Turning his head, Xiaojie was looking at him with bright eyes.

Even though the lights in the room were turned off, he could still see clearly

"Has anyone ever told you that your eyes are special?"

"I have seen these eyes on Jin as well."

Yunye looked into Xiaojie's eyes and slowly explained the reason.

This sentence made Xiaojie fall into memories.

The only thing he remembered about Jin was those bright eyes and the hazy face.

"I want to know how to become a hunter."

Xiao Jie asked with a firm look in his eyes

"Do you want to see him?"

Yun Ye did not answer immediately.

Xiao Jie thought for a while and then spoke slowly.

"I want to see what kind of job can make him abandon his family and children to complete it."

Xiao Jie's thinking circuit is different from that of ordinary children.

The reason why he became a hunter is very simple, just to see what kind of mystery is hidden in it.

"To become a hunter you need to take part in the hunter trial and pass"

"But your current strength is still too weak, it is difficult to pass.���The truth was revealed.

Xiaojie is only eight years old, and his strength is only slightly better than that of an ordinary child.

From the fact that he caught a several-meter-long king fish, it can be seen that he is definitely not an ordinary person.

"Of course, if you are eager to become a hunter, I can also help you"

"No thanks."

Xiao Jie shook his head and rejected Yun Ye's proposal.

This did not surprise Yun Ye, after all, he had expected Xiao Jie to refuse.

With his personality, he rarely bothered others to do something.

"In that case, I wish you good luck."

After that, Yunye stopped talking.

Only Xiaojie was left on the bed, thinking.

As for Killua, he had already fallen asleep, with no sign of waking up.

There was no conversation that night.

The next morning came faster than expected.

When he came to the living room, Mitt and Sheila were busy in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for the whole family.

Yunye took the opportunity to sit in front of the old lady.

"Grandma, if Xiaojie wants to go out for adventure one day, will you stop him?"

While drinking tea, Yunye asked doubtfully.

"Xiaojie is just like his father. Once he makes a decision, he cannot change it."

"Whale Island is too small. He will fly away sooner or later, just like the seagulls in the sky."

The old lady said leisurely.

She has seen through the world and is used to leaving.

"Is that so?"

Yunye murmured to himself.

"It's time to eat."

At this moment, Mitt's voice sounded, and he came upstairs and kicked everyone out.

Soon, the lively breakfast time began.

"Killua, we will be going back soon."

Just when Killua was having fun, a reminder made his face fall instantly.

"Brother, we have only been here for a few days, I don't want to go back yet."

Compared to the lifeless Zoldyck family, Killua still prefers the popular Gon family.

"It doesn't matter, you can stay as long as you want."

Seeing this scene, Mitt said with a smile.

She also likes this lively atmosphere.

"We are just going back to take a look and we will come back again."

Yun Ye was a little helpless.

He became the bad guy instead.

""Okay then."

Killua replied reluctantly.

Soon, they packed their luggage and walked on the plain.

"Killua, come again."

Xiaojie waved his hand and said loudly


Killua nodded and agreed.

After a while, he disappeared from sight.

Xiaojie was still watching Killua's disappearing back until he could no longer see his outline.


""Huh, I'm finally back."

Yunye looked at the familiar Yellow Spring Gate in front of him.

He walked forward, stretched out his hands and pushed hard.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

The long-forgotten sound rang out, and all seven doors were pushed open.

The gatekeeper saw this and immediately called the higher-ups.

"You guys come and try it too."

Yunye let go of his hand and said to the three people behind him.


The moment it was released, the Yellow Spring Gate returned to its tightly closed state.

Gra was the first to bear the brunt of the attack. After loosening his muscles and bones, he pushed hard towards the Yellow Spring Gate.

Veins popped up all over his body, and his body gradually turned red.

The huge force slowly pushed open the six doors, and there was only one step left for all of them.

But at this step, he spent all his strength and still couldn't open it.

This was Gra's pure physical strength. If he added the Six Gates of Dunjia, he could give it a try.

"Let me try."

Laike took off the knife from his waist and slowly walked to the door.

He took a deep breath, tensed his body, and used both hands to


A loud noise was heard, and the doors were forced open one after another.

Looking closely, Lec's muscles had expanded to the limit, and it could be seen that he had used all his strength.

In the end, like Gra, he stopped at the sixth door.

"not bad"

"But we still need to work hard to open the seventh door as soon as possible."

Yun Ye encouraged.

While they were talking, a figure approached them quickly.

"Young Master."

A shy voice came to my ears.

Turning my head, I saw Lei Zi and Mian Ying approaching quickly.

"Long time no see."

Yunye said with a smile

"Two years, four months and eight days."

Leizi said a number accurately.

This sentence made Gra and Leke look at Yunye at the same time, with ambiguous emotions in their eyes.

"Haha, you are really careful."

Yunye forced a smile.

"Master, the room has been cleaned and you can go back anytime."

Mianying was as considerate as ever.


Well, we are just back this time and may leave soon, so we don’t need to prepare too many things.

""What, you're leaving again!"

Lei Zi said in surprise, tears gathering in her eyes.

"Let's go in. We haven't seen our mother for a long time."

Yunye chose to be selectively blind and went directly into Kukulu Mountain.

When she heard that they were leaving, Lei Zi immediately held back her tears and quickly followed behind.

The others saw this and followed as well.

After climbing several hundred meters of stairs, they finally reached the palace on the top.

Once inside, the empty hall was only cleaned carefully by the housekeeper.

Seeing this, Yunye turned around and went straight to the garden.

Once inside, the fragrance of flowers filled the air, and countless beautiful and delicate flowers could be seen everywhere.

Going deeper, Ji Qiu was quietly drinking afternoon tea inside.

Still wearing the same court costume, he looked like an elegant aristocrat.

At this moment, Ji Qiu was looking at the beautiful roses in front of him with some sadness.


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