Thousands of years ago, the genius at the end of the enchanting list could Battle Sovereign skipping grades to challenge Saint! The name moves the mountains and rivers, and shook the 36 domains!

skipping grades to challenge Saint, no longer a representative of the enchanting list!

Today, thousands of years later, the Holy Realm ushered in a brand new Grand Era!

The thirty-six regions of the holy world are brewing an unprecedented storm!

This storm, invisibly, attracts the strongest geniuses on the genius list!

Those, as powerful as people call'monster', are among the top ten thousand geniuses!

The shadow begins to stir, and the demon recovers from the silence.

And a certain name stood in the most violent position of the wind when the storm was brewing!

There is a legend from the descendants of the holy world, which is said in history: the eve of change.


After consuming 1 point of high level cultivation technique essence, when the memory of cultivation merged into his mind, Lin Chen looked at a loss.

"Orange-level low-level "Tears of Gods": divine splendor appears out of thin air, tears of the gods have no trace. God's tears·1st Layer: The broken air breaks the sky."

"cultivation this Blade Technique, you need to shatter the Holy Qi or Battle Qi, cut it out with a single knife, Blade Qi shatters thousands..."

After Lin Chen merged with the memory of cultivation, he couldn't help being stunned!

The orange-level cultivation technique is simply outrageous!

The 1st Layer of "Tears of God" is to condense the whole body of Battle Qi or holy energy and pure power to kill a blade Qi that spins at an extremely fast speed!

However, the difficulty lies in the next steps!

"When Blade Qi is fired, the user needs to break the Blade Qi apart and explode the accumulating edge at once. Blade Qi is like a flood of flowers and rain, and the broken awns are blasted. The broken glows have destructive power and strong flexibility, and it is extremely difficult for the enemy to react in the turbulent flow of broken glows that explode in an instant, and they can crush the opponent in an instant!"

Lin Chen was frightened, Teeth trembled, and he couldn't help but gasp.

However, the orange-level cultivation technique is much more than that! If it's limited to this, I'm sorry for the word "Orange Order"!

Blast and split a Battle Qi attack into ten or even a hundred times. Similar to this cultivation art, there are also half orange and purple cultivation techniques.

Even Lin Chen can do it himself.

But none of these moves have overcome a problem, that is, if the destructive power of an attack is divided into several parts, the formidable power will be greatly reduced.

"Similar cultivation techniques, not to mention improving the formidable power, are extremely difficult to maintain the original one third formidable power! If you compare it with a numerical value, the attack of an ordinary cultivation technique bursts out a formidable power of 100. After fragmentation, the total formidable power of all attacks can only be maintained between 10-20 at most. This is not a concern for Peak powerhouse."

"But in "Tears of God", The moment the Blade Qi bursts open, the formidable power does not decrease but increases! It is abnormal enough to be able to maintain the original destructive power, and it has a reverse increase..."

Lin Chen asked himself, if so He faces the enemy who masters this "Tears of God", the only probability is to use Rune of Slowness!

But the problem is that you don’t know when your opponent will “smash” your attack and turn into a gust of wind and rain to surround you!

Lin Chen's eyes are bright!

This is the'Orange Step', standing at the apex of the cultivation technique! Cannot mention on equal terms with the half-orange cultivation technique!

The half orange level is only slightly stained with the power of the orange level cultivation technique, and there is a shocking gap between the two!

However, the next system hint made Lin Chen completely confused!

[system hint host, the host’s current level 6 charge rune, Level 6 penetration rune, purple innate talent · ultimate moment, purple innate talent · assault, purple innate talent · tear It is not applicable to the orange battle skill. Monarch Overlooking The Whole World innate talent's bonus to Orange battle skill has been greatly reduced. 】

Isn’t this fuck cheating!

All his hole cards are not applicable to the orange battle skill?

"System, what are you doing to me?"

Lin Chen is completely angry!

