One day, one night, time flickered.

Lin Chen and his Avatar all absorb many attribute values!

"The best way right now is to increase the elemental attribute value. Godslayer innate talent can increase cultivation base but not elemental attribute value. This is my foundation. The better the foundation is laid, the Godslayer will explode by then. The stronger!"

Lin Chen sighed, "The two innate talents, the Heavenly Adversary and the Possession of the Supreme God, have not been collected yet. It seems that if you want to break the siege of the Holy Realm, you have to Look at the combination of Godslayer innate talent and War God wristband..."

Consciousness sneaked into the Taoyuan planting sac. Lin Chen placed the'blue moon' and the'heavenly sword' on the mountain of silver sacred yuan. Currency.

The billowing silver shining air current entangled like a dragon and began to merge into the two Holy Artifacts. Lin Chen piled a pile of gold sacred yuan coins to the center.

Lin Chen, who plundered many geniuses and Sacred Beast, now has 7290 gold sacred coins. Together with the silver sacred coins, they are used to restore the Holy Artifact and restore the Holy Artifact as quickly as possible!

Next, Lin Chen suspended more than 20 eighth rank young pill next to the silver sacred dollar coin pile, constantly absorbing the silver sacred dollar coin to strengthen himself.

These young pill have been carefully selected by Lin Chen in the top grade, including healing, auxiliary, recovery, etc. They are expected to be cultivated into the young pill of Grade 1 holy pill.

Lin Chen flipped his palm, a blue bow suspended, the bowstring jade green, the body is like a bright moon, the bow tip is inlaid with two bright jade, the holy bow as a whole is like a thunder.

This sacred bow is one of the rare treasures of the nine-color rainbow falling. It has a spirituality. Since Lin Chen suppressed Sacred Beast, the sacred bow no longer resisted when it fell in the hands of Lin Chen.

Any spirituality in the world, most of them pursue powerhouse. Lin Chen used his strength to gain the conviction of the holy bow.

Lin Chen bit the blood on the tip of his tongue, dripping blood to recognize Master.

Sacred Bow did not resist too much and accepted Lin Chen.

"Thunder Element sacred bow, azure imperial thunder, just happens that my "Auspicious Light Feather" arrow method is both Thunder Element and light system. This bow also meets my needs, and the battle strength of the archery skills is doubled! "

Lin Chen looked at this'Azure Royal Thunder Bow' very satisfied.

"Fortunately, my spirit strength is not what it used to be. It is not a big problem to barely bear another Holy Artifact. As for the armor of Lingjian, it can only be temporarily stranded."

Lin Chen sighed, and then buried all the "Earth Marrow Chijing" under the Longqing Tree and pinched his handprints.

Earth marrow red crystal is the lifeblood of the sacred turtle.

This world's rare object was born at 90,000 meters under the ground. It is a world's rare object that can only grow near the heart core of the earth. It has the energy of Earth Element. It gathers spirits for thousands of years and crystallizes for thousands of years. It can nurture Earth. Element Holy Spirit!

The palm-size earth marrow red crystal is worth a Grade 1 holy pill!

And the red crystal of the earth marrow owned by Lin Chen is two meters long and one foot wide, which is extremely valuable!

"This treasure is just suitable for me to cultivate the raw material for the Earth Element Alien Crystal!"

After Lin Chen buried the'Earth Element Chijing' under the Longqing Tree, he chose it again In a good place, plant the fourth spirit plant seed he obtained.

"Looking back when I just arrived in the Holy Realm, how dare I ever think that I would have four spirit plant seeds of luck!"

Lin Chen sighed from the heart, fourth The seeds of the spirit plant appear blue, which is quite mysterious.

Lin Chen didn't see its origin on the contrary, so he could only get a glimpse of the phenomenon after it was cultivated to the seedling stage.

Next, Lin Chen clicked on [Fusion].

