The scene is very anxious, even the air is filled with murderous aura!

This is an extremely rare scene. Immemorial golden eagles, Saint You sharks, Blood Demon Wolf kings, Saint Ape in the wild, mysterious turtles of the earth, and the overlord beasts of Rainbow Island are all together. Get together!

Tian Saint You said with a shark-skin smile.

"What's the matter? I'm here to tell you what's going on with the two scorpions. These two scorpions stole all of our treasures!"

Tianhuang Saint Ape points to Nangong Mie and Dongfang Yao, in a low, muffled voice's sneaked-"the two of them also boasted shamelessly, saying that you two will support them, and this Rainbow Island is their sun and moon temple. It’s reserved, right?"

Said solemnly-"Return the old man's things, so you can forget the sins of your Human Races, otherwise the old man will also take action."

The geniuses of the Sun Moon Palace face deathly pale instantly!

Especially Nangong Mie and Dongfang Yao, they looked at each other one after another, surprised and suspicious, thinking that the other party had done something'good' in violation of the agreement.

"Everyone, there must be a misunderstanding in this! I waited for the brothers to repay the favor of the forces behind them. I have been with these little fellows recently and have never seen any of them leave."

"Yes, you guys don't want to be used as a tool by others, there must be a conspiracy in it, maybe it's murder a person with a borrowed knife!"

The two scorpions hurriedly said , There were so many Sacred Beasts present, and even the two of them had to worry about their lives during the siege!

"Fuck your mother's fart!" The King Blood Demon Wolf directly yelled--"You fucking be the king blind? This king is the most sensitive to breath, and it was the two of them. Hand, do you still want to quibble?"

"being used as a tool? Didn't you say that you had booked Rainbow Island, right?"

Tianhuang Saint Ape sneered.

Immemorial golden eagle snort disdainfully ——" Regarding this sentence, this king believes that any Human Race genius present on the scene can prove that you have said this sentence. If you don’t exchange things today Come out, and give us another explanation. This king has to learn about the brilliant tricks of your brother after being sanctified!"

His palm has begun to condense the golden light, like a sword, a sword, a clutch, and a wandering, baleful aura soaring!

The golden eagle is the strongest speed Sacred Beast on Rainbow Island. He is not afraid to offend any Sacred Beast!

Nangong Mie and Dongfang Yao are in cold sweat!

They did say'holding a house', but they didn't steal from the Sacred Beasts!

Who the hell is sick to steal the family property of Sacred Beast, isn't this going into the pit with a lantern?

Even if there are two Sacred Beasts backing up, they are not qualified to offend the entire Rainbow Island Sacred Beast!

In fact, Sacred Beast's wisdom is definitely not low. They have lived for such a long time, and they are not easy to drive existence.

But when Lin Chen impersonated the two, he almost repeated what Sun Moon Palace said.

The most important thing is the change of the "Thousand Fantasy Mask". As long as you don't run the core method to fight, the camouflage effect is perfect!

Almost all Sacred Beasts believe in their own judgment very much, and if they get it right, they are the two of them!

Just as the two holy scorpions hurriedly continued to argue, a young silhouette rushed out!

"Wow, dear Sacred Beast senior, you are finally here!"

All eyes are on this delicate and pretty teenager.

The young man said with a tragic expression--"I have personally heard of their plan to rob Sacred Beast seniors. They also said that this time there are two holy scorpions to support all the Sacred Beast seniors. Beast all pressed down to eat shit and called father, and said that after robbing Sacred Beast, he would book all the treasures of the Rainbow Skybridge and rob our Human Race!"

Sacred Beasts frowned!

The young man was filled with righteous indignation, shouted gnashing teeth.

"After I discovered this plan, I wanted to tell everyone first, but they discovered it first. I even ran out stumblingly and almost died. Dear Sacred Beast senior, you think Think, you took your wife, fell asleep, and practiced. You were eating hot pot and singing, and suddenly you were snatched by the Riyue Hall!"

