The birth of a Holy Artifact has attracted geniuses to kill the murky heavens dark earth, and all of them robbed their eyes.

The half-orange cultivation technique of a trump card is performed like a violent storm. It blasts crazily from the height of the blood plain, tearing out one after another battle Qi storm.

The battle began to attract more geniuses, and the remaining three thousand geniuses also began to approach the Nine-Color Rainbow Bridge. When they discovered that the Sun Moon Palace and Hundred Holy Sect were actually besieged, they couldn't help but be ecstatic!

After that, more geniuses began to bypass the battle area of ​​Sacred Beast and joined the battle!

However, as if it were a prelude before the carnival, after the nine-color rainbow bridge descended on more than a dozen eighth rank odd mines, a faint glow exuding dim stars fell down.

When everyone was shocked, they cast their eyes to stare, fiercely suck in a breath of cold air!

The starburst is wrapped in a transparent crystal-like sealed energy shield. In the energy shield, there is actually a seed!

It can’t be wrong, there is only one possibility for the seeds that fall under the nine-color rainbow flyover!

Qiyun spirit plant seeds!

The foundation of setting up Wannian sect! The hard condition for the holy world to become 2nd Grade Sect or above is the number of Saints and the spirit plant of luck!

Even Saint has to grab the bloodshed Supreme Treasure. Once there is a spirit plant, even if Sect is not opened, Saint's wealth will skyrocket!

"Junior Brothers, the time has come to become famous. Bring the spirit plant seeds back. We are the number one hero of Sect!"

"This contribution, Even the cultivation sect protecting battle skill is more than enough. Getting the spirit plant seed means getting the sect’s only orange-level Cultivation Absolute Art. Kill!!"

Crazy roar and roar, killing intent, just like Surging up like a startling dragon, violently violently collided together.

How magnificent the scene was, the sky was shining with a colorful Battle Qi glow, and a lot of afterimages were criss-crossed.

The clash of hundreds of super-class talents, the melee of more than a thousand peak genius, this is a truly crazy melee!

At this stage, there are already eighth rank Holy Artifact, spirit plant seeds, eighth rank holy pill, and other rare treasures, which are enough to destroy anyone's sanity!

However, at this time Jiang Yun and the women in Lianxin Palace stared at Lin Chen as if they had seen a ghost!

He hasn't even planned to act yet!

Even, his eyes have been staring at Sacred Beast's melee circle, without even looking at the spirit plant seed!

"This...Is Lin Chen Young Master really still human? He is not even interested in the spirit plant seeds..."

"He owns three spirit plants , You should be very clear about the value of this thing!""

"Could it be that his heart is strong enough to obliterate his emotions and desires..."

" It is said that even the seeds of the spirit plant can't enter his eyes..."

The girls were horrified and sighed from the bottom of their hearts!

He is like a cheetah lurking in the dark, gathering momentum, spying, and waiting.

Waiting for the moment when the prey is exhausted, strike with the most ferocious force!

It’s by no means that Lin Chen doesn’t care about these treasures. No one will dislike the number of cultivation resources.

It is not that Lin Chen's heart is enough to obliterate emotion and desire, but he knows that the decision is not there!

What he needs most is the large number of alien crystal fragments he obtained some time before the Sun Moon Palace!

As long as you take down Nangong Mie and hold a lot of nirvana skills in your hand, he can take everything that appears on the Nine-Color Rainbow Bridge. The real "booking" is his Lin. people!

So no matter what treasure appears, Lin Chen firmly believes that as long as he gets a large number of alien crystal fragments, these things will not run away, they are all his!

Before possessing a large number of nirvana skills, any treasure hunting behavior is futile!

"Only the shards of alien crystals collected by the Sun Moon Palace were created, and a large number of special moves were made. Even Sacred Beast could not stop me. Before that, even the fucking orange battle skill was born. , I will not grab it!"

Lin Chen's eyes flashed with cutting off one's means of retreat!