"system, if all the cultivation techniques I hold at this stage are fused, what is the probability that the orange-level cultivation technique will be merged?"

[system answers the host: the host currently holds There are 87 types of purple top grade cultivation techniques, 18 half orange cultivation techniques, and orange cultivation techniques with specified types. The probability is 21.72%. The probability of fusion random orange-order cultivation technique is: 33%. 】

Lin Chen is taken aback!

So low? The sect that can produce 18 volumes of half-orange cultivation technique is also among the best in Grade 4 sect.

This is generally the strong background of Grade 5 sect, plus dozens of volumes of the purple-level top cultivation technique, is the probability that it is only one third?

"Wipe, you shouldn't cheat me..."

Lin Chen is a bit speechless. The probability of one third is too low. If the integration fails, it will be equivalent to several hundred million dollars. The sacred dollar coin will be directly floated.

"Forget it, I'd better stand still, first cultivation the orange-level cultivation technique on hand."

Lin Chen took out a roll of orange scrolls and glanced over several times. It's hot!

This is the orange-level cultivation technique of the Nine-Color Rainbow Bridge! I don’t know, what will the legendary orange battle skill look like?

"system, consumes all the cultivation technique essence, I want to learn this volume of orange-level cultivation technique!"

[Consumption 1 point of high level cultivation technique essence, is fusing cultivation for the host memory. The orange battle skill has hard cultivation requirements, if the host cannot reach it, it cannot be cultivation. 】

Lin Chen startled!

What the hell? 1 o'clock?


The mountain range of the burial sacred, from north to south, like a winding giant dragon, runs through million li.

The mountain range of the Burial Saint is the southern region, the flame region, and the yellow region, which is the junction of the three regions.

200,000 years ago, a Holy War of horrifying secularity broke out in the mountain range of the funeral saints!

A large number of Saints set off a war here. The cause of the war is unknown to the world.

Sanyu Saint kept silent about this battle.

Yan domain, Flame Mountain.

The flame burns like a sea, boiling and burning among the mountains.

The center of the mountains is a violent and hot sun.

The Battle Qi released by the hot sun is a silhouette is formed!

"The funerary ruins will be reopened soon. I have a foreboding that those geniuses who aim at the enchanting list have begun to gather near the three domains."

Sitting in the hot sun The silhouette in the center spoke slowly.

"In the past, my teacher personally rushed through the mountain range of the funeral saints, but I didn’t expect that the old bastard formation was still there. The Human Race sanctuary entered without permission. The probability of death was extremely high. It feeds on the holy blood and maintains it by devouring the holy energy..."

The scorching sun glows with waves of fireworks, seemingly jealous.

"Well, the things left by Saint King are really not so easy to take. This Old Guy wants to start the battle of the Hundred Saints once again, so as to absorb the Holy Blood to resurrect and act against the sky... "

"Now that the Great Saints have seen through the old bastard's techniques, only the Human Race below the Holy Land can avoid the big formation, but the Sacred Beast inside is not in the Holy Land. Contend. The ordinary Battle Sovereign enters, which is equivalent to courting death. I'm a disciple, can I be confident this time?"

The old man in the hot sun opened his eyes, and his eyes were like a pair of blazing suns. Incinerate.

On the opposite side of the old man, a handsome young man with sword eyebrows and stars resting his head on his hands, leaning on the stone cliff, blew a whistle.

"Master, I’m very embarrassed to say that. After all, the Holy Realm is not what it used to be. The top 10,000 geniuses on the genius list are equivalent to the end of the enchanting list thousands of years ago. All of them are beyond the boundaries of Battle Sovereign, strong like a group of monsters. I heard that some guys can fight against Saint for dozens of rounds without canonization. Damn, too terrifying..."

Nodded that the old man believed deeply —— "Indeed, the times have changed, and the genius born in the holy world is stronger."

Next, he looked at the handsome and cynical young man.

"You are also one of those monsters..."

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