"Nine-color Rainbow Bridge!"

"My God, is the legendary nine-color rainbow bridge that is hard to see for thousands of years! It is said that the moment the nine-color rainbow bridge appears, will A holy treasure is born!"

In all directions of Rainbow Island, the hidden geniuses were shocked!

Nine-color Rainbow Bridge, the most precious rainbow bridge in history, there have been many records, such as finished Holy Artifact, finished holy pill, inferior crystal and other top grade rare treasures were born!

Even, half a million years ago, a stunning genius obtained the legendary orange battle skill in the Nine-Color Rainbow Bridge.

This caused that sect to be listed as Grade 5 sect from Peak Grade 4 after 100,000 years!

If you go back to a longer history, what is more, once got the spirit plant seeds on Rainbow Island, soaring into the sky!

As long as the Nine-Color Rainbow Bridge is born, there will be rare treasure born!

"Nine-color Rainbow Bridge is not trivial, fight it! This is enough for me to take out all my hole cards and desperately!"

"One hundred thousand years ago, Peak Genius Ning Tianque obtained the lost sacred pill After taking it, you will be promoted to the holy realm, and will be on the list of evildoers after 50,000 years. This nine-color rainbow bridge will have a holy fate!"

"Damn it, don't fight it at this time, but when will you wait!" "

Those geniuses hidden these days, but all the geniuses within 10,500 on the genius list, all have been dispatched!

At this time is the time to fight desperately for opportunity, the Nine-Color Rainbow Bridge, may come by with luck, but not by searching for it! Even if Sacred Beast gets in the way, they are willing to risk the mortal danger and fight it once!

The geniuses who can step into this ranking all have a few trump cards. They are definitely not the ordinary Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign and they cannot resist when they meet Saint!

Desperate Mountain Cliff, Lin Chen walking on air, the women in the Palace of Refining the Heart were shocked.

"Nine-color Rainbow Bridge, my god, we hit it!"

Jiang Yun’s eyes flashed brightly--"Junior Sisters, this fate will not be Also, fight hard, take out all our life-saving tricks!"

Lin Chen sighed and calmed down his excitement. His goal almost changed.

"Regardless of any changes, my goal is to first snatch the death of Najie from Nangong and Dongfang Yao! This is the highest priority!"

Lin Chen's In his eyes, the fierce light was revealed, and he stepped into the air for a flash, and rushed to the direction of the Nine-color Rainbow Bridge with the woman in the Heart Refining Palace.

The Central Zone of the Nine-Color Rainbow Bridge; the devastated blood plain!

This time the last Rainbow Bridge happened to be in the Blood Plain!

"hahahaha! Good come, nine-color rainbow bridge, I belong to the Sun Moon Palace, come on, eighth rank Holy Artifact, orange-level cultivation technique!"

Nangong Mie high- Spirited and vigorous opened his arms and laughed arrogantly.

Swipe~! Brush~! Brush~!

a stream of light The peaks outside the flashing plain are all superb geniuses arriving!

However, the two black robed men are still there, and the fierce power of the eighth rank Sacred Beast suppresses the audience. In the Plain of Blood, apart from the people of the Hundred Holy Sect and the Sun Moon Palace, there is no one and no beast. .


Suddenly, the rainbow sky bridge dropped two streams of light, and the genius of the Sun Moon Palace quickly took over, with two jade boxes of powerful strength of Seal attached, the waves of light flowed, and Shengwei smoked the sky!

When those two geniuses continued to send Battle Qi to unblock them, when they opened the jade box, they turned out to be a holy pill and a roll of Grade 1 holy Pill Recipe?

"The first appearance is the holy pill, it is indeed a good thing! Nine-color Rainbow Bridge, our Sun Moon Palace is going to be home full this time!"

The two geniuses could not stop the ecstasy , Gave the holy pill unification to Nangong Mie.

The super-class geniuses were moved in their hearts, but when they saw the two Sacred Beasts becoming more fierce, when looking at the surrounding environment and the geniuses, they forcibly calmed down!

Wait! At this time, just have to wait!

