"Oh my God, he is really not afraid to kill. Even the geniuses of the Holy Sect and Sun Moon Palace dare to kill a large piece..."

"This Liangzi has been settled. The Sun Moon Palace and the Bai Holy Sect are extremely far away from the southern region, and the ordinary holy realm can't reach Qiyun Island in half a month."

"It depends on the attitude of the holy realm that brought people. I feel that when the time comes, the Dark Horse Club will be besieged to death by the sages when the time comes out of Qiyun Island!"

Among the geniuses The discussion exploded!

The storm is like wave after wave, Nangong disappeared, and then more than 70 genius names disappeared and dimmed in a very short period of time!

And the true virtue show, true virtue Ying and the others of the Dark Horse Club have been on the list!

Countless geniuses have a tingling scalp!

Yes, this'dark horse club' is really crazy!

The faces of the Saints are even more exciting. For many years, there has been no such amazing talent in the Saint Realm who challenged the rules!

As if the wind was raging before the rainstorm, three holy lights shot like sharp arrows, shuttled through the sky, and reached the high sky of Qiyun Island!

Three Saints arrived together?

Among the Three Saints, there is Chen Family Old Ancestor who was nearly vomiting blood by Lin Chen before!

"Oh? Everybody from Chen Family is here too."

Lian Wanjin chuckled.

The tiger-eyed man headed by the eyebrows is cold and domineering, and said indifferently—"This child destroyed my Chen Family's million year-end accumulation. The burning flame holy beads on his body must be returned, and my Chen Family still has to return Get a share of the secrets of these boys! To compensate for the loss of my Chen Family!"

"hahaha, no problem, we only need his secret technique and spirit plant..."

Lian Wanjin pretended to laugh, and there was a trace of fear in the depths of his eye sockets.

Dark Pavilion and the others exchanged glances, but felt that the people who encircled the dark horse club were the more the better!

After all, there are too many ghost tricks on that kid!

Swipe~! Two more Holy Splendor glows, like a crooked bright moon, suddenly descended to Lian Wanjin's side!

Two azure robed man Fei Taming jade-like Flying Sword arrived, one of them nodded and said to Lian Wanjin.

"Chairman, the sacred rope has been brought here."

Lian Wanjin praised——"Well, very good, now those little bastards are impossible to escape! "

Many geniuses choked, these five Saints actually came for Lin Chen?

However, rainstorm has just begun!

Heads of giant bear, fierce dragon, Qilin, Tianshi, tearing clouds and sky, hostile!


Giant beasts screamed up to the sky, shaking many young geniuses, and their eardrums were painful. The waves are shaken up by infinite waves!

A one silhouette stands on each giant beast, full of brutal and bloodthirsty aura, as if the ancient wilderness had descended.

"This saint wants to see it today, dare to wreak havoc on my wild geniuses!"

The eyes of the geniuses became more shocked!

"These giant beasts seem to be condensed from holy energy..."

Four holy realms again! The Holy Land from the Barbaric Domain!

"The imposing manner is too powerful, worthy of being the Saint of the barbaric domain, too cruel!"

"It is said that the powerhouse of the barbaric domain has been fighting with some powerful Sacred Beasts on the front line for a long time. , If it weren’t for the protection of Qiyun Island with Space Formation, the roar from just now would be enough to shock countless of us!"

When the teeth of many geniuses trembled, the faces of the Fengquan Sage and Yimei Sage More solemn!

There are more and more Saints encircling the'Black Horse Club'! The scene may be beyond their control!

Furthermore, there are more than two hundred old holy places in the sky.

Although most of them live behind the scenes and basically don't make any moves, it is hard to guarantee that these Old Guys will be flustered and exasperated because their sect dísciple has been killed more!

"The situation is a bit bad. If there is a war next, it will be difficult for us to keep the little fellows of the Dark Horse Club!"

The Lord of the Holy Kingdom has a solemn expression.

Nodded, the old face is full of seriousness—"This is not the most serious. The most serious are the Hundred Holy Sect and the Sun Moon Palace. Although the location of the two sects is extremely far away from the South Although the Saint cannot cross over in a short period of time, it’s different if it’s the powerhouse of the 4th layer cultivation base of the Holy Land!"

Yue Qingli asked anxiously—"Imperial Father, Holy Land What's the matter with the 4th layer?"

"Holy realm 4th layer..." A Supreme Elder of the Holy Realm of Fu Sheng Country took the conversation, and the words were filled with longing and awe; "little girl" Saint is also divided into strengths and weaknesses, and there is almost no skipping grades to challenge in the holy realm!"

"The 4th layer of the holy realm is one of the most important dividing lines in Saint, even if only one comes, The gang of Zhendeshuai will inevitably be suppressed! No matter what hole cards he has!"

The master nodded——"Yes, now there are more than 20 Saints who are encircling the dark horse club. But none of these Saints can reach a Saint of the 4th layer cultivation base of the Holy Realm!"


At this time, there is holy light coming again, Saint outside Qiyun Island!

However, this time the people who came here are a few elders of idle cloud wild crane, divine poise and sagelike features. They are not murderous-looking. They seem to be enemies and non-friends to the dark horse club......

"Master Sect Founder, you are finally here!"

Mo Qing bowed deeply!


Divine flame palace, in the back garden.

red robe, the charming lady, with Erlang's legs upturned, picks out an interesting line from the corner of her mouth.

"Blooded genius list? Hehe, Interesting, Lin Chen, if you can't even pass this level, you are not qualified to talk about being worthy of my Divine flame palace contemporary sage!"


While rising winds and scudding clouds outside, Lin Chen feels at ease closed-door cultivation in the Water Curtain Cave.

[Consumption of 1620 intermediate Heavenly Dao points, decomposition of 312 eighth rank odd mines, 588 eighth rank heavenly treasures, and attribute values: 1612 points of Thunder Element energy, 1701 points of Fire Element Energy, 1799 Gold Element energy, 1743 Water Element energy, 1882 Wind Element energy, 221 spirit strength, 1092 dark energy, high level Battle Qi Essence 80,000 points...]

Lin Chen decomposes all Obtained the eighth rank strange mine and eighth rank natural treasure from the nine-color rainbow flyover!

The speed at which the elemental attribute value is soaring is horrible to see, and the major elemental attribute values ​​are soaring more than a thousand points all the way!

In the past, he would not do this kind of blood loss.

With the strength of his Saint Level Casting Item Master and Saint Level Alchemist, given him enough time, he can play the best value of these Saint Level strange mines and eighth rank heavenly materials and earth treasures.

Several Holy Artifacts and finished Holy Artifacts with excellent quality are cast, which is absolutely nothing difficult!

But right now he has no time, and a large number of Saints such as the Dark Pavilion outside are already waiting for him!

He doesn’t think that these Saints are fools. They didn’t take them down with the previous pursuits. For example, the Old Ancestor and the others of Chen Family will not give up, and the Saints will definitely continue to convene. helper!

The scale of this battle will surely surpass any previous one!

Lin Chen must spare no effort, do everything he can!

If you lose, you are consigned to eternal damnation!

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