"So, the Sunyue Hall’s People must be suppressed, not suppressed! The days without the Sun Moon Palace are good days! Junior would rather not have the treasure of Rainbow Bridge. I implore the seniors to be fair, and it's better to fuck!"

The generous speech of the young man completely ignited the anger of the Sacred Beasts towards the Sun Moon Palace!

"Okay, now that we have all the witnesses, it seems that there is nothing more to say. Let's kill people and then take back our treasures."

Sacred Beasts Their eyes shifted to Dongfang Yao and Nangong Mie two people one after another!

The pressure on the crowd increased sharply, and two black robed men immediately protected the geniuses.

"Damn it, how could this happen!"

"There is a problem, there is definitely a problem, right? Who is it!"

Nangong Mie cold sweat, all the geniuses of the Sun Moon Palace hugged together.

Even the baby of Nine-Color Rainbow Bridge arrived too late to grab it. This situation instantly occupied an absolute advantage from them, and turned into an absolute disadvantage!

Suddenly, Dongfang Yao and Nangong Mie's pupils trembled, and they clearly saw that the'white clothed youth' who appeared to speak was blinking smirkly at them.


Is it?

An answer that Dongfang Yao and Nangong Miezheng were about to come out, before they had time to speak, with a bang, the two Sacred Beasts shot!

Immemorial Golden Eagle and Tianhuang Saint Ape immediately fought a strong offensive, with one punch and one palm, the space was turbulent, the golden light flashed randomly, and the golden knife wind cut the airflow into silk threads, which was especially terrifying!

Boom! boom!

Two black robed men swept out two holy lights to counteract the attack of the Second Saint, but what followed was a more violent offensive from Saint You Shark and King Blood Demon Wolf!

hong long long!

The terrifying war broke out in an instant, the entire blood plain heaven falls and earth rends, Heaven and Earth paled, and the wind and clouds scattered like torn fragments in the sky!

There is ecstasy in the hearts of all geniuses!

It's fighting!

It's all fighting! Their favorite scene appeared!


A few more streams of light fell into the world, the top grade rare treasure continued to be born, and finally there was a genius who couldn't hold it back, and quickly attacked!

In each development of divine ability, either taking medicine pill or using the prototype Holy Artifact, or stimulating the secret technique, the movement method skyrocketed, and the speed is surprisingly fast!

"Let's take action too? Lin Chen Young Master, what about you?"

Jiang Yun turned his head and looked towards Lin Chen, he shook his head and said with a smile——"You choose, My goal is to destroy Nangong and the others, to kill first and then to seize the treasure."


At this time, a streak of light, dazzling rays of light, fell from under the nine-color rainbow, and Shengwei was born, a finished product Holy Artifact!

The complexion of all geniuses changed suddenly, and the speed of their actions surged by three points.

Everyone avoided the Sacred Beast fighting area as much as possible, and started a crazy treasure hunting operation, all of them got red eyes!

"Master, when shall we wait."

When Shen Lingshuang saw the birth of Holy Artifact, she was unwilling to say that she seemed to be very enthusiastic about seizing the treasure.

"Lingshuang, have you forgotten what the Master taught you? The more you encounter great opportunities, the more calm you must be. The calmer the person, the more likely you are to get the most important Treasure."

Lin Chen laughed and rubbed her hair.

Jiang Yun was shocked, she glanced at the young man's face.

Lin Chen never saw the nine-color rainbow bridge from the beginning to the end, even the Holy Artifact was born without a glance!

His eyes stared straight at Nangong Mie and the others!

"What a tenacious heart, even my heart touched just now. The value of the finished Holy Artifact is not comparable to that of the prototype Holy Artifact. Even so, he still stands still and has no intention to act. Too enchanting! How old is he? What kind of experience do you have to go through to create such a powerful mood!"

Jiang Yunfang trembled slightly, and her inner impression of Lin Chen was elevated. To an unprecedented height!

This teenager's temperament, too terrifying!

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