The rules of Zixia King Valley are extremely strict, and Lin Chen, an outsider in Zixia King Valley, comes and walks as soon as he says, and only he holds the Little Demon Empress’ Zixia Wangling's ability is so capricious.

Lin Chen sits on the back of the dragon in the Qianli Sea Territory outside the Zijing Valley, closing his eyes and resting.

The Dragon Sovereign spreads its wings and soars, like a shocking lightning across the sky!

[Consumption of 24,992 enhancement points to strengthen the Hongyan Saint Phoenix bloodline success...]

Lin Chen consumed 6.3 million enhancement points in one breath this time, bringing Azure Dragon and Rain Dragon bloodline strengthened to +15.

Hongyan Saint Phoenix bloodline enhanced to +14! Phoenix Wing's speed has soared more than twice!

The Dragon Emperor’s speed and bloodline divine ability also as the tide rises, the boat floats,

The system light screen keeps popping up, and Lin Chen’s Avatar continues to refining massive amounts of silver coins , The high level Battle Qi Essence attribute has been maddening!

"My pure power and the pure power of the Dragon Emperor have reached bottleneck. Unless there is a major opportunity, with the accumulation of Long Qingguo, it will take at least hundreds of years to have the opportunity to enter the holy realm body refinement. If the Dragon King is promoted to Sacred Beast, more energy is needed."

Lin Chen exhales, the beast is promoted, the simplest, rude and effective way is to swallow the beast core, if you can find the eighth rank in this trip beast core, Dragon Emperor is expected to advance.

"Now I can use the Nine Tribulations Stars twice a day. It is said that this time there will be monster-level geniuses in the top 10,000 of the genius list to participate. It is rumored that these monsters even have the ability to fight against the Holy Land. "

Lin Chen squinted his eyes: "Without Godslayer, I don't have the battle strength to fight the holy realm. Even the Saint who opens a holy cave can crush me. This Rune of Slowness, which can only rely on nirvana and high energy, is a hard fight if you encounter a genius who can fight the holy realm! I can only see if the little shadow can take me off."

Four days later; at the southern boundary, a continent plate emerged in front of you.

A majestic mountain range with no end is like a horned dragon protruding to the ground, and a sacred shore is gradually greeted. In the sky is full of purple black mist floating, and even the space can be corroded into a twisted shape.

"This is the mountain range of the Burial Saint. The miasma in the sky can only be resisted by the cultivation base of the holy realm. Below the holy realm, must we wait for the miasma to dissipate."

Lin Chen Rising from the Dragon Emperor, he leaped and turned into a shadow, his breath disappeared.

Four hours later, Lin Chen arrived at the side of the mountain range. The miasma was horrible, like the persistent poison mist, which made people hairy.

"It seems that the miasma hasn't completely dissipated..." Lin Chen frowned, and suddenly, all around echoed with clank and dragon!

one after another shining sword qi condenses into a sword light giant dragon, and a youngster stands proudly on the giant dragon, with eyes like myriad swords simultaneously go out, wearing azure clothes, both hands crossed near chest, arrogant.

Lin Chen suddenly felt the sharp pressure spread, and every strand of air seemed to become the sword qi of azure clothes!

"Is a genius in the top ten thousand on the list of geniuses! Very strong, and Nangong Mie is not the same level at all!"

Lin Chen swayed nine when he was surprised The Nine-tailed Sky Fox with a snow-white foxtail came out of the clouds and was born.

On the sky fox, there are two slim and charming ladies, whose breath is as strong as the azure clothes people on the sword light giant dragon.

Azure clothes people’s eyes flickered like thunder and lightning, "The sky and fox are both charming, with your little charm, are you also trying to get a share in the mountain range of the burial saint?"

The beautiful lady covered her mouth and chuckled: "Sword Monarch's words seem to be prejudiced against our sisters, do you want to try?"

She smiled beautifully, like a hundred flowers in full bloom, but she was charming There is a cold murderous intention hidden in between.

"hmph!" azure clothes people are coldly snorted, the charm is broken, his eyes are still sharp, but he is a little more guarded.

Laughter came out, and even Lin Chen, who was outside several dozen li, felt dizzy, as if there was a woman's pleas for joy echoing in his ears, forcing him to break the illusion with spirit strength!

