Lin Chen's performance far exceeded the expectations of the red dress woman!

This fist played by Lin Chen seems to have hollowed out half of his power!

He gasping for breath, when he saw the Three Saints who had been repelled by several dozen li, the excitement in his eyes was hard to conceal!

Once, he used this War God bracer with two bursts of power to repel the seriously injured Lin Xingchen!

Not to mention the punch! Even the three Saint 4th layers teamed up and were repelled by him for a long distance!

"The War God bracer is really scary. It seems that this is still part of the suit system. If I can collect the entire War God suit, wouldn't it be possible to extinguish the soul?"

This idea is just to think about it. Lin Chen knows well that this War God wristband needs a strong body refinement to withstand part of its power. Without a strong Body Refinement Realm, everything is nothing.

"The breath of the three Saints is still strong and strong. My punch only knocked them back and didn’t hurt them. They still had more power, but I couldn’t fight for a long time with the War God bracers. Although they can burst their power, but if you fight hard, I will suffer!"

"It's time to go, Saint 4th layer will come, it is beyond my expectation..."


Lin Chen flicks with the finger, smashing the void with strength, and ejecting a golden brilliance rainbow light with pure power and extremely terrifying.

Next, Lin Chen retreated violently, and the little shadow wrapped his figure, shuttling through the void and fleeing!

The woman in the moon skirt waved her bare hand, and the holy spirit was like a vast ocean, condensed into Moonlight Finger lights and collided away.

Bang~! Lin Chen's finger was crushed.

"He is going to run!"

The pink cloud girl narrowed her eyes, driving the pink cloud to chase her immediately.

The old man in commoner is gloomy and uncertain: "Dare to compete for speed in front of the old man, kid, you are not qualified."

He turned into a dark green storm, and the three of them flew right away. Chase Lin Chen!

The red dress woman looked at the direction where the three of them were leaving, did not catch up, but slowly closed her eyes, frowning in thought.

Heavenly Ghost is weak in the holy realm, and the four of them are so fast that they can't catch up!

Shen Lingshuang is anxious beside the red dress woman...


"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Lin Chen He urged in his heart, constantly flapping the Saint Phoenix wings, and the little shadow shuttled him into the space, jumping extremely long distances again and again.

But soon, seeing the silhouette of three flashes shuttling through the void approaching behind him, Lin Chen raised his hand with another snap finger, and the pure power condensed burst out a golden brilliance streamer, exploded in the Three Saints between!

Lin Chen did not run away indiscriminately, but pointed in one direction!

At this time, the system pops up a light screen, and Lin Chen's movement method has skyrocketed again!

[Automatically strengthen "Dragon Flash" +15 success, formidable power increase: 90%, a total of 38 failures, a total of 970,000 strengthening points. 】

"en? This kid's speed has skyrocketed. It's his movement method!"

"Fast speed...This kind of movement method is almost half orange movement. The strongest level in the method, coupled with his pair of Saint Phoenix Wings and the help of Innate Shadow, with his cultivation base can explode at this speed, only the Orange-level movement method can do it!"

Eyes squinted, next moment, look terrified!

"Not good, the direction he wants to escape is Zixia Wanggu!"

The face of the second girl next to her changed abruptly!

Zixia Wanggu, that is an Aristocratic Family in the legend, the background far exceeds Grade 5 sect!

"It looks like I have to come up with a trump card trick..."

The fastest commoner elder rides the dark green hurricane while he flashes on his body and immediately steps on Grinding'holes'.

His holy aura quickly dried up and consumed, and his speed suddenly skyrocketed, his body flashed, and he approached Lin Chen at a speed visible to naked eye!

[Consume 4000 points of advanced talisman energy to activate Level 6 Rune of Slowness. 】

A gray-white talisman fell from the sky and burst from the space behind Lin Chen. The speed of the old man in the commoner was a little slower!

The strength of the 4th layer of the Holy Land is very different from that of the 3rd-layer. Lin Chen consumed one third of the rune energy he had just obtained when he shot. The moment he played the super Rune of Slowness, he turned around again. It's a snap!

Tear and pull~! Bang~!

The golden brilliance streamer hit the old man in commoner who couldn't resist. Although he was bombarded, the holy light circulating around his body absorbed most of the damage and impact.

"Really, how come this kid has so many weird tricks?"

The old man in commoner fly into a rage out of humiliation!

The moon skirt woman and the pink cloud lady immediately pursued them.

The four formed a chase line, wherever they passed, the sound exploded, and the air currents roared and screamed!

All Saints who were aware of the existence of the four dared not spy easily, and were shocked by the terrifying aura of the Saint 4th layer and hid them!


Southland, a continent plate.

East-Rising Purple Qi, Yun Zhengxiawei.

The ten mountain ranges are like Wolong intertwined, imposing manner, majestic and stalwart, pavilions stand in great numbers, and palaces abound.

The powerful Space Formation shelters all around Bafang. At the center is a valley where purple clouds rise. The valley extends to countless layers underground. The sky casts a city and is full of atmosphere, just like the relics of ancient civilization. !

In the center of the valley, in an ancient tower, two old men suddenly opened their eyes!

"The Space Formation at 30,000 miles north and south was broken? Who are you dare to break into my Wanggu!"

"It seems that there is more than one person. Go and see."

The body flashed and disappeared of the two elders.

High above the clouds in the south, the figure of the old man emerges.

Boom~! A sonic boom came, and the two elders fixed their eyes to see that a young man was chased and killed by three holy realm 4th layers?

"Where is the coming...huh?"

When the second elder was about to stop the bloody boy, he actually took out a light purple token and aimed it at the second elder. .

The lines above clearly engrave the word'king'!

"This...this is the token of the Little Demon Empress!"

"Seeing the order, such as seeing the Lord Gu, this order is owned by the Little Demon Empress alone, and she actually gave this order The card is handed over to this young man? What is his origin?"

"No matter what origin, save people first!"

In the eyes of the two elders, everything is blazing!

The relationship between this token is not trivial, and the Battle Qi seal has been unlocked. Obviously, its owner took the initiative to hand it over to this young man, not the young man forcibly or accidentally picking it up.

If you give it on your own initiative, it can be seen that the Little Demon Empress has an ambiguous relationship with this child!

What if it is the future Uncle Wanggu? That can't be neglected!


The two elders are like a ray of light, Hengkong blocked in front of the three people, took a palm print of Zixia Liaowei, pushed the Eight Desolations Six Directions horizontally, and volleyed to stop the three!

The woman in the moon skirt shattered her palm prints with her bare hands, coldly said — "Two, what do you mean?"

The old man in the commoner immediately cup one fist in the other hand: "Two, the old man is the Hongtian Temple. These two are the Hundred Holy Sect and the Supreme Elder of the Sun Moon Temple. We chase down this child together, and I hope you will give me a face..."

"You don't have to give face, this child, we are protected by Zixia Wanggu. If you move him, you are my enemy!"

The two old sayings are amazing! Lin Chen was saved by one face-to-face meeting!

Lin Chen is dumbfounded, is this too strong? Protect me without even asking about my origin?

"My little fairy, is the token she gave me such a big name in Zixia Wanggu!"

Lin Chen also didn't expect, little fairy The token can play such a big role!

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