During Lin Chen's time in Zixia Wanggu, his news began to spread to the 36 Foreign Domain! The stormy sea is set off one after another among the various forces, and it continues to spread!

Xuanyu, Clear Sky City.

The small servants all over the city yelled and sold a copy of jade slip, which belonged to the sacred realm'Yun Tengzong'.

This sect cultivates a large number of'cloud vines', and is good at collecting the voices of all parties and turning them into intelligence. It is one of the biggest'intelligence dealers' in the holy world. Fujizong immediately grasped and spread.

"Breaking news, Lin Chen in the dark horse clubhouse slayed 14 people against the sky, and entered the Zixia King Valley alone to avoid the 4th layer of the Big Sect's holy realm!"

"There is a gossip that someone in the Dark Horse Clubhouse is an illegal child of the owner of the Zixia King Valley Valley!"

"According to a Saint's guess, the Dark Horse Clubhouse is most likely from the dísciple of the Grade 6 Aristocratic Family. Going out to experience is no small thing!"

The information about Lin Chen can be said to be flying all over the sky, spreading to a wider area. The vastness of the holy world, even if there is an intelligence network like Yuntengzong, it will take a while. Time can be completely spread out.

Qiyu, Bingxin Palace.

When the group of 66 people in Bingxin Palace received Lin Chen's news, they finally breathed a sigh of relief!

"I knew the big brother would be fine, even the false gods of Nine Provinces can't trouble him!" Bai Junhao grinned.

"Fortunately, this little fellow is okay, Palace Lord, these days, how disturbed it is!" The keeper of White Dragon Sect cups one fist in the other hand to Bing Xin Palace Lord.

Bing Xin Palace Lord said with a smile; "It’s okay, everyone is in the same camp. Now the Dark Pavilion has been overthrown by Lin Chen for more than half, which is a good thing for all of us. There will be more contacts in the future."

"This little fellow is actually related to the Zixia King Valley in the Southern Territory, tsk tsk tsk, it seems that we don’t need to worry about this matter, Zixia King The guys in Gu don’t take action, they are extremely short-term, this Lin Chen boy should be safe this time."

The two elders beside Yan Qianyun smiled and sat opposite Leng Yue. Qi and Shangguan Bihan and other women's hearts settled.

"Unexpectedly, the squad leader has been slaughtered, and we are still in the Battle Sovereign situation. No way. If we don't work hard, let him throw us away!" Ying Liang was speechless, clicking one's tongue in wonder.

"Yes! The growth rate of the squad leader is simply monster. Our cultivation during the period of time in the Holy Realm has been completely surpassed by him!" Yue Linlin spit out her lilac tongue, her wonderful eyes Is helpless.

"Compared with Lin Chen's cultivation speed, I'm afraid we won't be able to keep up with him in this life." Han Ziyun chuckled softly.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled unanimously.

Finally, the Sect Masters and Saints took everyone away and bid farewell to each other.

At night, Leng Yueqi was alone in the Bingxin Palace, and Palace Lord summoned him.

Palace Lord said solemnly; "little girl, it's time to open up your Nine Absolute Cold Veins, the core method of the lower part of the cultivation."

Leng Yueqi nodded: "Yueqi is ready, Palace Lord, do your best!"


The headquarters of Wanjin Chamber of Commerce has become a mess!

"The president has fallen?"

"Even the two saints have disappeared. It seems that this news is true! The president really died in the dark horse club. In the hands of Lin Chen!"

The high-levels in Chamber of Commerce have several points of disarray, and some people with wrong intentions have begun to take away the inventory and goods of Chamber of Commerce. With three Saints sitting in town, the blow to Chamber of Commerce is devastating!

Qin Family, in the lobby.

Young Master Qin was cold and sweaty, like sitting on pins and felt, almost peeing on his pants.

Qin Zhentian acted because of him, and now Qin Zhentian's fall has directly caused their Qin Family to lose a sword saint!

