[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the upgrade key. After meeting the conditions for opening the upgrade key, you will get the system version upgrade conditions. ]

[Open the upgrade key condition: Promote to the Holy Land. The next version of the upgrade key is expected to open functions: set functions, enchanting functions, and so on. ]

[The War God wristband the host currently holds belongs to the attribute Supreme Treasure which is part of the suit function. The Golden War God suit·position—ultimate arm armor·right wristband—absolute power, After the ultimate attack, ultimate destruction, update the next version, you can fully unlock the set functions. 】

Lin Chen mouth opened wide!

Package function?

The feeling that his'War God Bracer' is actually produced by the next function of system!

"Well, this function is said to be a suit function, can it mean that there are other parts? For example, War God leg armor, War God armor?"

Lin Chen is ecstatic!

"It seems that the secret of the War God wristband only needs to be updated to the next version to unlock it!"

After suppressing the excitement in his heart, Lin Chen rushed to the underground In the deepest part of the world, I have witnessed those ten golems!

"These ten golems are pure Demon Race!"

Lin Chen was shocked and urged Purple Gold Eye to pry into the secrets of the golems, but found these demons. Like, I can't see through at all, just like the remains of Demon Race!

Even the spirit strength of penetration is like clay ox entering the sea. It is impossible to see the essence of the golem made of material!

"These golems were formed by the fall of the real Peak Demon Race!"

Lin Chen was shocked. When he came to this conclusion, he was almost certain of the strength of these golems during their lifetime. At least comparable to Saint!

Perhaps, better than the average Saint!

hong long long ~~!

At this time, the underground world began to collapse continuously. Because of the aftermath of nirvana and all around, the underground world is about to collapse!

"I can't move these golems, I don't have time to study these things."

Lin Chen flashed past and took away the dark red ancient mirror placed on the ground.

This ancient mirror exudes faint and terrifying demonic energy, as if all the demonic energy in the ten golems is sucked into the interior!

"This is the Sky Swallowing Mirror that guy said?"

The mysterious thing is that Lin Chen is not corroded by demonic energy because of Lin Chen's Heart Demon seal.

Lin Chen also discovered that the ancient mirror on this side was too strong to be placed in the Taoyuan planting sac and ring.

No matter where it is placed, the internal space will collapse!


The boulder fell, Lin Chen punched to pieces, flapping the wings of the Saint Phoenix and rushing out of the underground world.

However, the mutation is suddenly born!

The'Sky Swallowing Mirror' that Lin Chen put in his arms suddenly became a natural phenomenon!


The demonic energy breeds and abuses like an evil dragon, unexpectedly rushing out of the'Sky Swallowing Mirror'!

"Not good!"

Lin Chen was horrified. When he wanted to throw away the'Sky-Swallowing Mirror', he found that the violent and fierce demonic energy actually condensed into a whirlpool-like funnel, fast Pouring into the "Magic Seal" in his palm!

When the demonic energy is integrated into the magic seal, if the Flood Dragon enters the sea, the whale swallows the demonic energy for thousands of miles! One after another evil dragon-like demonic energy burst into magic sounds, shaking Lin Chen's spirit!

"Oops! This demonic energy is so tyrannical, how can I suppress it!"

Lin Chen's heart is stunned!


The night wind is as cold as a knife, and the dark silhouette sitting at the top of the great hall suddenly opened his eyes!

He opened his palms, and the jade was broken like sand, and the wind blows away.

"Ling Jian is still dead, that's all, let’s look for a new servant. The Sky Swallowing Mirror is most likely to be taken away by the kid. His breath is already recorded by this seat, even if he escapes. Until the ends of the earth can’t escape the palm of this seat, the problem lies in his origin...If he hands the Sky-Swallowing Mirror to those people..."

He hides in the dark, Sen Leng magic light rose in his eyes.

next moment, a wave of anger shakes the sky, and the clouds of thousands of miles outside open a terrifying chasm!

"en? What's the situation! The demonic energy of the Ten Great Demon Kings taken in the Sky Swallowing Mirror was taken away? Isn't that kid still on Rainbow Island!"


Rainbow Island, outside the waterfall.

"Qingxuan elder sister, Master, are you okay... That person seems to be very strong, and I feel that there is more than one person in the cave..."

Shen Lingshuang pretty Face was full of worries, and she had a vague premonition.

Perhaps because of the bloodline, Shen Lingshuang somewhat rejects some of the existence of the underground world...

"Don't worry, your Master has never encountered any crisis, and it is difficult based on the problems inside. Don't fall him."

Ning Qingxuan chuckled lightly, tone barely fell, a rays of light flashed from the west, it was Lin Chen!

"Eh, Master, why did you come out here!"

Shen Lingshuang was pleasantly surprised, Lin Chen said with a smile: "It's okay, I played hide-and-seek with the people below."

Ning Qingxuan's beautiful cheeks flashed a trace of worry, and smiled and asked: "Resolved?"

Lin Chen nodded, "Well, it’s a very tricky guy, but it’s done. Now."

After that, Lin Chen's eyebrows showed a bit of bitterness.

The opponent is done, but the demonic energy of the'Sky Swallowing Mirror' is all in his'Magic Seal'!

If Lin Chen didn't use the'super-dimensional teleport' to get out at the last moment, he would have to be buried in it.

"Damn it, those demonic energy is so terrifying, all are absorbed by the magic mark left to me by the woman of the Fiend clan, even if I can't perceive anything now, it is impossible to change at all... I can only use the fastest speed to advance to the holy realm and see if I can crack this thing!"

Lin Chen temporarily relieved the worry in his heart and said with a smile to the second woman-"Okay, The threat here has been eliminated by us. Let’s retreat here for a good cultivation!"

The three of them dived to the Water Curtain Cave within a day, and each searched for a location to start the retreat.

Lin Chen didn't know that the outside world had fallen out because of him!


Time Reverse to several hours ago.

Qiyun Island, the geniuses and saints were once again frightened!

A large number of genius names began to dim, and then many genius names were on the top.

This proves that there has been a shocking change in Rainbow Island, causing the geniuses to start a death fight at all costs!

"There must be a drastic change in Rainbow Island, otherwise the geniuses will not fight each other so crazy. A dozen geniuses have fallen!"

"Continuously. The rays of light with hundreds of names began to dim, and many geniuses were seriously injured!"

A genius suddenly expressed congeals and found an abnormality, crying out in surprise.

"No, look! There is also a large-scale fall of genius!"

Splash~! The holy light Gold List began to scroll and dimmed with a wide range of names, and the geniuses of the Lian Riyue Hall began to fall one after another!


The look of the'evil Senior Brother Yue' in the Sun Moon Palace suddenly changed!

Next, the genius name of Bai Holy Sect is also rapidly dimming! Even Dongfang Yao's name is like a candle in the wind!

And the name of Nangong Mie, the rays of light trembles and then fades away!

Many geniuses took a breath of air!

What's the situation? Even the genius of Grade 5 sect is falling quickly? Even the Heaven-blessed Genius such as Nangong Mie has also fallen?

Is it because Sacred Beast failed!

Om~! Om~!

Two brand new names have replaced the names of Nangong Mie and Dongfang Yao!

"10088 on the list of geniuses, Heavenly God Xiafan·Lin Chen, belonging to sect: Dark Horse Club."

"10099 on the list of geniuses, a master of swordsman, true virtue and handsome, belonging sect: Dark Horse Club."

Seeing this scene, countless geniuses have opened wide!

The damn thing is the Dark Horse Club!

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