
Lin Chen quit the retreat, and gave all the cultivation to Avatar, and he rushed out of the Water Curtain Cave alone.

"I know that you are the one who can't be idle."

Ning Qingxuan stands on the cloud, smiles, beautifully.

This smile seems to bloom only for one person.

Lin Chen stared blankly, and then said with a smile: "hehe, who knows my heart, and Fairy Fairy."

"How about, do it again this time What."

Fairy fell beside him, as if he knew what he was thinking.

Lin Chen: "It is rumored that the extreme south area of ​​Rainbow Island is full of fierce beasts who like to kill. I will go there to hunt fierce beasts on a large scale. You help me wound the beasts and let me Or let me fight to death."

Ning Qingxuan said: "What about the beast core."

Lin Chen: "It doesn't matter, you need it, you don’t need it. I use it as inventory."

Yes, the meaning of Lin Chen's move is to accumulate the energy value of'Monarch Overlooking The Whole World' innate talent! Prepare for the final battle!


Hundred Holy Sect, the Holy Pagoda of Thousand Moons.

"For many years, there has not been a youngster like this guy who dared to challenge me with a hundred Holy Sect."

"It takes a lot of energy to cultivate so many young talents. , This dark horse club is extremely rampant..."

"If it is a Grade 5 sect, I would not dare to do anything to him, but it turned out to be a Gradeless sect? Humph, courting death!"

Inside the holy tower, in a large secret room, the three breaths are as strong as the stars, the sun and the moon, and they suddenly shake and wake up!

"Ji Mei, you go and bring people back, we want to live."

tone barely fell, the pink cloud rises, the beautiful lady shrouded in the cloud is beautiful and charming , Giggled.

"Last time I picked up the Eagle Saint Old Qiao monster in the East Island, I died after not playing for a month~ I look forward to meeting a good man this time."

Hongtian Temple, a roll of storm destroys Heaven and Earth, and the sky rolls thousands of miles across the sky.

In the storm, an old man yawned.

"It's really killing people, and going to the abyss of thunder, and wanting the old man to grab a youngster called Lin Chen, these guys really make people..."

The Sun Moon Palace, the moon rises over the sea, and the scorching sun sets to see the beautiful woman.

"Lin Chen? Is the guy on the list of geniuses bloodbathed some time ago? Did he kill my discipline?"

The cold shook sharply, the moon was dim, and the night fell.

The beautiful lady in the fluttering moon skirt stepped on a ray of light from the dark night, like an arrow from the string shuttling through the void.

"Lin Chen, no matter what your origin, the fate of this Monarch disciple, you must be a debt of blood must be paid in blood!"

Qiyun Island.

Mo Qing looked at his Sect Founder and Supreme Elder, and gasped!

Everyone Elder came out!

"Qing, you are the only person in our Aristocratic Family who has cultivation the secret technique. We believe in your vision."

Its Sect Founder master divine poise and sagelike features With a smile, patted Mo Qing's shoulder.

"This is too big a bet, Lord Sect Founder..."

Mo Qing is a bit shivering, this is completely pressing the entire sect!

"We also collected the rumors of the Dark Horse Club as quickly as possible. These monster-like geniuses are worth our bet!"

Sect Founder Master Holder Whisk, smile with whiskers, clearly understood rays of light in his eyes.

The famous geniuses can't help holding their breath!

This lineup is too terrifying!

There are the president of the Grade 4 Chamber of Commerce, the Chen Family of the Grade 4 Aristocratic Family, the Dark Pavilion of the Grade 4 sect, the Cicada Saint and the Fog Saint of Strange Domain, and the Five Saints from the Savage Domain 4. Saint, the Chihong Saint of Hongtian Temple!

There are more than twenty saints who are here to encircle and suppress the'Black Horse Club'! !

"The Grade 3 sect of Odd Fields that helped Lin Chen Young Master in the Sifang Conference in the past did not come. I am afraid that other Dark Pavilion joint forces of Odd Fields have dragged down the action, and they may appear in the future. More Saints. This time, how will he overcome this difficulty..."

