Rei's gentle voice came.

When they came to the kitchen, Killua and Gon stopped eating without knowing when, and quietly sat in their seats waiting for the meal.

However, the two of them still looked at each other with dissatisfaction.

And Alluka was still a spectator, watching the eye fight between the two with a happy face.

"Where is Auntie?"

Sitting in his seat, Yunye looked left and right but didn't see Silla.

"She and Aunt Mitte went out to buy something and should be back soon."

Gela explained immediately.

As soon as he mentioned the two of them, he heard a cheerful conversation at the door.

"Shila, do you think this is good?"

"I think it's pretty good."

The two walked in together and immediately looked into everyone's eyes.

This made them stand there awkwardly.

""Xiao Yun, you're out!"

Mitte said in surprise.

She had heard about Yun Ye's seclusion a long time ago, but she didn't expect that he would be in seclusion for four years.

A full 1460 days!

"Oh, Gege, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Sila blamed Gra for not telling her.

As a result, she didn't cook for us today.

"I don't know either."

Gra shrugged helplessly.

He obviously just found out about it, okay?

"It's okay, come and eat."

Yunye said with a smile.

Soon, a sumptuous meal began.

As time went by, Reizi's cooking skills became more and more sophisticated, almost catching up with the level of the gourmet hunter.

"No need, Leizi, it's enough."

Looking at the familiar hill in front of him, Yunye stopped in time.

Hearing this, Leizi's hand just stopped, but her eyes kept looking at Yunye's bowl. Whenever there was a little food missing, she would add it in time.

"Brother Yunye, I want to participate in the Hunter Trial.

Suddenly, the table became quiet.

Mitt looked at Xiaojie with some disbelief, but after thinking for a while, he said nothing.

Yunye stopped eating and asked seriously.

"Are you sure?"

Faced with the question, Xiaojie nodded firmly, with a gleam of light in his eyes.

"Then you get ready, we are ready to go at any time."

Yun Ye said with a chuckle

"Aunt Mitt, can I go?"

Xiaojie was not immediately happy, but looked at Mitt who was silent with worry.

After being stared at for a while, she finally couldn't help but sighed.


Mitt compromised.

"Really? That's great!!!"

The originally stagnant atmosphere at the table suddenly became lively.

Killua looked at Gon with a smile, and was really happy for him.

As a good friend, he naturally understood that Gon's heart was always thinking about that irresponsible father.

Over the years, Gon has been looking for Killua for special training, hoping to meet the conditions before Yunye came out.

As a result, there were some slight deviations in the plot, and now Gon's strength is stronger than before.

"You should also prepare."

Yunye glanced at Gra and the others.

They nodded seriously and began to think about what they should bring.

After dinner, they returned to their rooms to rest.

Yunye lay on the soft big bed and looked out the window. The bright moonlight still emitted fluorescence.

The gears of their destiny were about to start turning.

""Knock, knock, knock."

Just as Yunye was still sighing, there was a knock on the door.

He opened the door and Lei Zi appeared in front of him.

"What's wrong?"

Yunye asked with a little confusion.

But Leizi didn't say anything, but walked in directly.

A relatively strong telepathic ability suddenly burst out from her body.

This aroused Yunye's interest.

"It's normal for you to learn Nen."

Yunye was not too surprised that Reiji learned Nen.

After all, the Butler Center of the Zoldyck Family has a butler who specializes in teaching and practicing Nen.

"I want to ask the young master to take a look at my ability of mind reading."

Leizi said the purpose of her visit.

Under Yunye's gaze, she took out a small doll from behind.

It was Yunye's appearance that was depicted on it.


This sound instantly made Rei's face red, but she did not explain and began to show her ability of mind.

【Soul Doll]

Instantly, a thought shot out from Rei's mind towards the small doll.

The next second, the doll actually began to tremble, and its eyes gradually became bright.

Under the gazes of the two, the doll jumped up and down, circling around Rei.

Although it couldn't speak, it was enough.

"What are the puppet's abilities?"

Yun Ye was a little confused.

It might be a bit far-fetched to say that such a small puppet has combat abilities, unless it has a regular attack method.

But such puppets are generally very rare, and even one puppet out of a hundred Nen users might not be able to fight.

"Its ability is to share vision."

Leizi picked up the doll and said happily.

This ability can be used to detect enemy information, which may play a significant role at a critical moment.

After all, if the doll is gone, it can be made, but if the person is gone, it is really gone.

"I think you can continue to develop your mind ability. There should be a lot of room for improvement."

Yun Ye gave his opinion.

The soul involves a lot of places. As long as it can be continuously developed, it will grow to an extremely abnormal level.


Leizi nodded heavily, her eyes full of expectation.

She had already begun to imagine the time when she would help Yunye.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Leizi happily left the room.

Yunye returned to bed, closed his eyes, and began his long-lost deep sleep.


"Where's your luggage?"

"And you, why don't you have anything?"

"Can you guys learn from Xiaojie and bring some with you?"

Outside the villa, Yunye looked at the people in front of him speechlessly.

Except for Xiaojie who brought a small bag, the others didn't bring anything.

It shows what it means to leave the same way you came.

It's really hard to even bring a bag.

"Boss, I've thought about it for a long time and I don't have anything to bring."

Gera said with a smile.

He thought about it seriously and found that there was really nothing he needed to bring. He could eat and sleep on the way. He could take everything on the way.

He could only bring a mobile phone.

"The same goes for you, sir."

Laike was even simpler, he came out with a long knife.

"Forget it, let's go."

Yun Ye said helplessly.

Anyway, everyone present is capable, so it doesn't matter whether he takes them with him or not.

As for Alluka, he will be taken over after he is stable. He arrived at the dock with ease and boarded the ship to Port Dore.

A new journey began!

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