"Human Race, you are bringing about one's own destruction."

The mysterious tortoise said solemnly, its voice is as heavy as a thousand mountains, shaking Get The earth shook and the mountain quivered, the wind is rolling up!

"If you have the strength to play with my Nangong Mie big brother, we don't mind staying with you to the end. My Nangong Mie big brother likes to shoot those who think they are outstanding."

Tsing Yi Young Master'Dongfang Yao' smiled lightly, and the mysterious tortoise shot ten beams of light and rushed away!


The pure power of the holy tortoise was released at once, and within ten miles, in the thousand zhang space, your pressure surged, and the ground burst, forming a dragon-like "azure dragon domain", suppressed by dragon power opponent!

The pure power field released by eighth rank Sacred Beast is enough to squeeze most of the seventh rank peak into meat sauce!


Even so, the silhouette of the two is still like a ghost-like flashing away!

"hahaha, brother turtle, you should go back to sleep, my big brother, Nangong Mie, is sheltered by two Sacred Beasts. Even if you catch up, you can't beat it! We are going to kill the entire Rainbow Island today. The baby is already chartered!" The voice of the youth's mockery echoed, and Ghost Qi, the mysterious sage of the underworld, had to wave his paws to crawl, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, and vibrating the mountain range!

"Damn Human Race, Nangong Mie, right? Good! Very good!"

Obviously, this Nangong Mie and Dongfang Yao are both Lin Chen and his Avatar. !

The Thousand Fantasy Mask can disguise the face and breath, making the holy realm indistinguishable, and it can perfectly imitate a person's appearance and temperament, and even the body can be slightly changed.

It's just that Lin Chen has never used the Qianhuan mask to disguise other people in the past.

The reason is very simple. It is useless to resemble a person's breath and appearance.

Because a weak spot will appear as soon as you shoot, anyone who knows the imitation object can see at a glance what is the difference in the Battle Qi attribute of the core method.

However, the Sacred Beasts of Rainbow Island do not know Nangong Mie and the others!

Besides, Lin Chen simply doesn't fight with Sacred Beast, he will use "Super Dimensional Teleport" after stealing things, just let Sacred Beast remember their breath and appearance!

After an hour;

In the cave on the top of the mountain, everyone gathers to share the massive resources obtained from the eighth rank Sacred Beast!

"A lot of babies, even half-orange cultivation technique has four volumes, the foundation of this Sacred Beast is simply extraordinary!"

The women in the Heart Refining Palace are holding a lot of joy Tiancai Dibao and silver sacred dollar coins.

"It's amazing, Lin Chen Young Master this move!"

"It's a perfect fit. You don't need any means to find a way to counter the two Sacred Beasts of the Sun Moon Palace... …"

"This time, Rainbow Island was originally dominated by the Sun Moon Palace, but when you encounter Lin Chen Young Master and the Young Masters in the Dark Horse Club, it is not necessarily!"

Jiang Yun stared at Lin Chen, this young man is so strange!

No one can figure out his next step. If this continues, even if there are two Sacred Beasts in the Sun Moon Palace, it is still unknown!

"Low-key, low-key. The people in the dark horse club always hide their merit and fame and never show up."

Lin said with a smile: "After all, Who made me the most handsome man in the holy world."

Yes, Lin Chen just wants to bring trouble to others!

His dark horse club is responsible for'stealing it,' and the poop will be deducted from the Sun Moon Palace!

The black pot will let Nangong Mie and Dongfang Yao carry it back!

Didn’t he have two Sacred Beast shelters very difficult?

Then someone from Lin Lin provokes the entire Sacred Beast on Rainbow Island to give his Sun Moon Palace a big gift! See who will die first! Two Sacred Beasts or the entire Rainbow Island Sacred Beast?

Everyone's profit sharing is finished, and the Lianxin Palace and other women insist that only 20% treasure is required, and the remaining 80% goes to Lin Chen.

If there are different crystal fragments, Lin Chen will take it first.

Heart Refining Palace and the others are mainly responsible for protecting the safety of the "Little Dream Girl", using her mother's eighth rank and fierce beast core to lead Sacred Beast out of the hole, and then wait for the opportunity to snatch the treasures and collections of the Sacred Beasts , The division of labor is clear and clear.


At this time, the sky was falling in disorder, and natural phenomena appeared numerous and varied.

