Why is Lin a laugh when he is deeply trapped?

Is it the seizure of the sheep, or the impulse to lose his mind?

No! It is the success of stake all on one throw!

There are more than 500 different crystal fragments in the Na Ring of Nangong Destroyed!

He was right!

The harvest they robbed of the Rainbow Skybridge these days is all placed in the Najie of Nangong Destruction!

There is an uproar in the blood plain!

He really did it, did you admit it?

Before everyone came back to his senses, Lin Chen raised a high finger and smiled: "Happy New Year."


Snap your fingers!

[The host launches the blue-level high level must kill·Purgatory Burning the sky twice, can lock the target: 8. Start to lock the enemy closest to the host. ]


A piece of fire sea of ​​hell, like a raging wave, instantly enveloped all Sacred Beast present!

Immemorial Golden Eagle, Saint Ape, Saint You Shark, Divine Mystic Turtle, Blood Demon Wolf King, Two Sacred Scorpions, Sacred Beast’s heads exploded the billowing purgatory flames, seven-headed Sacred There is a sense of crisis in Beast's heart!

And the eighth goal is Dongfang Yao!

"What's that thing!"

"It's not right, there is a taste of calamity!"

The Sacred Beasts were horrified and hurriedly released their own Holy Qi defense.

Dongfang Yao felt the deadly murderous intention to block him!

With a bang, the fire sea of ​​hell ignited the fire dragon of the purgatory, and burned on all the defenses of Sacred Beast!

Their sacred aura can be seen by burning and melting with naked eye, there is no way to escape, they can only resist forcibly!

"Roar~! Saint Physique of this king, how could it not be able to withstand this flame, what kind of fire is this!"

"Damn it, what a weird thing, even this king Sacred Beasts were grilled by the'Purgatory Burning Heaven' nirvana to reveal their bodies, and huge monsters stood in the sky, and even kept rolling up. !

The terrifying high temperature instantly ignited the prairie fire in the blood plains, and many geniuses who had smashed their eyes came back to his senses from this scene and retreated in horror.

Seeing that the Sacred Beasts were scorched and rolled in the sky, and the Immemorial golden eagle, known for its speed, could not even shake off the weird fire sea of ​​purgatory, the geniuses cast their minds in disbelief The eyes looked towards Lin Chen.

"This...this is what the Dark Horse Club did?"

"Too terrifying! These powerful Sacred Beasts seem to be unable to avoid attacks!"

Lin Chen released the Dragon Emperor to take away the attribute light ball, hugged his own discipline, walked calmly in the sky, the corners of his mouth rose wildly.

The jewel-like beautiful eyes flickered and flickered, and Shen Lingshuang stared at the Master with worshipful eyes.

Master is so handsome! I also want to work hard to become a person like Master!

[Consume 6 intermediate Heavenly Dao points, 10 intermediate Heavenly Dao points, 4 intermediate Heavenly Dao points, and decompose alien crystal fragments...]

[Obtain special attributes: Bi Yanqinghai 11.19 million points, Yinque Thunder 30.2 million points, Magic Wind Gang 39.91 million points, Qianjun Zhenyue 29.84 million points...]

[Obtained attribute value: high level Thunder Element energy 4 points , Water Element energy 5 points, Wind Element energy 10 points...]

[Consumption of 430 intermediate Heavenly Dao points, start to make blue-level intermediate, blue-level high level nirvana...]

[Get 1889 points of enhancement, 12 points of intermediate Heavenly Dao value, 10 points of Earth Element energy, 19 points of light system energy, 11 points of Water Element energy, 3199 points of high level Battle Qi Essence, 15 points of high level cultivation technique essence ……]

Lin Chen madly decomposes the different crystal fragments, and quickly produces nirvana!

The Dragon Emperor also collects the attribute light balls of the fallen Sun Moon Palace genius queens, and the attribute value is soaring all the way!

