"Oh my God, Immemorial golden eagle, Saint You shark, how come out such a brutal Sacred Beast!"

"Crazy, It’s crazy! Who the hell told Lao Tzu that the Sacred Beast on Rainbow Island is always sleepy and can’t get out of the gate, so it’s so funny!"

"Which guy is the Heavenly Retribution?" Provoke all these monsters! Even the mysterious tortoise of the earth is here. Isn't it the most neutral beast on Rainbow Island to Human Race?"

The entire Rainbow Island is wailing everywhere! The screams of many geniuses maddeningly everywhere!

The Sacred Beasts who have not been out of customs for tens of thousands of years have recently been concentrated in one time period and all of them have been out of customs!

Many Sacred Beasts on Rainbow Island are looking for something like crazy, shocked countless geniuses with scalp numb, they dare not look for any chance, all of them are hiding!

What a joke!

A crazy Sacred Beast is enough to kill hundreds of peak genius. Is this all the Sacred Beast riots in the damn Rainbow Island?

This is a chance to find a fart! It’s because Old Ancestor has opened his eyes in the Spirit of Heaven!

Qingyu Valley, the three peak geniuses are like chickens forced to the corner. They are blocked in midair, and there is no way to fight back!

These geniuses who can be skipped grades to challenge in the outside world, the famous genius in 36 domains, are shiver coldly and their teeth trembled at this moment!

The two human-shaped Sacred Beast grinned at them. Among them, the golden robe middle age person transformed by the Immemorial golden eagle asked ferociously.

"You human brat, it's best not to play tricks with this king, I only ask you once, what the hell is that thing in the Sun Moon Hall! Which dog thief is Nangong Mie!"


The three of them were taken aback, and the delicate woman among them immediately trembled--"Return to senior, Sun Moon Palace is one of the strongest forces that entered Rainbow Island this time, and Nangong Mie is the young man of this force. The genius leader..."

"The strongest power who entered Rainbow Island this time? Oh? No wonder they dare to be so arrogant!" Immemorial golden eagle snered.

The Saint Ape on the side narrowed his eyes, and murderous aura asked openly—"Where are they now, if I can’t answer, I’ll die!"

"I, we don’t know them. Where are you now, but we are sure that the people from the Sun Moon Palace will be there after the next rainbow sky bridge appears, because they now have two Sacred Beasts to help, threatening to take all the treasures sprinkled by the rainbow sky bridge as their own!"

Another Sword Emperor genius said solemnly, pretending to be calm on the surface, and his heart is frightened...

Surrounded by two Sacred Beasts, it is estimated that few geniuses on the list can remain calm. .

"Two Sacred Beasts?"

"Sure enough, as they said, there are two Sacred Beasts for their use, hmph! According to the old man, this Human Race in Sun Moon Palace Very cunning, there is a secret technique that specializes in concealment and a secret technique to travel through space!"

Saint Ape and the Immemorial golden eagle looked at each other.

"Join hands to find the Sun Moon Palace gang and launch a sneak attack to kill! Take our things back!"

"Just do it!"

Two Sacred Beast disinclined to pay attention to three geniuses, flying in the air for a short time, three people survived a catastrophe, cold sweat...

"Why, I thought I was really going to die... "

"Sacred Beasts just said they were looking for someone from the Sun Moon Palace? Could it be that there was a festival between them?"

"If so, I'm afraid I can fish in troubled waters..."


Similar scenes are constantly being staged on Rainbow Island. The Sacred Beasts all learned about the names of Nangong Mie and Dongfang Yao, and started looking for them with all their strength.

Sun Moon Palace and Hundred Holy Sect have become the center of this storm!

However, the two forces do not know it!

Since they announced that they would take away all the treasures of the Rainbow Skywalk, they have stood on the opposite side of all the geniuses, and almost no genius has confided them, let alone where they are!

Only the two sacred scorpions, who are the same eighth rank Sacred Beast, seem to feel that more than one Sacred Beast is going out, and they are curious.

And the person who caused all this, Lin, hides in a safe retreat in the highest position.

In a cave on the cliff; Lin Chen and the daughters of Lianxin Palace closed-door cultivation again.

The Battle Qi that burst out suddenly fluctuated like nine-color brilliance, faintly spreading from the Taoyuan planting sac. Lin Chen was so pleasantly surprised that his consciousness entered the Taoyuan planting sac.

"Lingshuang finally broke through the Five Tribulation Battle Sovereign!"

In these days, Lin Chen has been letting Shen Lingshuang plant sacs in Taoyuan besides pretending to be Nangong Mie to provoke the major Sacred Beasts. The inner retreat hits the Five Tribulations cultivation base.

There is no need for Transcending Tribulation on Rainbow Island. This is the best place for breakthrough cultivation base, and the accumulation of Little Lass has long been sufficient, only one opportunity is missing.

This opportunity is the "Breaking Tribulation Pill", the lost seventh rank Peak medicine pill of Rainbow Island, which can increase the probability of Battle Sovereign making a breakthrough from one to four tribulations.

In the Taoyuan planting sac, under the Longqing tree, Shen Lingshuang’s eyes are flowing with blue divine light!

Her temperament is different from the little girl who was previously playful and gluttonous!

Shen Lingshuang's skin glowed with renewed brilliance, her pretty face was radiant, and the extraordinary and refined between her eyebrows were sonorous, holy, dusty, refined, and not contaminated with any filth in the mortal world.

The divine glow flows from Shen Lingshuang's pupils, like an invincible female Martial God has come to the world!

That is a temperament that transcends mortal beings. Heaven and Earth is decayed and immortal, forever, Inextinguishable Immortal!

Even Lin Chen will feel a kind of suppression by Life Level when she looks directly into her eyes! The cold glow is biting, and the sense of crisis fills the whole body!

"What's going on? Isn't it the breakthrough Five Tribulation cultivation base? How did this little girl become a person?"

Lin Chen's mental form appeared in Taoyuanzhi Inside the bag, a look of horror!

Lin Chen's tone barely fell, Shen Lingshuang's temperament that is superior to all living beings disappears, and restores the appearance of a naive little girl in the past.

Lin Chen rushed up and caught Little Lass, and asked suspiciously: "Lingshuang, are you okay?"

Shen Lingshuang said with a blank face: "Just now that was... OK It feels strange, as if as long as you use the bloodline, you are omnipotent..."

Ning Qingxuan, who was in the Taoyuan planting capsule, thought about it a little bit, and she, who had always been calm, finally showed some surprise.

"It can't be wrong, it's bloodline awakening, this little girl's Martial Saint...No, Martial God bloodline! I turned on the awakening switch ahead of time!"

"Awakening bloodline early? "

Lin Chen Yixi, "This should be considered a good thing? If Lingshuang is really Martial God bloodline, then other geniuses simply impossible are her opponents!"

Ning Qingxuan said with a solemn expression: "No, it may not be a good thing. Xiao Shuang'er's body is too immature and slender. Obviously he has not yet reached the point where she can withstand bloodline awakening. If she really awakens completely, I am afraid she will completely collapse! And, The reason is most likely to be yours!"

Lin Chen was astonished: "Me? I didn't seem to have done anything to interfere with Lingshuang's bloodline."

Ning Qingxuan shook his head : "No, there is! It's your trick that allows people to quickly learn the skills of battle skills."

Lin Chen startled and lost his voice.

"Is it because of the consumption of the cultivation technique essence to learn the cultivation technique?"

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