Lin Chen purchases all the alien crystal fragments in order to make as many nirvana skills as possible before entering the mountain range of the burial saint.

Someone suppressed him at a single price, and he wanted to buy all the alien crystal fragments of the Business Group. Normally, Saint is also impossible to refining so many alien crystal fragments.

Obviously, the other party is most likely to make trouble.

Lin Chen touched the chin, browses lightly raise: "The visitor is not kind, but this is the place of the Little Demon Empress. As long as the other party is not too much, I can bear it."

The visitor wore a white coat, had a dignified appearance, and had several points of Pian Pianjia Young Master, and followed four talented youngsters behind him, each of whom was the Five Tribulation Battle Sovereign cultivation base.

Li Xue whispered a sound transmission to Lin Chen: "It's Ziyu Young Master, Lin Chen Young Master, be careful, he might be here to target you, but he is ranked 10001 on the genius list... "

Lin Chen smiled without saying a word, his face was cynical, with a steady appearance in the show.

That son Yu Young Master came to Lin Chen, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, severe light across his eyes, and asked coldly: "You are Lin Chen from the Dark Horse Club?"

Lin Chen said with a smile: "Trouble Young Master to remember the handsome name below."

The four young geniuses behind Ziyu Young Master all eyes wide staring angrily, there is always something to rush to and Lin Chen looks desperately.

Zi Yu's mouth picked out a touch of disdain, "nonsense, you want alien crystal fragments, I would not give it, this Young Master is an eighth rank alchemist, you think you have financial resources and an eighth rank alchemist Competing?"

With Zi Yu's words, many people in the room complexion slightly changed, and they were surprised and surprised!

"Ziyu Young Master actually broke through to eighth rank alchemist, my God!"

"I heard that Ziyu Young Master half stepped into the rank ten years ago Saint Level spirit strength, I didn’t expect to become an eighth rank alchemist so soon!"

"This is probably the youngest eighth rank alchemist in the history of Zixia King Valley!"

The arrogant expression on Ziyu's face increased even more after hearing the admiration and exclamation of the surroundings, "Lin Chen, don't say this Young Master doesn't give you face, hand over the young lady's Wang Ling, this Young Master will not embarrass you. , And will give you 20 different crystal fragments. Otherwise, be careful not only that you can’t purchase anything in the Purple Realm Valley, but you may also encounter unexpected events when you leave the Purple Cloud Valley!"

Yu Young Master always looked domineering, and informed Lin Chen in a tone that was almost charity.

You want to exchange 20 unique and unmatched Zixia tokens for the Little Demon Empress? This young man is afraid that he is not living in a dream.

The atmosphere is stretched.

Lin Chen shook his head and laughed: "This Young Master, I'm lacking hatred and enmity with you. If you don't make it, you will have trouble. I respect you as a person from Zixia King Valley. I will give you three points of face. I just want to buy something here and leave. I’m polite enough. Outside, someone who dared to jump like this, Lin, has a disability at first, but die without a whole corpse."

Lin Chen Neither humble nor overbearing, he flicked his nails, and said with a smile: "eighth rank alchemist, is it great? My dark horse club has an average eighth rank alchemist. In my club, you are embarrassed to take out the technology that is standard for every person in my club? "

As soon as this statement came out, many disciplines complexion slightly changed!

eighth rank alchemist per capita? You brag about it, you don't even have any red color!

The holy world is extremely wide, and the fastest spreading is Lin Chen's record of bloodbath genius list.

It will take a while for the performance of the Four-Party Conference to spread to further places in the Holy Realm.

For these dísciples who have been cultivating in Wanggu and Secret Realm all the year round, they don’t know more about the dark horse club.

"You?" Ziyu Young Master's handsome face was fierce and angry.

The four geniuses behind him immediately stood up scolded!

"Dog stuff, show respect to Ziyu Young Master!"

"en?" Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and spit out the word "Go away."

Boom~! This "rolling" with the horrible spirit strength penetrated the genius's Battle Qi defenses, and shook his spirit strength upside down. The eardrums burst at once, bleeding from both ears, rolling all over the floor, screaming. Again and again!

The three geniuses were both shocked and angry, but fighting is forbidden here, and they dare not use Battle Qi without authorization. If they use spirit strength, that is Lin Chen's strength!

Ziyu Young Master was shocked: "He is also half-step into Saint Level spirit strength?"

Lin Chen disinclined to pay attention to those noisy guys, he was very much towards the thin man Said: "I will buy all the different crystal fragments of your Chamber of Commerce and even the nearby Business Group at a price of 70% higher than the market price. Hurry up, I am in a hurry."

The thin man suppressed his ecstasy. Bend down and sighed—"Yes...the little one, go and prepare now!" Suddenly, Nazi Yu said: "Then I will pay 80% higher than the market price."

Lin Chen frowned, is that bastard soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed!

Although he has a lot of silver sacred dollar coins, it doesn't mean he can squander freely. He has to buy other resources.

Zi Yu stared at Lin Chen and said one word at a time: "Hehe, it's okay if you want me not to hold your price. Do you dare to compete with me!"

Lin Chen clenched his fists and suddenly smiled and said: "How to compare."

Seeing Lin Chen's harmless to humans and animals smile, Zi Yu was on guard.

"This bastard can be on the Rainbow Island bloodbath genius list. Although it is very likely to have luck, it must also have some killing move. Although I am ranked at 10001, I may not be able to eat him safely. "

Zi Yu thinks a little bit, said with a sneer: "It's better than pill concocting, how, don't you say that your dark horse club has eighth rank alchemists per capita, dare you dare to gamble?"

Lin Chen is a little impatient: "I don't have that many time to refine the eighth rank holy pill with you."

Better than pill concocting? Lin Chen is not afraid, but he has no time right now.

The miasma of the mountain range of the burial saints has completely dissipated, and there are only seven or eight days left. Even if the entire Avatar can be used to refine the eighth rank sacred pill, it will consume a lot of energy and mind. The state is difficult to maintain full prosperity.

"Naturally, it will not be the refining of the eighth rank sacred pill. The level of a pharmacist can be known by the pill concocting skill, and the pill concocting skill will be compared with the seventh rank top medicine pill. Yes, if you are not allowed to use a pill furnace and can only use one hand with five fingers, within three hours, whoever first refines the seventh-rank top medicine pill will win. If both sides succeed, the medicine pill grade will be used to measure which How about one side winning?"

"If you lose, the miss' token belongs to me. If I lose, I will pay for all the crystal fragments for you!"

Zi Yu's words stirred up a thousand waves!

"My God, within two hours? Even if you can't use the pill furnace, you can only use one hand?"

"This...this is too ridiculous, single Hand-knotted pill concocting, this consumes spirit strength and difficulty will rise several times!"

"Combining the two, the difficulty rises straight! At least with my pill concocting skill, I can’t even think about it. Think..."

Many geniuses were shocked by mistake, and felt how outrageous this competition was!

Lixue is anxious, as if she knows something inside, she is about to stop Lin Chen...

"Yes, it's settled, whoever, go and get the strange crystal The pieces are ready."

Lin Chen laughed playfully.

Zi Yu showed a confident smile of mastering everything, he laughed triumphantly in the heart!

"Stupid, hahaha! This Young Master cultivation's new pill concocting mudra is to make a single hand and then use the combined print as the pill concocting. Boy, you are determined!"

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