Lin Chen sneered, his handprints suddenly changed, and a cyan divine light column burst out from the center of his eyebrows, hitting directly above the energy storm!

"no! !"

One shot of the blue spiritual rays of light, the sound of mournful scream dissipated under the pillar of spiritual annihilation.

A few strands of illusory spiritual forms scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, dissipating between Heaven and Earth, and scattered a large number of spirit strength attribute light balls floating in the void.

Apart from this, there are four orange crystal treasure chests floating in the void!

[Monarch Overlooking The Whole World innate talent to accumulate energy: 950,000, 400,000, 1.2 million points...]

The system light screen plays continuously, Lin Chen has since entered the Rainbow Island On the first day, after breaking through the encirclement of the savage domain genius, he launched the'Monarch Overlooking The Whole World' innate talent!

The current Monarch Overlooking The Whole World, after so many days of accumulation, its accumulated energy has reached an extremely terrifying number...


Lin Chen exploded a lot of golden light above his head, and his ranking on the genius list instantly rose to the ranking of Nangong Mie, 10088!

The spiritual seals in the two Na Rings destroyed by Nangong are automatically lifted and dissipated, allowing you to explore the contents at will.

When the moonlight and sunfire storm faded away, there were only seven people left!

The surviving geniuses are all in a state of dying, Dongfang Yao is even more bloody, like a layer of skin, white bones!

Severely injured geniuses plus those who were lucky enough to run fast, there are nine people left in the Sun Moon Palace, and there are only four of the hundred Holy Sect geniuses left!

Nine Tribulations starlight condensed, Lin Chen was about to make up for the'Nine Tribulations Stars', a terrifying murderous intention blatantly destroyed Lin Chen's back!

"Be careful!"

Jiang Yun exclaimed, Ning Qingxuan rushed behind Lin Chen with her teeth clenched!

Boom~! A force of Shen Ruo Qianjun Wanyue instantly suppressed Lin Chen to death, and the squeezing sound of bones'creak' came from all the limbs!

The huge turtle claw of dozens of feet is torn down. It is extremely heavy and powerful, and wants to tear Lin Chen with one blow!

It’s Sacred Beast! The strongest blow of Di Ming Xuan Sheng Turtle!

Everyone witnessed this moment but did not react!

However, there seems to be one exception!

The hem of a pink skirt floats slowly, with a faint divine might lingering between the eyebrows. It is a tall and slender charming woman, like a sonorous rose on the battlefield.

The woman rushed to Lin Chen's side at some unknown time. He closed his fist tightly, shook his pink fist lightly, and his snowy arms like sheep's jade burned the domineering battle Qi, running like a dragon. Swim in the slender fingers and burst into the sky with a punch!

The woman actually shook the sacred turtle in front of the earth?

Shih~! Bang~!

The terrifying aftermath shook, and the mushroom cloud was exploded between one claw and one fist, and the aftermath of vigor swept away, tearing the ground veins in the plain, and shattering like tofu!

The two sides retreated, and the Holy Tortoise of Di Ming Xuan was repelled?

This scene attracted the attention of the melee Sacred Beast circle!

ka! ka!

The sound of bone cracks came from the snow arms that charmed the'yu sister', and the cherry lips were bleeding!

The pressure dropped sharply, Lin Chen's movement method flashed and caught the woman, but she still had time to speak in the future, she became'smaller' with her pink light circulating!

"Lingshuang! Is it you?"

Lin Chen looked at Little Lass who was vomiting blood in his arms, dumbfounded!

Why did this little girl seem to be ten years old just now!

What's even more outrageous is that she actually punched Sacred Beast back?

Lin Chen knows the gap between Battle Sovereign and Holy Land! The formidable power of that punch just now definitely surpasses the Battle Sovereign level!

"Little girl, how did you do it? It’s okay?"

Lin Chen hurriedly asked, sending a strand of Battle Qi into Shen Lingshuang’s lovable body, and the movement method was connected. Step on, retreat quickly.

