The words of the old man made Lin Chen lost his thoughts.

"The little dream girl told me that the former owner of her mother was War Saint, who used the sword technique to fall into the depths of the mountain range of the burial saint, and gave it to me when Rainbow Island was parting. A piece of the saint helmet, engraved with his Holy Force aura, as long as he is within a certain range, he can perceive his position."

"According to Xiaomeng’s mother’s last words, Qingtian War Saint comprehend Taiyi back then The Fragment of Futian Jue has not been fully studied yet, and there are fragments on him! This time it is about "Tai Yi Fu Heavenly Art", even if it is the Eighteen Levels of Hell, I have to go!"

Seeing the strong fighting spirit in Lin Chen's eyes, the azure clothed old man said with a smile: "Look at what you look like, presumably you, a little fellow, will also join in. With your strength, you will definitely not return empty-handed."

"It’s not too early, so hurry up and recuperate. If you are walking in the Zixia King Valley, use this sapphire order to collect the king order that the lady gave you. Don’t light it lightly. Come out, otherwise when the time comes, it will cause a lot of trouble."

Azure clothed old man threw an azure token to Lin Chen, Lin Chen solemnly cup one fist in the other hand:" Many thanks to Senior!"

While the two elders left and Lin Chen recovered from his injuries, he was pleasantly surprised to find that after experiencing the previous accumulation and the fierce battles of the Holy Realm, his spirit strength breakthrough had half-stepped into the Holy Land. Up!

Half step into the holy, the ordinary alchemist must at least reach this spirit strength realm before he is qualified to try to refine the holy pill. Of course, the success rate is still low, but Lin Chen who holds +15 "Supreme Beginning Sacred Sutra" is an exception.

Lin Chen makes Avatar enter the cultivation state and opens the system.

[Heavenly Path Collection System 6.0 version

Host: Lin Chen ——cultivation base: Battle Sovereign (Four tribulation Peak)——high level essence: 5.59 million points

Ultimate strength: 99.99 million dragon power-high level Qi and blood: 6.88 million points

high level Divine Attribute value: 6046 points (half-step into the holy)

High level cultivation technique essence: 13011 points-advanced talisman energy: 9641 points.

Intermediate Heavenly Dao value: 14557 points-intermediate innate talent points: 13602 points.

Blank attribute: 3.44 million points-strengthening points: 21.68 million points.

High level element energy: Fire Element 5914 points, Earth Element 5311 points, Wood Element 5500 points, Gold Element 5566 points, Water Element 5988 points, Thunder Element 5119 points, Wind Element 5969 points, Light Element 4155 Points, dark system 4991 points

Cultivation technique status bar (open or not)-bloodline status bar (open or not)

Passive innate talent bar (open or not)-nirvana Column (open or not)

Active innate talent column (open or not)-feature rune column (open or not)

innate talent combo (open or not)]

Strengthen points more than 20 million points! It can be described as a huge amount! All the attribute values ​​of Lin Chen's non-growth category are abnormally high!

Even though the Godslayer state will reduce the drop of non-growth attribute light balls, Lin Chen slaughters 14 Saints in a wave, the attribute value drop is still terrifying.

"This strengthening point is enough for me to increase the battle strength by another wave!"

Lin Chen is excited.

Next, Lin Chen consumed 7.7 million enhancement points in one go!

【"Shadow Flying Knife" +15, "Imperial Sky" +15, "Sword Wrath Qingtian" +15, "Supreme Beginning Sacred Sutra" +15, "Mirror Moon" +15, "Annihilation" +15, " Qi Jue Jin" +15,]

Lin Chen has strengthened all the current main cultivation technique to +15!

And Lin Chen in "Tears of God" does not have a cultivation Perfection, so it cannot be strengthened. Only the cultivation technique of the host's cultivation Perfection can be strengthened.

Although Lin Chen has learned "Tears of God", he has the opportunity to learn from Godslayer innate talent.

Using Lin Chen's current cultivation base to perform "Tears of God", I am afraid that it is not Blade Qi that collapsed, but his meridian.

You must reach the Five Tribulations cultivation base before you can barely use "Tears of God".

Therefore, the half-orange cultivation technique controlled at this stage is still Lin Chen's main battle strength method. The mountain range of the burial saint is very important, and Lin Chen should not allow any mistakes!

"My spirit strength has a taste like a sea like a sea! It is more than a level stronger than the previous me, "Supreme Beginning Sacred Sutra" +15 and half-step into the holy spirit strength brought me Metamorphosis, the pill concocting skill has increased by more than three or four times!"

Lin Chen was surprised by his spirit strength mutation. "Supreme Beginning Sacred Sutra" gave him a Saint Level alchemist's in advance. spirit strength manipulation.

The Supreme Beginning Sacred Sutra after +15 is particularly powerful, not to mention Lin Chen’s spirit strength has broken through...

