"

The people in the audience all had the same idea, and their eyes unconsciously looked at Yun Ye again.

If only one of his subordinates was so powerful, how terrifying would he be?

For a moment, they didn't even have the idea to guess.


Il stood there in a daze, muttering vaguely.

If his body wasn't strong enough, he would have fallen to the ground long ago after being hit by so many punches that could have blown a person up. The fact that he could hold on until now was enough to show Il's strength.

"It's over."

Gela finally came to Il, and was ready to end it all with his fists.

In an instant, a hammer was swung at him again.

Il used his remaining consciousness to deliver the last blow, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

The ring finally couldn't hold on and broke into pieces.

Although Gra dodged this blow, this spirit is worthy of respect.

Never give up until the last moment!

"Thank you."

Gela put his hands together to show his respect to Il.

"The winner is Guerra!"

Netero quickly determined the result of this match.

Thus, the second match was over.

Guerra returned to Yunye's side and asked happily:

"Boss, how was my performance?"

"Not bad, but don't be proud. Remember what I said?"

"Remember, there are always people who are better than you."

Gera said this wise saying in a very confusing way.

In this extremely mysterious world, even if Yun �� himself has many abnormal abilities, he dare not say that he is invincible.

The appropriate high profile is due to the situation, and the constant caution is unquestionable.


Xi Suo shook his head, even a little disdainful.

He has absolute confidence in himself and always believes that he is the strongest.

In response, Yun Ye just glanced at him and said nothing.

People can't teach people, but things can teach people.

When Xi Suo is exposed to the truth, he will know what arrogance and conceit are.

""Because the ring is damaged, the competition needs to be suspended for half an hour."

Netero received the notice and announced to everyone.

The battle just now was too intense, which directly led to the collapse of the ring.

However, with the ability of the Sky Arena, it only takes half an hour to build a new ring.

During this time, everyone kept looking at the people around them.

Except for those who have finished fighting, everyone may be their opponent.

"While the ring is being repaired, we would like to announce the roster for the next match."

"The next opponent is"

"Killua VS Illumi!"

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