"There is such a weird Human Race..." Di Ming Xuan Sheng Tortoise looked at Shen Lingshuang suspiciously.

"I...I don't know. After activating the bloodline, it becomes like this. It seems that when the bloodline is activated, I don’t have the usual sense of crisis when facing the holy realm..."

Shen Lingshuang said with a puzzled face.

Lin Chen was shocked!

It must be because the bloodline of this little girl was activated and awakened in advance by him! If not, the Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign can survive the gap of the Holy Realm with a hard blow, even he can't do it now!

Let Shen Lingshuang take a few Long Qingguo, after confirming that she is fine, Lin Chen said seriously-"You can't make any more moves, hand it to the Master."

"Human Race, that day, disguised as those two Human Races and sneaked into the old man's lair, was it you!"

The Divine Mystic Turtle roared and questioned.

All the geniuses and even the Sacred Beasts showed a hint of astonishment!

"The secret technique of space shuttle that you used just now is exactly the trick used by the thief who sneaked into the old man's lair that day. The old man will not admit his mistakes. If you don't explain it honestly, please don't think about it today. Leave alive!"

The words stirred up waves!

The words of the Holy Tortoise caused the Sacred Beasts who were fighting in chaos to stop suddenly.

"What did the old ghost just say? There is someone else who sneaked into his lair?"

"Speaking of which, just now this kid avoided the Human Race thief who self-destructed At that time, it seemed that it was not the Human Race movement method, it was more like shuttling through the void speed!"

"Damn it, is to take away the king's eighth rank and beast core kid!"

The sky Saint You shark appears suspicious and fierce.

The eyes of the Sacred Beast are fixed on Lin Chen!

While the remaining geniuses of Sun Moon Palace and Hundred Holy Sect retreat rapidly, they are shocked and horrified!

Dongfang Yao was unbelievable: "What are you kidding about, could it be said that these Sacred Beasts were all brought by him?"

Some geniuses who had been wounded and retired from the robbery heard the news. His face was stunned.

"No way...These Sacred Beasts were provoked by the Dark Horse Club?"

"The holy tortoise has lived for several epochs at its age, and its words are not groundless. Maybe It's not as simple as we thought!"

Those injured geniuses are also puzzled, why so far, Lin Chen has not participated in any rare treasure battle of the Nine-Color Rainbow Bridge!


murderous aura rushing to the sky, two strands of murderous aura are transformed into substance, covering all around Lin Chen.

Several hundred zhang is huge with two heads, wielding giant tongs, with poisonous hooks hanging high, green scorpions flashing like azure jade stone, surrounded Lin Chen and two of them!

"Boy, you killed the descendants of this benefactor! Are you ready to take your fate!"

The women in the Heart Refining Palace were distraught and anxious.

"Senior Sister, what shall we do..."

"Don't act rashly, Sacred Beast's siege and suppression is no longer a battle we can join."

Jiang Yun's mind is extremely heavy!

Lin Chen Young Master, is there any ultimate move that can ward off the anger of Sacred Beast who lives on the floor?

Under the premise of surrounding by enemies, Lin Chen suddenly laughed!

"hahaha! Cool, cool! With Bai Holy Sect and Riyuedian workers, my plan has come to an end. Very good. Next, my dark horse club will be the one to book the venue. !"

Lin Chen's laugh made many geniuses look dumbfounded, and even Sacred Beast felt more and more wrong!

He can still laugh in this situation?

Dongfang Yao and the others whispered when they heard the "wage earners"......

Lin Chen looked around all around with a very satisfied expression, strolling leisurely in the sky .

In the face of the many different and complex gazes in the audience, Lin Chen grinned, full of anger!

"It was indeed my dark horse club that stole all Sacred Beast's things that day, but there was no reason to vomit what I ate! Someone from Lin announced that it was time for the dark horse club to rob , The man stands on the left and the woman stands on the right. Sacred Beast will go back to each house and find each mother. Sacred Beast who is unwilling to leave, I will hammer until I go!"

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