The Qi lingering in the body instantly began to circulate continuously, constantly producing new Qi.

At the same time, his physical and mental strength were constantly improving.

During this time, Yunye had been immersed in cultivation.

Naturally, he was completely unaware of the passage of time, allowing the sun and moon to change, and spring and summer to interweave.

From a distance, Yunye looked like an ascetic monk, practicing quietly, not even noticing the dust on his body.

Practicing the Tai Shang Visualization Diagram saved him from having to eat or go to the toilet, etc.

It was similar to the fasting of immortals, but only limited to this.

Every day, the cycle was like this, without stopping.


Four years passed in a flash.

""Brother hasn't come out yet?"

Killua asked worriedly.

Four years had passed and he had grown into a teenager. He was no longer as naive as before, but had a slightly cold face that showed the style of the Zoldyck family.

"It should be soon."

Gra said uncertainly.

He hadn't seen Yunye's figure or even his hair for a long time.

If he hadn't been told in advance, he would have wanted to break in countless times.


In the room, Yun Ye exhaled the turbid air that had been pent up for four years.

He opened his eyes, and golden light burst out from his eyes, flashing by and disappearing completely.

He shook his body slightly, and countless dust was shaken off.

"Sure enough, I still need to retreat."

Yun Ye muttered to himself.

Feeling the power in his body, it has undergone a qualitative change compared to four years ago.

Both his physical and mental strength have reached another level.

It is no exaggeration to say that if he meets Jed again, he will definitely be able to blow him up with one punch.

Not only that, in the process of practicing, he also comprehended a new technique.

【You comprehend the highest, see through the origin of the universe, and obtain the innate Qi. You created the technique - Taichu Cultivation Technique! 】

Taichu is a more primitive state of the universe than chaos.

After practicing, you can produce innate Qi in the body that is stronger than Qi!

This technique can be said to have created a new precedent, bringing Yunye to the forefront.

As early as three years ago, the technique was transformed. Now Yunye has gathered thousands of Qi in one body, and his strength is naturally self-evident.

On the contrary, there has not been much progress in the ability of mind, and it is still a long way to go before the next ability is opened.

This made Yunye think that Ying might have reached his limit, but every time he practiced, Ying always grew at a very slow rate.

I really don’t know how perverted the next ability will be.

"It's time to go out."

Yunye stood up and looked out the door.

The sunlight poured into the room from the window, revealing the young man's figure.

Outside the door, Qiyugra and the others were still guessing the date when Yunye would come out.

At this moment, Lecter beside him suddenly looked at the door with a puzzled look.


The door opened.

Yunye's figure slowly appeared.

Killua and Gra were stunned.

They never expected Yunye to appear so suddenly that they couldn't react at all.

"Long time no see."

Yun Ye spoke first.

Hearing the familiar voice, Killua suppressed his emotions and pouted his lips and said

"Really, you've been in there for so long without coming out."

As if he couldn't help it anymore, Killua hugged Kumono like he did when they were little.

"Boss, you finally came out."

"If you don't come out, I'm going to break in."

Gra said with a big laugh.

"Okay, okay, real men should stop being so sentimental."

"It seems that I have been in seclusion for a long time."

Yunye pushed Killua away and smiled helplessly.

When they came downstairs, Xiao Jie Lei Zi and others were watching TV intently on the sofa.

They didn't realize that the person they had been thinking about was standing behind them.

"I seem to smell the scent of Brother Yunye.

Suddenly, Xiaojie sniffed his nose and said with a puzzled look.

"How is it possible?"

Leizi obviously didn't believe that Yunye would come out at this time.

Coincidentally, Alluka wanted to go to the bathroom and met Yunye's eyes directly.


With a cry of surprise, Alluka rushed over excitedly.

"It has become heavier."

Yunye said with a smile.

Leizi immediately turned around and looked at the person she had missed so many nights in disbelief. Tears immediately flowed out.

"Are you finally done?"


Yunye nodded gently.

Four years have completely turned Rei into a girl, but she exudes a maturity and elegance that does not belong to her age.

Her beautiful face looks even more beautiful, and her fair skin makes people fantasize.

"Brother Yunye, it’s you!"

"I knew my sense of smell was right!"

Xiao Jie said with his head held high.

He looked like a winner.

"Xiaojie, you have grown up too.

Yunye looked at the boy in front of him.

Hedgehog hair, golden eyes, lively smile.

Just like in his memory, not a single bit changed.

"Killua misses you very much, he keeps talking about you to me."

Xiaojie secretly told Yunye the news.

Four years naturally cultivated their friendship to the point where it was stronger than gold.

They were both very willing to trust each other, and they directly gave their backs to each other in countless battles.


Thinking of Killua's appearance just now, Yunye believed that what Xiaojie said was right.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Kiya, who just came downstairs, got angry when he heard this, and rushed forward to play with Xiaojie.

Alluka, who was standing next to him, saw this scene and laughed and clapped his hands, cheering for the two.

"Now that I'm here, I'll go prepare dinner first."

""You should watch TV on the sofa first."

Lei Zi said, rolling up her sleeves and preparing to work hard.

As soon as she sat down, Lai Ke and Ge �� appeared on both sides at the same time.

"How have you two been practicing while I was away?"

"Don't let me hear that you haven't made any progress at all."

Yun Ye asked bluntly.

"Boss, I will soon complete my training of the Six Gates of Dunjia."

"Now let me face that Jed, I will definitely beat him to pieces!"

Gera said fiercely, still brooding over the situation.

He swore after coming back that he must practice hard, so that one day he can defeat an enemy like Jed himself.

"I will soon master the Heaven-Slaying Sword Technique."

"If I were to face my brother, I would have a 60% chance of winning!"

Laike reported his situation seriously.

Like Gra, he regarded the people who had brought him shame in the past as motivation to move forward.

Sooner or later, he would pick up the knife in his hand again, cut off Alan's head himself, and resolve the obsession in his heart!

""Very good, it seems that neither of you let me slack off."

Yun Ye nodded with satisfaction.

These two people made him worry the least. Even without saying anything, they were very self-disciplined and could complete the task on their own. They were indeed the people he had personally educated.

"It's time to eat. Let's chat at the table if you have anything to say."

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