The old lady's voice caught Yunye's attention. She looked kind and was slightly short because of her age, about the same height as Maha.

This was Xiaojie's great-grandmother.

She was also the grandmother of Jin and Mitt.

Her identity was unknown, but the people related to Jin were not simple characters.

"Grandma, hello."

Yunye greeted her with a smile.

The grandma smiled and nodded and didn't say anything else.

"Why don't you all stay here tonight?"

Mitt said enthusiastically.

"No, it's too much trouble for you."

Yunye rejected Mitt's kindness regardless of Killua's expectant eyes.

After all, who would live in someone else's house after just meeting ?

"Stay, I believe you."

"Anyone who is with Gra is trustworthy."

Xiao Jie said to Yunye seriously.

This made Gra scratch the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Brother, I want to live here too."

Kiya held Yunye's arm with a begging look.

Apparently he had forgotten his old brother because he had a new friend.

"Then we'd better obey your order."

Yunye had no choice but to agree.

Looking outside, there were already a few stars hanging high in the sky, and the black barrier was invading the entire sky.

"Aunt Mitt, can I ask my mom to come over with us?"

Gra asked a little embarrassedly.

"Sheila, of course!"

"I haven't talked to her for a long time, let me sleep with her tonight."

Mitt agreed repeatedly with a look of surprise.

Even though the two were far apart, it still couldn't stop them from becoming good girlfriends.

Hearing that it was okay, Gra disappeared instantly.

The incredible speed made Xiaojie open his eyes wide in disbelief.

He clearly remembered that when they played together before, Gra was always bullied.

Unexpectedly, he has changed so much now.

This feeling is equivalent to others have become gods, and you are still laughing in the novice village

"This guy is still so anxious.

Yunye shook his head.

When he mentioned his mother, Gra seemed like a different person.

"Killua, are you hunters?"

Xiaojie asked with his eyes shining.

As soon as he said this, the scene fell into silence.

Mitt looked at Killua with a worried look on his face, and even the old lady put down the teacup in her hand and looked over.

"I'm not, but my brother is."

Noticing the gaze, Killua cleverly passed the blame to Yunye.

As soon as the words fell, everyone's attention was focused on Yunye again.

"Hunter? Why are you interested in this profession?"

"Is it because of Jin?"

Yun Ye said softly.

This sentence is undoubtedly like throwing a torpedo in the sea, causing thousands of raging waves!

"You, do you know my father?"

Xiaojie asked cautiously.

This question made Yunye look around and found that although Mitt didn't care, his movements were obviously slowed down.

"He is a legendary figure. His life achievements are enough to make people look up to him."

"Even the Hunter Association's president Netero praised him highly."

"When I was chatting with him, he also talked about you, saying that he also had a child who was about my age."

Yun Ye slowly told Jin's information.

Every word he said made the light in Xiao Jie's eyes more dazzling.

Until the end, when he heard Jin talking about him, his eyes couldn't stop shedding a tear.

"Hasn't he forgotten me?"

This distressing look made Mitt unable to help but hug him.

"You are his son, how could he forget you?"

Seeing Xiaojie like this, Yunye's tone softened unconsciously.

Throughout the plot, Xiaojie, a 12-year-old boy, insisted on looking for his father. In the end, his body withered because of the oath he made.

After going through countless hardships and obstacles, he finally met his father.

Anyone who encounters such a thing will collapse and blame his father for abandoning him, but Xiaojie relied on his own will to complete all the difficulties.


Although Killua didn't understand what happened, he still cursed Jin in his heart.


Just when the scene was filled with sadness, Gra brought Silla to the living room.

He was still confused at this time, not knowing why the atmosphere was so strange.

"Mitt, what's wrong?

Sheila asked gently.

"It's ok, let's eat, everything is ready."

Mitt brought the prepared food to the table.

Fortunately, the table is big enough, otherwise it might not be able to accommodate so many people today.

Looking at the people in front of her, Mitt felt a dream.

This was her first time to eat with so many people.

In the past, it was just Xiaojie and his grandmother.

""Auntie, your cooking skills are really good."

Killua praised while eating.

His hidden hands occasionally took away the fried shrimp in Xiaojie's bowl.

"Killua, you stole my food again!"

Xiaojie ignored etiquette and stuffed all the food in Killua's bowl into his mouth.

His puffed up cheeks made everyone present laugh.

Soon, the lively and happy time was over, and only a mess was left on the table.

Sheila helped Mitt clean up by herself.

As a good sister, of course she helped immediately.

"I'm really full."

Gra burped and slumped on the sofa.

Looking to the side, Laike, Yunye, Killua, and Xiaojie were all curled up on the small sofa watching TV.

The old lady who was drinking tea at the side couldn't help but smile when she saw this warm scene.

"This is my brother!"

Kiya stared at the TV with wide eyes.

Looking closely, Yunye's figure appeared on the TV. With just one palm, he sealed the opponent's telepathy.

This is the replay of the fighting competition!

""This kid Xike is really fast."

Yunye was a little helpless.

The game had just ended, and the replay had already started.

How could he go out in the future?

Fortunately, people on Whale Island don't watch TV much, otherwise he would have suffered a lot.

"Is this the battle of the strong?"

Xiao Jie looked at the TV with shining eyes.

Obviously, a seed of yearning has been planted in his heart.

As time goes by, it will slowly become a towering tree.

""Okay, kids, it's time to go back to your room and rest."

Just as everyone was fascinated by the scene, Mitt's voice came from behind.

The originally messy table had now become brand new, without a trace of dirt.

"Lake, you sleep with me tonight."

Gra hooked his arm around Lake's shoulder, as if he was talking to a brother.

"Then you two can come with me."

Yun Ye looked at the remaining two and said.

After deciding on the room, everyone began to rest for the night.

Yun Ye slept on the bed made by the shadow, looking at the bright moonlight outside the window. In the silent night, a voice sounded.

"Brother Yunye, how do you know that Jin is my father?"

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