"Brother, what is this?"

"This is a seagull."

Yunye explained patiently.

Hearing the name, Alluka's eyes lit up and he whispered, hoping to attract the seagull's attention.

Perhaps it was because animals seek good fortune and avoid danger, no seagull was willing to approach Alluka, and they all avoided him.

The reason was that the momentum exuded by Nanika was too strong.

In their eyes, Alluka was a more dangerous creature than the Horror Ape.

""Hello, my name is Alluka."

Even though the seagull didn't approach, Alluka still didn't give up and continued to call.

The others watched this scene with interest, becoming the only place on the boat to relax.

Finally, under Alluka's unremitting attitude, when he was about to dock, a seagull landed on his hand.

I don't know if it was because of stupidity or because he was really moved by Alluka's persistence.

When everyone saw this scene, they cheered for him.

This made Alluka shyly hide behind Yunye for a while.


With a loud noise, the fishing boat came to the shore.

The huge wooden planks extended to the ground for people to walk on.

Yunye and his party got off the boat in an orderly manner, and did not jump down directly to attract attention like last time.

Looking at the market that was as lively as ever, Yunye's mouth drew a smile.

Passing the market, passing through the trees and birds singing, they arrived at the destination.

It was still the villa in the forest, and Silla's busy figure appeared in front of everyone.


The familiar shout made Silla turn around and look at everyone.

She obviously didn't expect that Gra would come back so soon.

"What are you doing?"

Xila asked with a puzzled look on her face.

"Mom, we have to practice here and won't be back in a short time."

Gela's words were undoubtedly good news for Sheila.

She quickly called everyone in, and at the same time accused Gra of telling him now.

After entering the house, the joy in Alluka's eyes became even stronger.

This journey has given him a lot of knowledge.

These are things he has never seen before.

"This kid never stops."

Yun Ye found that Killua had disappeared.

Without exception, he went to find his good friend Xiaojie.

"Where is Killua brother?"

Alluka looked around and also noticed that Killua had disappeared.

"Do you want to go find him? I'll take you there."

Yunye decided to go immediately.

After all, Alluka is more suitable to play with children.

Without much hesitation, he took Alluka and jumped towards Xiaojie's house.

Soon, they arrived at the familiar plain.

The wind was howling, blowing the green grass, and a touch of fragrance filled the nose, making people feel comfortable.

Looking closely, the two little ones were playing on the giant tree wrapped around the wooden villa, with smiles on their faces.


A voice brought the two back to reality.

"What's wrong, brother?"

Kiya came down and asked with a little confusion.

"You can bring Alluka along, so you can play games together."

Yunye said bluntly.

""Okay, okay!"

Before Killua could answer, Xiaojie answered excitedly.

There are obviously more places to play with three people than with two people.

"I can do it too."

Killa nodded and took Alluka over.

Soon, they started playing again, and Alluka's smile was obviously more cheerful.

Back at the villa, Yunye sat cross-legged on the bed and began to practice.

He suddenly remembered that he hadn't practiced for a long time.

""Gela, Laike, come over here."

Yunye called the two of them over.

In an instant, the two of them appeared in front of him.

"What's wrong, Boss?"

Gera was the first to ask

"In the next period of time, I will start practicing, don't let anyone disturb me"

"Unless there is something particularly important."

Yun Ye explained everything.

This made the two realize the seriousness of the matter. It is likely that Yun Ye will not appear for a long time.

"We understand, Boss. We will complete the task."

Gra assured Yunye.

""That's good to know. You can go out now."

Yunye said slowly.

After the two of them took a last look, they quickly left the room.

After doing this, Yunye's consciousness began to wander in the world and diffracted into the black shadow arranged by NGL.

At this time, Zai Yiluo was looking at the report in front of him with joy.

"What happened to make you so happy?"

Yun Ye's figure slowly emerged from his shadow.

""Master, our processes are already on the right track. As long as we conquer the surrounding countries, we will be able to become a great power in a few years!"

Zai Yiluo said excitedly.

He never thought that his country would become a great power one day.

"Yes, Dirk will help you."

"In addition, there are some things I need to inform you of."

Yun Ye told him about his retreat.

After hearing this information, Zai Yiluo was a little flustered, but soon calmed down.

Without Yun Ye's help, it would be much more difficult, but this was the time to verify his strength.

"Since you choose to attack, I will give you another general."

After saying that, Yunye summoned a black shadow.

It was Li Fulishi!

"Lord, what are your instructions?"

"You will assist Zai Yiluo's development like Dirk in the future."

Yun Ye gave instructions.

After Li nodded heavily, he stood quietly in place. After doing everything, Yun Ye focused his attention on Zai Yiluo again.

"Make this while I'm away"

"Make as many as you can."

Yun Ye handed the blueprint to Zai Yiluo.

It was the super-large destructive weapon that Bi Yangde had seen.

【Nirvana can release a temperature of 6000℃ in an instant, destroying everything within a radius of 100 miles.���Evaporation and melting.

It was used in the war, causing the death of nearly four million people!

That war directly caused the land that was once full of life to become an irrecoverable wilderness, causing permanent damage. It was banned by V5 as early as after the war, and it was no longer produced or used.

I really don't know where Bi Yangde got the blueprints.


Zaiyi Luo's hands trembled slightly when he saw the thing.

Not only was the power huge, but also the materials and difficulty of making it. Just one piece might consume countless resources.

If it was an ordinary small country, it might directly lead to bankruptcy!

"I will definitely do my best to complete it!"

After careful consideration, Zai Yiluo chose to agree.

Now is the time for him to give back.

"Do what you can."

After saying that, Yunye escaped into the shadows and disappeared.

He returned to the room again and took a deep breath.

After preparing everything, he sat cross-legged on the bed and began to operate the Supreme Visualization Diagram and the Mind Ability Training Method in his body.

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