A Saint, for the forces below Grade 5, death and injury are a great loss!

You Qin Family high-levels gathered in the lobby, the atmosphere is unprecedentedly weird!

"Hey...that's all, this child has the relationship of Zixia King Valley. Even Grade 5 sect has failed to return. I want to avenge this revenge, I am afraid it will end without a day!"

After a long time, Patriarch Qin spoke, as if he was many years old.

Dark Pavilion headquarters.

The dark and quaint great hall looks more desolate than usual.

Two pairs of eyes were opened in the dark night, one of them was angry and the killing intent rushed to Nine Heavens!

"Dark Horse Club...destroyed my Dark Pavilion, this revenge is not revenge, I am ashamed of the Dark Pavilion Pavilion Lords of the past!"

"Even Old Ancestor and Pavilion Lord have fallen on him In the hands of this child, I am no longer the opponent of this child, so I can only ask that adult to take a shot!"

tone barely fell, there was silence.

"Do you really want to invite that adult?"

The voice that was irritated before, now becomes a little trembling and fearful!

The other person said: "There is no choice, this child is carrying the secret of Ancient Saint, maybe only this can impress that adult..."

Those who take refuge in the Dark Pavilion The forces are wailing at this time! Their sects are one fallen Saint one after another, and the first battle on Qiyun Island, the dead five saints are their Grade 3 sect people!

Grade 3 forces, Saints have 3 to 4 in total, and one less for the dead! It was a heavy blow to the entire sect!


Endless shadows in the sky, one silhouette is entwined with the cold magic light, like the wind of Tyrant Dragon, the dragon's breath surges from the dark!

'He' held the Gold List in his hand, and his dark eyes filled with magic light, staring at the name'Lin Chen' on the Gold List.


He broke the Gold List! Such as crushing that dazzling, like the name of the sun at high noon!

"So...your name is Lin Chen...Dare to seize the demonic energy of the Sky-Swallowing Mirror in this seat, hehe..."

The laughter resounded like a night owl crying, echoing in the void .


An island floating in the sky, vast as a continent plate, the island is surrounded by mountains, and palaces stand in great numbers.

In the middle stands a golden-yellow ancient tower, such as an immortal holy site, the sky moves, Sun, Moon and Stars are all included!

In the ancient pagoda, a silhouette of the supreme throne suddenly appeared!

When the silhouette emerged, the wind gusts turned into many zhang Yin Qi devil birds, making this ancient tower that looked like a sacred site instantly reduced to the hell of the cold wind shivers down one's spine!

The person above the throne opened his eyes, if there is a hell Yin Demon whistling!

His voice is hoarse, like nails scratching on the wall.

"This old fart... is not completely dead yet, and there is still a descendant?"

"No matter what descendant you are looking for, this seat will be killed! It’s almost breaking through your secrets. Cultivating high grade alien crystals is just around the corner!"


An afterimage appeared, one-knee kneels, wearing a ghost mask.


The silhouette on the throne spoke indifferently.

"The mountain range of the funeral saint is about to open. Go and see if you can fish in troubled waters and get the old bastard's funeral."

"In addition..." The silhouette shot a talisman to the ghost-faced man, and said indifferently: "My body is still in Yunwaitian retreat, take this to the general pavilion, ask someone to take it, and bring the head of the dark horse club Lin Chen back to me. "

The ghost-faced man took the talisman, and a few simple characters were engraved on it!

Yin Heavenly Talisman Edict!

"Subordinates take orders!" The ghost-faced man flashed and disappeared.

The silhouette on the throne, his eyes condensed, and the wind is blowing in the ancient pagoda!

The moment that man burst into the murderous aura, he was flashing densely packed rays of light!

It's a pity that no one can see this scene. If you observe carefully, the many'starlights' on this person are all rays of light of different crystals!

A little starlight is a complete crystal!

This person's body is full of twinkling stars, which can be described as terrifying!

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