Everyone was shocked, flashed beyond the cliff, and a beautiful and clear rainbow sky bridge appeared again!

A huge amount of rare treasure has been poured down from the rainbow flyover, among which there are many eighth rank different mines, eighth rank caster scrolls, and priceless!

It’s just that the location is very far away, and under the rainbow sky bridge, there is the breath of baleful aura monstrous eighth rank Sacred Beast!

This rainbow sky bridge is still covered by the Sun Moon Palace!

However, the corners of Lin's mouth rose wildly!

"Do you want to include all the rainbow flyovers in particular? Pack a chicken! From now on, no one can laugh until the end!"

If you want to do it, do it Put the big one!

Now, let these guys be happy first, and the main event will begin now!

Two days later; Blood You Lin.

Gray and white Cave Mansion is like a bone casting, thousands zhang high, standing between Heaven and Earth, several thousands li, no ominous beast dare to approach this bloody forest.

Because, there lives an eighth rank Sacred Beast, the King of Blood Demon Wolf!

It likes to hunt all kinds of low-level beasts, and its killing ability is many times stronger than ordinary beasts!

In the Cave Mansion, there is a dark red giant wolf more than two hundred meters tall.

It is covered with hair that has the hardness of top defense Treasure Item, but it is extremely tenacious. It breathes and exhales is full of bloody smell, and there are a lot of blood skeletons next to it. Obviously, it has just been eaten!

Although it closed its eyes and rested, there was a bright red eyeball in the center of its head turning, always alerting all around.

Today, Wolf King’s Cave Mansion welcomed an uninvited guest today.

Just listen, a joke voice suddenly echoed in Cave Mansion.

"In? Sun Moon Palace open the door to check the water meter!"

Wolf King's eyes suddenly opened, and the brutal and bloodthirsty severe light flickered in the dark!


Fifteen minutes later, King Blood Demon Wolf burst out of the hole, roaring into the sky!

"Human Race, your courting death!"

Another day later; Bai Aomori.

There are as many giant trees as cow hairs here, and some ancient trees grow up to a thousand meters high, with lush branches and leaves in full bloom, covering a piece of the sky.

There are countless natural treasures in Senhai, and the ocean that makes up the forest is like the prehistoric Great Desolate world, and everything is filled with the atmosphere of Great Desolate.

High in the sky, one after another giant eagle fighting the sky, Jinluan, Daluan, ancient falcon, criss-crossed, if they become the overlords of this sky, they will fight each other and sometimes fight for the treasures of heaven, material and earth. And a blood fight occurs.

In the Senhai, a nest was built on the top of the mountain, which is a place that all the Great Luan, Jinluan, and Ancient Falcon dared not approach.

Because this lair is the only area where the king lives in the White Aomori Sea!

eighth rank Sacred Beast, Immemorial golden eagle!

The only overlord in Bai Aomori!

A loud laugh came from the golden eagle's lair!

"The big eagle pigeon? Are you there? Open the door, the villagers send warmth!"


Many geniuses who sneak into here looking for opportunities are cautious Hidden his own breath, entered the Senhai again and again looking for treasures left over from the previous rainbow sky bridge.

Suddenly, the murderous aura rushed into the sky, and the screaming sound spread all around!

"Where did the Human Race come from, courting death!"

All geniuses were horrified. This is the voice of that Immemorial golden eagle!

"I'll take a big rub, isn't this the Immemorial golden eagle!"

"Isn't it said that it has been asleep all year round? Why did it suddenly wake up!"

The geniuses who sneaked in were scared and ran away. Eighth rank Sacred Beast is not something they can covet!

However, the genius who escaped from the White Aomori Sea suddenly realized that this was only the beginning of a nightmare!

The sacred tortoise in the Profound Nether mountain range on the west side, the Blood Demon Wolf king in the blood forest, the Immemorial golden eagle in the White Aomori Sea on the north side, the Saint You shark in the deep sea of ​​the white shark, the Yinfeng Canyon Saint Ape!

It's exploded!

The entire Rainbow Island has exploded!

Sacred Beasts who ruled the Overlord level and ruled their respective sides on Rainbow Island one after another exited the barrier, crushing many areas of Rainbow Island and blasting the pot in an instant!


Lin Chen: "People have already stolen and lost contact in Hongdao, and sometimes I miss the theft of attributes."

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