[Answer host: Orange battle skill belongs to the cultivation technique cream of the crop level, which is extremely difficult to increase. Please restrain your emotions. In the same way, the battle skill created by the host will also become more difficult to increase due to the skyrocketing cultivation base and strength. 】

System’s answer reminded Lin Chen of the time he used the “Nine Tribulations Stars” earlier.

When the Level 6 charging rune was clearly used, the prompt that popped up only increased by 480% of the formidable power.

"It turns out that the stars of the Nine Tribulations at the time were due to my cultivation base skyrocketing, which exceeded the scope of the rune blessing. I am afraid that I am using the stars of the Nine Tribulations. Although the formidable power will exceed the previous ones, The increase in rune charge will be smaller and smaller..."

Lin Chen thoughtfully asked——"What if we continue to upgrade rune and innate talent?"

[ Reminder to the host: Some innate talents, recharges, and runes can no longer be upgraded. 】

Lin Chen sighed. It seems that if there is gain, there must be losses.

In the future, many of his rune and innate talents will help him less and less.

"I can only look for new innate talents and runes. The orange-level cultivation technique is the highest, so I can’t use the half-orange-level cultivation technique for the rest of my life, right? Besides, the half-orange-level cultivation technique is in my life. The formidable power in his hand has turned more than ten or twenty times to barely reach the height of the orange-level cultivation technique."

Lin Chen quickly adjusted his mentality, with a strong fighting spirit burning in his eyes-"Orange-level cultivation technique If my formidable power can be doubled, or even doubled, tripled, the benefit to me will far exceed the 20-fold increase of the half-orange battle skill!"

Lin Chen began closed-door cultivation "God" The main point of "Tears", began to shatter the beheaded Battle Qi again and again.

On the other side, he released two Avatars and started casting. He also has an eighth rank fierce beast core, which he obtained from robbing those geniuses from the Nine-Color Rainbow Bridge, for the sake of the'too quiet golden phoenix' The fierce beast core!

This Phoenix is ​​one of the hundred Great Saint Phoenix races. It is famous for its no stronghold one cannot overcome Golden Feather and sharp bloodline innate talent.

Any divine ability of its race is domineering and sharp, and it is called by many Casting Item Masters as "all over the body is a treasure", even a feather can be cast into a seventh rank War weapon.

Lin Chen wants to complete his eighth rank gun embryo, and there is still a final step before it can be cast into the finished Holy Artifact!

And his gun embryo just lacks a key material!

Time passed slowly in Lin Chen's many cultivation and preparation matters.

3rd day, Lin Chen’s eighth rank gun embryo was cast into a complete Holy Artifact. The finished product surpassed Grade 1 Holy Artifact and reached Grade 2 Holy Artifact for the first time! Exceeds the grade of Heavenly Sword!

This gun is the first Holy Artifact made by Lin Chen himself, and its name is: Youhuang!

On the fourth day, Lin Chen cultivation the entry method of manipulating the shattering of war weapons to the extreme. He waved a Blade Qi that could be broken into dozens of broken awns, but it still couldn’t satisfy "Tears of God". demand!

The reason is simple, Lin Chen's cultivation base is insufficient!

His Battle Qi volume needs at least further to be broken more thoroughly!

"At least the Five Tribulations cultivation base is required for initial understanding of this orange-level battle skill. Right now, I am still some distance away from the Five Tribulations cultivation base. Although there are silver sacred coins, I can refining the power of Avatar. There is not enough time to refining. Instead, it is my spirit strength, which has a faint taste of touching half-step into the holy, um, Avatar cultivation spirit strength!"

Lin Chen asked the Avatar to take a huge amount of spirit strength. The eighth rank young pill, the three major Avatars have produced the handprint of "Supreme Beginning Sacred Sutra", and the spiritual bridge divides ten thousand spirit strength refining young pill!

[Get 9 points of spirit strength, 13 points of spirit strength, 11 points of spirit strength...]

Although the finished product is the best medicine pill, Lin Chen has no time now, so he can absorb as much as he can!

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