Lan Ruoxuefang's heart is throbbing, and the difficulty this time far exceeds that of the Sifang Conference!

Time passed, until the fourth day, thousands of streams of light fell from the sky one after another!

The geniuses hold their breath, many peak genius are coming back!

But seeing the streamer coming down, a lot of light beams descended on the Qiyuntai.

Each beam of light is a silhouette, or a skeleton and remains.

What's more, when you send it back, there is only one hair left...

However, the Saints and the geniuses found that all the geniuses looked decadent and sad.

The female image is excessively indulgent and listless. The man looks like kidney deficiency, completely hollowed out.

Everyone is stunned!

What's the situation?

Even Fengquan Saint and Yimei Saint were dumbfounded!

Shouldn't Rainbow Island be a great opportunity to reap and reap great opportunities?

In the past, the geniuses who came out of Rainbow Island, at least for half a day, have achieved some success. All of them are full of red light, full of vigor, and no matter how bad they are, they have a resolute look.

How come this year, one by one seems to have been smashed?

Among these'withered' flowers, only one'rose flower' is particularly bright!

The women in the Palace of Refining the Heart are restrained strictly, but Lin Chen from the Dark Horse Club, pleasedly smiled, with open eyes and a bit of sensuality in her anger, smiling like a rose flower !

"Well, how can Lin Chen laugh..."

"This kid has picked up a beautiful woman, and smiles like a bridegroom who just entered the bridal chamber!"

All geniuses are dumbfounded.

Lin sighed.

"Hey, Rainbow Island is so nice! I am so happy to come down this trip. Next time I will come, I have to bring the girls from our dark horse club to eat hot pot and sing songs. Wasn't it beautiful when I touched my waist with my little hand?"

Many of the geniuses on the court were almost bullshitting with anger!

Good girl! What about going on a scenic tour?

Does he still speak human words? You are happy, your happiness is built on top of our pain! Good things are all fucking for you to snatch!

"I really want to hit him..."

"Brother Wang, hold back, you can't beat him!"

"How come I'm here Has the Plague God entered Rainbow Island together? I really owe someone my damn my last life, grass! I touched an eighth rank medicine ingredient after mixing for so long!"

Everyone sees the genius who is teleported back. All of them stared at Lin Chen as if they were killing their fathers and enemies. They couldn't help but wonder, what happened in Rainbow Island?

Those surviving wild geniuses saw the giant bears in the sky, Qilin fierce, they couldn't help crying and screaming!

"Old Ancestor, you can count it! It's this kid who abused and killed my fellow countrymen!"

"He killed 74 of us in one breath, eight of us sect He killed all the geniuses!"

"Yes! And he also robbed all of us. When the last nine-color rainbow bridge appeared, everything was robbed by him!"


When all the geniuses saw Man Yu, the rough guys who were back of a tiger and waist of a bear crying like a child, they couldn't help but stunned!

What did they hear? Nine-color rainbow bridge!

That is a great opportunity that is rare in thousands of years! Every time a person who gets his chance appears, he will definitely cast a legend and a legend, even the treasure with a 1.9-color rainbow bridge can be infinitely useful!

However...everything on the Nine-Color Rainbow Bridge was robbed by Lin Chen!

This is going to turn the sky over!

However, next...

"wu wu wu, evil Senior Brother Yue, you must call the shots for Nangong and the Junior Brothers and Junior Sisters who died!"



The devastatingly beautiful lady in the Riyue Palace is crying weeping beauty even more, and people see pity, sobbing at the evil youth in the sky.

"Lin Chen disguised as Senior Brother Nangong. As Senior Brother, he robbed the entire Rainbow Island Sacred Beast's belongings and planted them on our Sun Moon Palace, causing us to be The bull Sacred Beast besieged, our Junior Brother and Junior Sister finally managed to break through. How do you know that this child secretly sneak attack, our people were killed by the dark horse club more than half!"

Hearing this, all People and even Saint, dumbstruck instantly, look dumbfounded!

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