"ahhhh! No, don't! Lin Chen, spare me, I will never fight you again, I solemnly apologize for the sneak attack on your discipline, don't kill me!"

Dongfang Yao was burned out of human form by Purgatory Fire, bloody, and constantly wailing!

Normally, the body of the Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign is impossible to withstand the blue-level high level nirvana for so long.

But Dongfang Yao is a little different. The reason why he did not die in the self-destruct of Nangong Destruct is largely because of his physique problem.

His body has been'fostered' by a sword saint since he was an adult, a holy sword! This holy sword fuse together with him, coexisting and dying with him, giving his life force a little strength of holy sword.

Lin Chen ice coldly smiled, "I said, your life, I will take it. From the moment you sneak attack Lingshuang, we are irreconcilable, and there is no way out."


[Open four orange crystal treasure chests to obtain: 999 intermediate innate talent points, 3 million enhancement points, 500 advanced talisman energy points, and 100 high level spirit strength points. 】

Lin Chen’s spiritual bridge faintly touched a limit. Once he broke this limit, he had a hunch that his spirit strength would undergo a qualitative transformation!

Finally, Lin Chen walked towards the direction of the Nine-Color Rainbow Bridge.

This time, no one dared to stop him!

Lin Chen rushed to the spirit plant seed first, countless geniuses saw Lin Chen attack, gritted his teeth and walked away!

But there are more than a dozen geniuses who have already killed their eyes and desperately killed Lin Chen!

Lin Chen's palm is turning a nine-color starlight. Threw away'Nine Color Stars'!

The stars are divided into five, and the stars of the Nine Tribulations hit the dozens of geniuses head on, and several of them are super-class geniuses!

Despite their tyrannical life-saving cards, under the rotation of the five and nine-color beams of light, everything is silent!

"His trick is better than last time. I don't know a few grades."

The geniuses who have seen the'Nine Tribulations Stars' horrible to see!

Lin Chen stepped on the dragon flash, grasping the spirit plant seed in full view!

Because of the seal, it has not been accepted into the ring.

If it was before, whoever got the seeds would have to encounter a large number of geniuses. Now, no one dares to touch Lin Chen!

This is the shock caused by absolute strength! This person has the means that even Sacred Beast can suppress!

After grabbing the seeds of the spirit plant, Lin Chen smiled and stuffed Shen Lingshuang: "Come on, help Master hold it while delivering the Battle Qi undo seal."

"Yeah! Master is the best!"

Shen Lingshuang held the spirit plant seeds in her hands, happily.

Then Lin Chen flew to the birth of the'Holy Artifact', which was a dark green holy bow!

No one dares to interfere with Lin Chen this time! He directly accepted the holy bow!

Finally, Lin Chen aimed at the battle circle of the Orange-level cultivation technique!

"Fuck! He is coming!"

"Fuck, what should we do, do we really want to let him?"

" Orange-level battle skill! I have only seen it once in many years. If there is no seal, I would have taken the battle skill and ran away!"

Hundreds of geniuses roared inside, extremely unwilling!

"I only say it once, get out of the way! Otherwise I don't mind killing you guys too!"

Lin Chen uttered a deep warning, and all geniuses clenched their teeth.

Most of the participants in the orange-level cultivation technique are super talents, and everyone is not willing to let go!

"Take a gamble! What if he doesn't have a killer move?"

"Fight with him! Let's play together, so we can't beat him!"


The geniuses murderous aura rushing to the sky. When they kept close to the orange-level cultivation technique, they launched a unified offensive wave against Lin Chen!

However, there are also some geniuses who are aware of current affairs and hurriedly retreat!

"Since you insist on grabbing the orange battle skill with me, it means you are mentally prepared, right, then I will give you a ride!"

Lin Chen In his eyes, the fierce light is revealed!

The orange battle skill represents the culmination of the cultivation technique. Lin Chen would never let it go!

Lin Chen is never a good person! The attacks of others have hit the face, ignore the warning, then kill!

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