Hearing this answer, Killua's face suddenly turned ugly and even scared.

He never expected that he would encounter his nightmare in the first game!

"Xiao Qi."

In the distance, Illumi's dark pupils stared at Killua, as if he wanted to devour him completely.

"No, no."

Killa kept muttering to himself, and his body began to tremble slightly.

A silent fear was growing in his heart.

He had already felt Illumi's eyes, but he didn't dare to look him in the eye.

Suddenly, a white hand gently stroked his snow-white hair.

"It's fine"

"Don't be afraid, I'm always here."

Yunye's gentle voice was like the dawn, instantly dispelling the darkness in Killua's heart.

With warm eyes falling on him, everything became less frightening.


Kiya nodded heavily.

Although there was still a trace of fear in his heart, he had to face the fear in order to completely break it.

"The ring has been completely repaired. Please invite the two contestants to the stage."

Netero's voice resounded throughout the venue.

The originally damaged ring was now intact, just like a new one.

Illumi took a last look at Killua and stepped onto the ring.

"Go, fate will protect you."

Yunye looked into Killua's eyes gently.

The battle with Illumi was Killua's destiny.

Even if he escaped today, they would meet again one day.

In the near future...

"I understand.

Killua finally nodded and came to the ring with the determination to die.

Across the ring, Illumi stared at Killua expressionlessly, his eyes were dead silent.

At this moment, Killua still felt fear and even scared.

The inner barrier can't be broken with just a few words.

"Xiaoqi, we can finally talk alone."

"You haven't answered my last question."

"Why don't you listen to me and come to participate in the competition?"

Illumi's emotionless voice broke Killua's mind step by step.

A repressive darkness enveloped him completely.

The feeling of escape arose in his heart.


Suddenly, a voice woke up the drowsy Killua.

Looking into the distance, Yunye stood up and stared at him with a gentle face.

This gave Killua great courage.

Although it was short, it was enough.

"Please get ready, both players."

Netero looked at the two brothers with interest.

"The game begins!"

Killa took the lead in attacking with the swing of his arm.

He quickly approached Illumi and attacked with a crazy snake move.

The speed was so fast that it was like countless whips were constantly whipping.

Illumi, who was originally unmoved, used the same move, waving his hands quickly, blocking every attack of Killua.

At this moment, the gap between the two sides was fully reflected!

"Killua is still at a disadvantage due to his age."

Yunye shook his head helplessly.

If Killua and Illumi were born at the same time, Illumi would probably be the one who would be afraid.

After all, the strongest talent is here.

"Xiao Qi, everything you do is useless, just go home obediently."

Illumi resisted and attacked mentally.

But Killua seemed not to hear it, and the force in his hands became even greater, and the sound of whipping even produced sound waves.

Looking closely, you can see that there are several bruises on Illumi's arms.

"Let me take you back myself."

Facing this fierce attack, Illumi remained calm.

He took a step back and punched Killua in the stomach.


The huge force made Killua fall to the ground and curl up instantly.

This scene made the people in the audience a little confused. How could such a weak person come to this arena?

"I won't go back with you!"

Just as Illumi was about to reach out and take Killua away, a scratch appeared on the back of his hand.

Killua stood up despite the pain, veins popped in his hand, and his nails became long and sharp.

"Is it because of Yunye?

Suddenly, Ilmi said a name.

Then he said

"He will die sooner or later."

As soon as these words came out, Killua's pupils instantly turned dark, and a fascinating aura emanated from his body.

All his strength burst out from his body.

"What do you think will happen to my brother?

Killua's eyes instantly turned cold as he stared at Illumi.

His aura immediately became terrifying.

As if he had sensed this power, Illumi's face showed understanding.

He was about to continue speaking when a sharp claw left a mark on his face.

A drop of blood flowed down Illumi's cheek.

Before he could react, countless scratches appeared on his body.


Illumi finally became serious, and stretched out his claws like Killua.

For a moment, there were only two black shadows shuttling back and forth in the entire ring.

In the distance, Yunye saw this scene clearly.

Although Killua had used all his strength, it was still a bit difficult to fight against Illumi.

Losing is just a matter of time.

Sure enough, half an hour later, the two figures appeared on the ring again.

Killua's body was already badly injured, and there was no intact place on his body.

Looking at Illumi again, although he was also injured, he still calmly approached Killua step by step

"Xiao Qi, come with me."

Illumi's voice is getting closer and closer.

Killua seems to have made up his mind.

"I will never go with you even if I die."

After saying that, he swung a claw towards his neck.

Not only Illumi, but even Netero's eyes widened at this scene.

He was about to rescue Killua as quickly as possible, but he stopped the next second, and his eyes became strange.

An old arm held Killua's hand tightly.

At the same time, he kicked Illumi, who had already arrived in front of him, away.


Killua looked at the serious face in front of him in disbelief.

Yes, the person in front of him was Zeno.·���Enemy!


Facing Killua's surprise, Geno didn't say anything and disappeared on the spot.

Looking closely, you can find that he actually merged into Killua's shadow.

Yes, this is exactly the layer of protection that Yunye added to Killua when he left.

I didn't expect it to come in handy here.

"Haha, it seems to be related to Xiao Yunye."

Netero glanced at Yunye, who was not panicking at all, and the answer came to his mind.

"In this match, Killua used external force to win, so his result is invalidated."

"The winner is Illumi!"

Netero announced the final answer.

This result did not cause any ripples.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Killua could not beat Illumi, and as the president of the Hunter Association, he naturally could not choose to protect him.

This would not be good for everyone.

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