Lin Chen is speechless, "Every word and deed is like being trapped in an illusion, killing in battle is paralyzed."

The movement method retreated, Lin Chen sneaked into the bottom In the barren forest.

It seems to be just the opening song. In one hour, the changeable situation and natural phenomenon are numerous. One after another, the lingering breath of Battle Sovereign, which straddles the void, is another group of geniuses who have arrived!

"There are more than one hundred geniuses gathered here alone, all of them are fierce persons! There are also some hidden old monster Battle Sovereigns, whose breath is late and old, I am afraid it is to fight for the last of this life. By chance, if you can defy the heavens and change the fate in the mountain range of the Burial Saint, you can defy the heavens and change the fate."

Lin Chen held his breath to nourish his mind, and his consciousness dived into the peach sac.

In the Taoyuan planting sac, the Longqing tree and Qingyao tree have formed thousands of splendid veins, like fire like crystals, this is a precursor to the birth of different crystals!

Lin Chen's eyes flashed a trace of fire, "It won’t be long before the first cultivating low-grade Fire Element alien crystal will be born!"

And the other prototype Water Element alien Crystal and Earth Element alien crystals are also gradually taking shape.

Lin Chen’s fourth Qiyun spirit plant, with the nourishment of the Golden Sacred Dollar Coins and the purchased Tianyi Holy Water, has finally entered the growth stage!

This spirit plant is very mysterious. It is not as big as the first three spirit plants, and it does not produce a lot of silver coins, only tens of meters high.

Its blooming branches and leaves are glowing with a faint silver radiance, like a silver jade tree under the stars.

It bears lychee-sized fruits, and the surface is covered with silver gauze. It is radiant and aromatic, and extremely mysterious!

Lin Chen was amazed the more he observed, and finally recognized the body of this spirit plant, and he lost his voice in horror: "Could this be, the legendary Divine Tree?"


Xiapin Qiyun spirit plant ·You Divine Tree, born in the most core area between Heaven and Earth Spiritual Storm.

If the area has a certain amount of vitality, there is a little chance that the seeds of Divine Tree will be born.

This kind of spirit plant will not produce silver sacred dollar coins, but will only produce one kind of fruit, divine fruit!

Lin Chen took off three divine fruit in one go. When swallowed, a large amount of spirit strength was injected into the Divine Consciousness Sea.

[Get 7 points of spirit strength, 9 points of spirit strength, 6 points of spirit strength...]

When the system light screen is played continuously, Lin Chen's spirit is lifted and he is full of energy. Full of energy!

Lin Chen couldn’t stop the ecstasy; “Sure enough, it’s a divine object known as a pharmacist, a divine fruit! Hahaha! I really make a lot of money, this thing is known as Long Qingshu, True Spirit The tree, a spirit plant of nine treasures, is also a rare top-level Supreme Treasure!"

Each spirit plant has a special sacred relic rare treasure.

Qingyao tree is Qingyao jade dew, which can purify spiritual impurities and purify the negative energy in the Divine Consciousness Sea.

The red gold tree is a red gold vine, which can enhance the top grade of body refinement defense. It has a red gold defense, tough on the outside and strong on the inside.

Longqing tree is the fruit of Longqing, which can increase the life force, the energy is vast and gentle, it is not only the holy product of body refinement but also the holy product of healing.

And this'Divine Tree', a divine fruit, can increase spirit strength, improve mental perception, increase mental acuity, make up for mental exhaustion, and heal many mental traumas!

"It is rumored that Divine Tree is almost extinct in the holy world! The value of a divine fruit is comparable to the finished holy pill. In the external Grade 4, Grade 5 sect, it is impossible to hold Divine Tree, it The value is comparable to a middle grade spirit plant!"

Lin Chen trembled in his heart!

With such a treasure, it is only a matter of time before he is promoted to the spiritual realm of'Transcendent Saint'!

Even the'pill concocting to high realm' pursued by Lin Chen is no longer just empty talk!

If Lin Chen's spirit plant was not Long Qingshu and Qingyao Tree, but the Divine Tree, the spirit plant that Lin Chen revealed at the Sifang Conference, the Sifang Conference will trigger the Saint War on the spot, there is no possibility of being spared!

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