Lin Chen knew the location of Zixia King Valley. He wanted to use the tokens to use the power here to involve the other three people, and then try to sneak off by himself. He didn’t expect them directly. Save him!

Lin Chen took off the War God wristband, feeling exhausted and weak.

The injured little shadow immediately sneaked back to the Taoyuan planting sac, swallowing a large amount of medicine pill and Long Qingguo.

War God bracer rays of light are bleak and not as powerful as before. This time Lin Chen used it all the time but did not allow it to absorb enough attribute light balls. There seemed to be a feeling of insufficient energy.

Lin Chen launched the'Omen of God's Steal' without saying a word to the Five Saints in the sky!

[Consume 1269 innate talent points and steal attribute values: 700 high level Water Element energy, 820 high level Wind Element energy, 2990 advanced talisman energy, 2.8 million enhancement points, 900 high level Gold Element energy. 】

With a boom, Lin Chen’s Nine-Colored Life Wheel incorporates more elemental energy!


Lin Chen gasped slightly! Worthy of being a great expert of Saint 4th layer, the attribute values ​​stolen are all horribly high!

The trio's faces are gloomy.

The pink lady giggled, and there was a hint of chill between her eyebrows: "The people of Zixia King Valley are so domineering, so let the concubine learn the two masters!"


With a wave of the sleeves, the fragrant wind swept across, and the slender jade finger ejected a strand of cold glow, tore the void, and went straight towards the two!

The other two played a round of silver and bright moon, and Battle Qi transformed into an ink-colored wind dragon, which shook the two elders from the front!

"The three guys who entered the Acupoint Expansion Realm for the first time, that's all, dare to be impudent in my King Valley!"

The two of them rushed into the sky, flashing into two streams of light. , And fight with the three of them!

Lin Chen is speechless, the strength of these two old men is more terrifying than the three of them...Even he can only see a few afterimages that's all.

The five-person battle did not stir up the power of destroying heaven extinguishing earth. The holy energy around the two elders Wanggu flowed out of the smell of Void Teleportation, eliminating a lot of the aftermath of the battle.

This made the site of Zixia King Valley not suffered any shock disasters!

But Lin Chen clearly saw that the space of the Five Holy Wars was shattered into abyss-like cracks every time, which was especially terrifying...

Before a quarter of an hour, the two sides separated, three The human figure is battered and exhausted, although it is not injured, but the holy energy is consumed greatly.

For Saint Level 1, it is a very serious matter to consume too much holy energy, and there are limited channels for supplementation.

Not to mention the cost of injury. Without a holy pill, one can only heal by oneself, so ordinary holy realms will not engage in true combat.

"Wanggu expert, name is not in vain." The pretty face of the woman in the moon skirt is slightly pale.

"Hehe, boy, today there is an expert from Zixia Wanggu to protect you, but it may not be the case in the future..."

The charming woman smiled coldly, enveloped in a faint pink cloud Drift away.

"That's all, it's just an old man's task to catch this kid. This is still the home of Zixia King Valley. There is no need to smash it..."

The old man sighed in his heart. After leaving Lin Chen, the woman with the most unwilling moon skirt shaved Lin Chen's eyes fiercely, and then left in a flash.

"little fellow, we are helping you with the powerful enemy. You should talk about your relationship with our daughter in the valley."

The old man walked towards Lin Chen with a smile, he was right. When I want to have a cup one fist in the other hand and the second old polite, the'Godslayer' innate talent status is released, and the time limit is up.

"pu chi ~!"

The moment the Godslayer innate talent was released, Lin Chen was directly bled by Qiqiao!

At the moment before fainting, Lin Chen hurriedly swallowed the next colored glass Bodhi Seed under his stomach, urging the Dragon Emperor to assist in the refining, and then fainted with black eyes.


Qiyun Island.

"This little fellow is still related to Zixia Wanggu, hehe, it seems that he also has a lot of fortunes."

The red dress woman opened her eyes and flicked across. Surprised.

Shen Lingshuang anxiously said: "elder sister, how is my Master!"

She said with a smile: "It's okay, your Master has arrived at Zixia King Valley, and has been sheltered He is here. Although he was seriously injured, at least his life is safe."

As soon as this statement came out, the geniuses were amazed!

Too strong! This Lin Chen is going against the sky!

An emperor and a group of saints also killed 14 holy realms and escaped from the hands of three Saint 4th layers. Since ancient times, there are many legendaries in the holy realm. How many people can have this kind of ability?

The Lord Fu Sheng Kingdom clicking one's tongue in wonder —— "Unexpectedly, little friend Lin Chen still has this relationship..."

The Poison Saint laughed: "It's really amazing, no matter what Is it true virtue show or true virtue handsome, or this Lin Chen, this dark horse club gathers a group of monsters."