When all the geniuses rushed into the competition circle to grab the rare treasure of the Nine-Color Rainbow Bridge, Sacred Beast was in full swing in the battle circle!

The Sacred Beasts vented all the anger and killing intent of searching for Nangong Mie and Dongfang Yao these days.

No matter what Sun Moon Palace explains, they won't listen!

However, the five besieging Sacred Beasts are on guard against each other, and their battle strength is limited.

The cooperation of the two sacred scorpions is seamless, so even if it is five-on-two, the two-headed Sanqing Biwang Scorpion fights with all its strength, and the battle strength increases sharply.

In addition, many life-saving hole cards of Sun Moon Palace and Hundred Holy Sect are constantly played, and there is a "Hundred Treasure Sacred Gourd" of skill in defense.

There are'dark shuttles' who are good at moving.

There is an'eight-sided exquisite mirror' that is good at reflection attacks.

It's all life-saving Holy Artifacts. With the strength of geniuses, they barely used a little power to temporarily ward off the attack of the five Sacred Beasts.

In the chaotic Sacred Beast battle, something strange happened.

That is the sacred tortoise of Di Ming Xuan!

It suddenly abandoned the battle and did not suppress it. It retreated to the side, and the look of thinking passed across the old beast eyes.

"What’s wrong, this is really their goal? Even if they can’t predict that the Nine-Color Rainbow Bridge will be born, but after they stole all the Sacred Beast, they either hid it or made the first move. Joint two scorpions to carry out sneak attacks on us in turn."

"No matter what kind of choice, will not cause the current situation... Now that the Nine-Color Rainbow Bridge is born, they can completely return all the Sacred Beast's things. With the help of these two scorpions, they can still become the biggest winner in the game. Why don’t you do this...what went wrong?"

No matter how smart the Sacred Beast is, they will also be transformed. Then, the fierceness and wildness of in the bones often explode before reason.

This has caused them to never doubt their own perceptions and think about the status quo. Instead, they believe that they have the upper hand, and they won the opponent first after a fight.

Only the sacred turtle is a rare case. It is the oldest Sacred Beast. Its ferocious and wild nature is not as violent as other fierce beasts. It is the most calm one. .

It noticed the abnormality, no matter which choice, Sun Moon Palace should not cause the current situation.

But, this is completely contradictory.

If it weren't for them, who were the two people who appeared that day? The breath and appearance are exactly the same, even its Sacred Beast has fooled it.

"No! Although the two Human Races that appeared that day were the same as them, they controlled a secret technique of shuttling through the void and easily got rid of the chase of Sacred Beast. But now they have not used it. !"

divine light flashed, the head of the holy tortoise shook!

"Does not rule out the probability that the trick has use restrictions, but if there is a use restriction, this kind of life-saving card should not be used casually. Old man was played?"

The moment Ming Xuan Sheng Turtle realized the seriousness of the problem, something happened!

The two sacred scorpions ripped off the offensive with all their strength to make room for the geniuses of Hundred Holy Sect and the Sun Moon Palace, allowing Nangong Mie and the others to escape from the battle of Sacred Beast!

"Finally escaped!"

"Quickly retreat, the two seniors can't be stopped for too long!"

"Senior Brother, that's angry The spirit plant seed is born!"

"Do you have fate?"

Many geniuses from Sun Moon Palace and Hundred Holy Sect retreated quickly.

"Want to go?"

"The ugly Human Race, it’s not so easy to let you go!"

The four-headed Sacred Beast roars violently and wants to chase and kill Away.


Two Scorpion Scorpions rolled up the scorpion tail and swept away, shook the two Sacred Beasts, stabbed with poisonous hooks, blasted toxins, and stabbed away the Immemorial golden eagle and Saint Ape!

Finally, Hundred Holy Sect and the 42 people in the Sun Moon Palace all escaped!


It was at this moment that Lin Chen suddenly moved out! Like a cheetah with extreme momentum, it rushed towards his prey!

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