Lin Chen is almost certain, as long as he is completely promoted to'Transcendent' Saint'spirit strength, his spiritual manipulation will surely reach an extremely terrifying realm!

His refining skills will be advanced by leaps and bounds!

[Consumption of 218 points of high level cultivation technique essence, is fusing the cultivation memory of the half-orange pill concocting handprint "True Dragon Sacred Hand"...]

"True Dragon Sacred Hand, Yilong Combining battle Qi, spirit strength pill concocting, strength imperial material, qi transfer to Nine Heavens, spirit reversal, if the user has True Dragon Bloodline and strong enough spirit strength, the power of this pill concocting handprint is almost equal to that of the orange handprint... "

Lin Chen couldn't help but stunned when he merged with the cultivation memory of the True Dragon sacred hand. This pill concocting mudra has the magical effect of assisting pill concocting with pure power!

True Dragon Bloodline can also be used for pill concocting, but Lin Chen’s Rain Dragon and Azure Dragon bloodline can only be regarded as a sideline of True Dragon Bloodline.

"The cultivation of the purple top grade top grade handprints is extremely difficult. This half-orange pill concocting handprint has 100,000 combinations of handprints! Each of them is extremely mysterious, and it has a comparison with the holy pill of refined products. The high supporting effect is worthy of being something that even Saint would have to scalp..."

Lin Chen and Avatar relied on their injuries and integrated the memories of the pile concocting fingerprints and cultivation.


Qingyun Valley, in the lobby; a group of silhouettes.

The first two white clothed men have cold faces.

"This Young Master heard that we, Wanggu, came to a special guest. Wang Ling, who holds the young lady, is still a man?"

"How could it be possible that the young lady was born Supreme? Will hand over Wang Ling to a man. I don’t believe it either, I think it’s most likely to be cheated by this child!"

A man with red eyebrows slapped the tabletop angrily, shaking the hall. , Got up violently,

"Why, this person has what skills and abilities Wang Ling who holds the young lady, I will meet him!"

The white clothed sitting in the first place Youth have a dignified appearance and said indifferently: "Enough, so soon you are in a mess, what kind of decent is you. There are green, dry, and two Elders sitting in town, do you dare to move him?"

Everyone looked jealous .

"He can't keep crouching, wait, look for an opportunity, I will let him know that the young lady is not something he can approach!"

white clothed youth has a full face The killing intent of the evil!


Four days of recovery, cultivation, learning, Lin Chen's life in Zixia Wanggu all at once passed.

On the eighth day after arriving at Zixia Wanggu, Lin Chen left the customs.

Zixia King Valley, Purple Land within the valley.

Lin Chen strolled on the street. Many Chamber of Commerce and Business Groups were doing business here, and the dísciple of Zixia Wanggu purchased materials here.

Although Zixia Wanggu has a big business, its cultivation will always burn resources, and it will be put into the Chamber of Commerce outside to do business here.

At this moment, the young Wanggu dísciple on the street stared at a young man at the door of a shop.

The boy actually asked for 4 million silver coins as soon as he opened his mouth!

That thin monkey-like man nodded and said with a smile said with a smile: "Young Master is really great generosity, 4 million bought all the holy water of our Business Group!"

The gentle and charming snow-clothed woman next to her smiled and said, "How about it, Lin Chen big brother, I said that this is the place with the most treasures in Zixia King Valley, I didn't lie to you."

Lin Chen nodded said with a smile: "Well, it's really good."

The snow-clothed girl next to Lin Chen is named Lixue, who is the blue dísciple of the Zixia King Valley.

When Gan Elder confessed to looking for a dísciple to lead Lin Chen, she immediately took on the task.

Zixia Wanggu is not comparable to the outside world. Many forbidden areas are forbidden to enter by outsiders. Violators are directly put to death! In order to prevent Lin Chen from entering the forbidden area by mistake, he needs to be led by his family.

Seeing Lin Chen's satisfaction, Li Xuejiao's face is like a glow, smiling and chatting with Lin Chen, her beautiful eyes are full of curiosity and admiration.

Heroes love beauties since ancient times, and beauties love heroes as much.

Li Xue was born in Zixia Wanggu, with a very high vision, but I have never heard of any man who dares to wash the genius list since ancient times, even the young lady Wang Ling has got it. She is very curious about Lin Chen!

"I will use 30% higher than the market price of Sacred Dollar Coins to purchase all the existing alien crystal fragments of your Chamber of Commerce."

Next, Lin Chen was as thin as that The monkey man speaks amazing words!

"Higher than the market price...30%?"

The vendor was stunned and thought he had heard it wrong!

"Okay, okay! Young Master, please wait..." His face was ecstatic, his attitude seemed to kneel down for Lin Chen, and he was about to turn around to prepare for Lin Chen.

"I paid 50% higher than the market price, and the strange crystal fragments, I pack it."

A lightly contemptuous and arrogant voice suddenly interrupted all the shock!

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes.

"Someone wants to make trouble?"

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