All super-class geniuses know that at this time, whoever loses his breath first goes up to snatch, and whoever will be used as a stepping stone by others.

The comparison is patience and endurance, see who is more calm!

At present, the situation is bound to change, and no one will really miss the Nine-Color Rainbow Bridge. It depends on who is discouraged first.


At this time, Lin Chen and the women from Lianxin Palace also arrived. Ning Qingxuan and Shen Lingshuang left the Taoyuan planting bag and looked around. The situation was quite serious.

hong long long ~~!

Rainbow natural phenomenon is like a meteor shower falling into the world, and the seventeen stream of light is falling like a meteorite. The geniuses of the Sun Moon Palace have taken one after another. They are seventeen kinds of high-quality eighth rank strange mines, such as The size of the human body is transparent and gorgeous, the appearance is excellent, and the attributes are different.

Swipe~! Two more Holy Artifact casting scrolls are coming, and the geniuses of the Sun Moon Palace are ecstatic!

Finally, when a genius couldn't help but want to act, Nangong Mie and Dongfang Yao stood up at the same time!

"As long as there is anyone who is not afraid of death, come up, even if you have some tricks to pass the siege of the two Sacred Beast seniors, do you have the strength to break through the encirclement of our two joint forces?"

Nangong killed her nails, peaceful, like the king in charge of the situation, once again squeezed the geniuses!

"Hehe, this guy is very good at bluffing people."

Lin Chen laughed, the rays of light of Purple Gold Eye flashed and disappeared, a little excited said with a smile "Come on, those guys are coming, and the show is about to begin! Oh, I'm going to burst the Sun Moon Palace in a little while!"

Lin Chen looked like a coquettish grin, Ling Jiang Yun felt a little hairy, this Lin Chen Young Master was more handsome than anyone when he should be handsome, and no one was better than him when he should be bad!


Angry Roar tore through the situation controlled by the Sun Moon Palace.

The two black robed man's eyes were dignified in an instant, their eyes looked towards the east, and a golden robed man stepped out of the blood plain!

It is eighth rank Sacred Beast, Immemorial golden eagle!

"Sure enough, you are here, right? You two scorpions are supporting this group of boys, right?"

The appearance and words of the golden robed man made the two saints Scorpion was puzzled, one of them cup one fist in the other hand and said-"Brother Da Diao, what you said in this remark, we are just repaying kindness..."

"Repay you for your kindness. ! The return of kindness made these guys steal my head?"

Immemorial's golden eagle grinned angrily, as if the substance of golden light murderous aura rushed into the sky, there was a tendency to fight if they didn’t agree with each other. !

The genius of the Sun Moon Palace is a little dazed, what's the situation!

"Steal it on your head? What's going on..."

The two-headed Sanqing Biking Scorpion hasn't finished yet.


A back of a tiger and waist of a bear, a silhouette of a stalwart and powerful body walks through the air, and his body has the power of leaning against the sky and covering the earth, like a majestic dominance that shakes the sky with a punch!

It's another Sacred Beast, Saint Ape!

It’s not over yet!


a long whistle shook the sky, all around Bafang was shaken and the airflow collapsed, all the geniuses outside the plain couldn't help running Battle Qi to protect the eardrums and cover the ears.

A fierce man in a blood robe levitates into the void. On his opposite side, there is a blond blue robed man, fierce and wicked, majestic!

The people of Sun Moon Palace and Hundred Holy Sect feel more and more uncomfortable, and the feeling of anxiety is covering their hearts!

bang! bang! bang!

The earth shook and the mountain quivered, a huge giant tortoise in an imposing manner crawled out, every time it shook the ground and the trees collapsed and crashed into the plain.

Behind it is a thick tortoise shell like a magnificent mountain. The breath is as heavy as a mountain, and the breath can set off a tornado hurricane. It is the oldest of all Sacred Beasts present!

The geniuses were frightened, and even the Holy Tortoise of Di Ming Xuan came!

Lin Chen rubbed his hands excitedly.

"All came! Haha, let’s see how many people will get the bait this time! The Sun Moon Palace will have to peel off if you don’t die this time!"

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