"oh! Chen Wuming, this muddy boy, why give me Chen Family Invited this god of plague!"

"That's all, look for another opportunity. As long as the kid is not truly sanctified, we will still have a chance. If he becomes sanctified, we will have no chance to catch him. !"

The sacred realm of Barbaric Domain and the Old Ancestor of Chen Family’s sacred realm left in angrily!

Today's battle, they have thoroughly seen the boy's defense against the sky! Without the background of the 4th layer of the Holy Realm, there is no right to hunt him down!

However, the 4th layer of the Holy Land in Grade 4 sect is still very few. Even if there is, it is the last figure in charge. It is extremely difficult to transfer, let alone to leave for a teenager...

To provoke this child's fate, they can see clearly!

The Dark Pavilion is basically completely wiped out. Dark Pavilion has all eight sacred realms, and six have fallen because of hunting down Lin Chen!

The same is true for Wanjin Chamber of Commerce. The president is dead here, and Chamber of Commerce will be hit hard! The other forces behind the Five Sages from the forces of the Wonderland are no exception!

This number of fallen sacred realms, only some eternal Holy War or eternal war will happen, no one didn't expect it, this will come from the hands of a young genius!

"I want to see the Master..."

"No, you should go back to the palace, I can't leave the palace for too long. This time you should also be cultivated, Only if you are strong, you can help your Master."


The red dress woman never saw any of Qiyun Island from the beginning to the end. A Saint, only gave Ning Qingxuan a meaningful look, and then left with Shen Lingshuang.

"hehe, our Heavenly Ghost is not wrong to bet on the palace, then wait for this little fellow to be sanctified!"

Heavenly Ghost, the Sect Founder of the palace, caress the beard said. with a smile.

The entire group of Lord Fu Sheng came out of the sky and said with a smile to those who counted the palace of Heavenly Ghost: "Your Excellency Prediction Masters of Qiyu, since everyone is helping Lin Chen, too It's a destined acquaintance. Next is my Southern Burial Saint mountain range when it is opened, do you want to take a look together?"

Sect Founder said with a smile: "Fu Sheng, Lord of the Kingdom, long admiring the name?"

Ah. The mountain range of the burial saint has long been heard, since it's here, let's go."

Yue Qingli pursed her lips--"Imperial Father, don't you go to see the young master of true virtue... "

The country lord smiled and shook his head: "The strongest woman said that they have the shelter of Zixia King Valley. That area is not accessible to an ordinary person. There is no special permission, even if it is me. I can’t get in either. Moreover, I have a hunch that people in the Dark Horse Club will go to the mountain range of the Burial Saint..."

"What you see is the same, Lord, please."

The two forces looked at each other and asked, and the geniuses of Qiyun Island fell into the curtain with sorrow and exclamation.

After this battle, Lin Chen and the celebrities of the Dark Horse Club became famous among the younger generation in the holy world!

The geniuses were caught by the rhythm and began to leave one after another.

"Qingxuan, let's go too."

The old man Ao Qing took Ning Qingxuan away.

She said with a serious face: "No, I'm going to the mountain range to wait for him!"


I don’t know how long she has been in a coma, Lin Chen opened his eyes.

I am in a secret room.

Lin Chen smiled bitterly after sensing the injuries all over his body.

It seems that the cost of using the War God bracers, unless you really own the 20 holy cave cultivation base, or you pass the repercussions during the Godslayer state, otherwise it will involve him...

"It's a pity! Most of the dozens of Saint's accepting rings were cut into pieces by the Blade Qi of God's Tears! Mother, I'm afraid it's not a loss of 100 million. How can Saint's baby? Simple..."

Lin Chen was a little bit upset. His sword of "Tears of God" swept the 14th sage, but he also blasted all the rings held by the holy realm!

The things in the ring are basically turned into powder, and even the attribute value has not dropped much!

At this time, the old naughty laughter sounded.

"The little fellow life force is good, although there is Bodhi Seed, but you woke up in just a few days."

An azure clothed old man has long been sitting in a secret place. The void in the room looked at him with interest.

Lin Chen gratefully said: "Thanks Senior for helping me."

Azure clothed old man waved: "In addition, the old man asks you, your Zixia Wang Ling How did you get it? What is the relationship between you and Master Wang Ling? Who are you?"

Lin Chen pondered for a moment, and recounted the process of getting acquainted with the little fairy.

Of course, he didn't say anything about Lin Xingchen.

The old man complexion changed, and finally he was relieved when he heard that the "little fairy" was in no danger.

He looked at Lin Chen said with a smile with interest.

"Good boy! You are the dark horse club Lin Chen of the bloodbathed genius list? Unexpectedly, you and Miss have this kind of friendship!"

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