"Okay, but you have to get Mianying's consent."

Yunye said a condition.

After all, taking someone's sister away without saying a word is not a good choice.

"I'll go ask my brother right now!"

Lei Zi's eyes showed joy, and she immediately jumped out of the door.

It can be seen that she is 100% sure of Yun Ye's conditions.

Sure enough, half an hour later, Lei Zi returned to the room with a happy face.

""My brother agreed."

Lei Zi said excitedly, looking at Yun Ye with some expectation.

Although he didn't know how she convinced Mian Ying, Yun Ye would not regret what he had promised.

"Then let's go."

Yun Ye stood up and greeted everyone.

After everyone packed their luggage, they officially gathered at the door.

"I'll let you know in advance that I might not be back for a long time this time."

Yunye turned to Rei and said

"I'm fine."

Lei Zi agreed with a firm face.

"That's good, let's go!"

The group headed towards Whale Island again.

This time they left quietly without disturbing anyone.

Especially his mother, Ji Qiu.

Once she knew, it would be extremely difficult to leave.

But fortunately, the process from leaving Kukulu Mountain to heading to the airship was very smooth.

There were no people who stopped him from leaving as expected.

On the airship, Alluka looked out the window with a fresh face, his eyes full of curiosity.

This was the first time he had taken an airship since he was born.

The others were resting or sitting cross-legged on the spot to practice.

"Found it, I wonder how much it can be sold for."

In the corner, a masked man looked at Alluka slyly.

His eyes revealed a hunting taste.

He walked forward carelessly, slowly approaching Alluka, while constantly looking around to make sure there was no danger.

""It's so beautiful!"

Alluka was still immersed in the beautiful scenery of the mountains.

He didn't realize that danger had quietly approached.

People were coming and going on the airship, and the masked man was walking among them, giving people a hazy feeling.

In just a moment, he came to Alluka's side.

"Little sister, do you want some candy?"

The masked man obviously mistook Alluka for a girl, but that didn't stop him from using his tricks.

"I don't eat candy."

Alluka simply shook his head.

He clearly remembered Yunye once told him not to eat things given by strangers.

Once he ate it, he might never see him again in his life.

"If you don't eat it, it's time to go to bed."

Seeing that the candy didn't work, the masked man looked around and reached for his pockets.

The next moment, he took out a rag.

Just as he was about to do something bad with the rag, a big hand pressed his shoulder.

Then came the second and the third.

Each hand contained a powerful force, pressing the shoulders hard, as if trying to crush it.

The masked man felt pain, his face was a little distorted, and he looked back with anger on his face.

This look made him sweat coldly. He saw that the two big men, Leke and Gra, looked at him seriously, with murderous eyes.

It seemed that they were going to kill him in the next second.

"Alluka, close your eyes and count to ten."

Yunye's voice slowly rang out.




Alluka covered his eyes with his hands and counted very obediently.

Seeing this, Gra couldn't bear it anymore. He gently exerted force with his palm and crushed his shoulder completely.

The severe pain made the masked man want to scream.

But a white light passed through his neck, completely blocking his voice.

This made the masked man only roar in a low voice, but he couldn't do anything.

A silent despair spread in his heart.

"Write down your team, and I may let you die more easily."

Yun Ye handed the paper to the masked man with a smile.

Between tortured death and immediate death, the masked man chose the latter.

After all, the feeling of living a life worse than death is too despairing.

Since he was going to die anyway, the masked man's eyes suddenly became determined, and he wrote a long string of words.

It clearly showed the position, number of people, name, code name of their team.

""Go and solve it."

After getting the things, Yunye gave instructions.

Lai Ke understood, and under the horrified eyes of everyone, he took the masked man to a secret place and killed him directly.

Then he took out his hunter license, said a few words to the staff, and left.

Someone will naturally solve it later.

"Killua, please take some time to solve it."

"It's time for you to move your bones."

Yun Ye handed the list to Killua.

This can not only train his assassination ability, but also greatly improve his tracking skills.

After all, the hiding ability of human traffickers is very strong.

""Okay, brother."

Killua read the note over and over again, then tore it up and threw it into the trash can.

His eyes were filled with the murderous intent common to the Zoldyck family.

After getting off the boat, Killua will officially start hunting.


Alluka opened his eyes happily and found that the masked man was gone.

"Brother, where is that uncle?"

"His troubles have been solved, and he just went back."

Yunye said gently.

Hearing this, Alluka didn't care too much and continued his airship exploration.

Soon, the airship began to land and arrived at the destination.

After going down, Killua immediately left the team and jumped in one direction.

As for the rest of the people, they entered a five-star hotel and began to rest.

There is still a lot of time, so there is no need to be so anxious

"Take a good rest now, or you won't have the chance later."

Yun Ye thought.

���The purpose of the island is not just for Xiaojie, but more for meditation.

He has been practicing until the beginning of the plot.

There are still four years left before the beginning of the plot, and this period of time is enough for him to reach an incredible level.

In order to face various emergencies in the dark continent.

For unknown areas, even if he has reached the strongest level, he still cannot easily make a judgment.

After all, there is only a small area belonging to humans in the entire dark continent, and humans have very little information about it.

Who knows if there will be creatures that can wipe out everything ?

""Knock, knock, knock."

Just as Yunye was still thinking, there was a knock on the door.

He opened the door and Killua appeared.

There was a trace of bright red blood on his face, which showed that the mission had been successfully completed.

"How is the situation?"

Yunye asked after wiping the blood off his face with a handkerchief.

"It took a long time to track them down, but fortunately, they have all been solved."

Kiya had a victorious smile on his face.

"That's good, let's take a rest and then continue on our journey."

Yunye said slowly.

There was still some distance to go before they reached Whale Island.

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