But as soon as this arrest warrant is issued, Lin Chen has to stand against all the geniuses who want to hunt her to help the Fiend woman!

"I have to find her first. Maybe I will find her first to prevent her from being besieged by the geniuses."

Lin Chen takes a deep breath. Once besieged by the geniuses, even he With nirvana, I dare not say that I will be able to retreat!


There was a burst of space fluctuations in the mountain range of the funeral saints, and the miasma dissipated.


A genius movement method was violent and swift, and rushed in first, without fear of internal crisis!


Lin Chen also rushed in. Suddenly, a black-clothed youth he was up ahead turned his head strangely and stared in his direction!

Lin Chen only saw the severe light in his eyes like a night owl, and the faint pupils were filled with infinite darkness!

"He actually saw me? Who is this person? I'm in the Innate Shadow Art, and my body is covered up to the extreme. Even Saint doesn't perceive me. How did he see me?"

Lin Chen is shocked!

Fortunately, this young man seems to have no fighting intent for Lin Chen. He is just a little confused and is the only youngster who can see Lin Chen in the audience!

Lin Chen feels a tricky and dangerous aura on him. If he fights, I'm afraid he will have to use nirvana!

Lin Chen first entered the mountain range of burial saints, and the interior of the mountain range was dark red, like a lifeless cemetery, burial mountain.

Swipe~! Brush~!

Lin Chen's ultimate moment of eruption and the 8th layer change, his aura is high, and he turns into a white light dragon shadow, rushing straight into the mountain range!

In a short while, there was the sound of fighting all around, and along with the roar and ups and downs of the fierce beasts, some people had already encountered battles.

"The high-altitude battle here is very unfavorable. The miasma at the top level has not disappeared. Only Saint can guarantee safety if you want to fly to the high-altitude battle."

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, then lowered his head. Staring at the magic mark in the palm of his hand.

At this time, the rays of light are dim, but Lin Chen has a very mysterious feeling. The closer to a certain direction, the stronger the reaction of the magic mark!

As if calling him.

"It was the woman of the Fiend clan who led the Demon Seal!"

Lin Chen's heart moved, and suddenly, he witnessed an ancient altar.

On the altar, there was a glazed skeleton that was died during meditation, all around released the holy light of light azure, and the purity in the hundred zhang was as pure as snow, and the holy power was supreme.

Beside the remains, dozens of attribute light balls are suspended!

The remains of Saint, even the bones, contain an extraordinary Holy Force fluctuation, and the bone marrow contains strong energy!

"Is a Saint fallen here? I'm afraid I was seriously injured and ran to here..."

When Lin Chen was surprised, a sabre light was crazy The dragon whistled, suddenly cut!

Lin Chen body flashed, avoid blade light. Blade light smashes everything within several hundred zhang and destroys the mountains and the ground.

The three battle awns resemble flying leaves of pear blossoms, dazzling and flickering, cutting a towering tree along the way, like cutting tofu.

Lin Chen flashed again and avoided again!

While avoiding the attack, Lin Chen collected all the attribute light balls.

[Get 5992 points of Battle Qi Essence, 23 points of spirit strength, 55 points of Wood Element energy, 22 points of Wood Element energy...]

The attribute value is of very high quality, Lin Chen 1 Rush to the remains of Saint and place your hands on the remains of Saint.

"A Battle Sovereign four tribulation cultivation base dare to mix in here?"

blood clothed youth with a knife on his waist, walking out of the blood mist.

On the opposite side of the youth, there are three black clothed old men who look like ghosts.

Is a genius list genius and three Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign Ancient One.

Lin Chen does not underestimate these four people. The latter three are even more terrifying. They are the oldest and oldest batch of Battle Sovereigns in the Holy Realm!

Because they may have stayed in the field of the Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign for 100,000 years, or even longer! The uncommon Five Tribulation Battle Sovereign is comparable!

No one can guess what kind of killing move these Ancient One Battle Sovereigns hide. They enter the mountain range of the burial saint to seek the opportunity to defy the heavens and change the fate. They can do anything!

Lin Chen is surrounded.

But he laughed out loud, with a look of harmless to humans and animals——"You make me so scared like this. Forget it, I still won't fight with you."

After all, Lin Chen threw the remains of Saint in the direction of the three elders!

The remains of Saint are as heavy as a mountain, and can only be moved with the power of Lin Chen, and the remains are caught in a gust of wind!

Throw the skeleton and run away! Lin Chen in one go!

The four didn't expect that he would be so simple, and instantly fought for the remains of Saint!

Boom~! blood clothed youth With a knife in hand, he slashes out the blade Qi with a long sword, and welcomes the three elders!

The sound of the battle between the two sides immediately destroyed the vitality of a dozen or more li, and the range of battle was increasing!

"No! The few bone marrow energy in this Saint's remains are also lost!"

The black robed old man who had just fought for dozens of rounds found a natural phenomenon!

None of the four are simple people, and they came back to his senses instantly!

"Fucking, it's the ghost of the Four Tribulations Battle Sovereign kid!"


Lin Chen has already rushed away.

【Successfully decompose the bone marrow energy of Saint's remains, consume 99 intermediate Heavenly Dao points, obtain: 20,000 Qi and Blood Energy points, 100,000 high level Battle Qi Essence points, 100 innate talent points, 265 points Wood Element energy. 】

"Pretty! It seems that I can decompose the remains of Saint to get the attribute value. As long as there are more remains of Saint, it is nothing difficult to hit the Five Tribulations cultivation base!"

Lin Chen is ecstatic, but has not forgotten his first task.

The remains of Qingtian War Saint are between the core circle and the inner circle of the mountain range of Burial Saint. The location is dangerous lurks on every side, even if there is a monster-level genius who enters, it will not be able to arrive so quickly.

He must first find the mysterious woman of the Fiend clan!

Once her life is endangered by other geniuses, then his probability of entering the holy prison is minimal. If he enters by normal means, it is impossible to escape from prison!

"Decomposing the remains of Saint can be done by my Avatar. There is no need to fight. As long as the remains of Saint are touched, it can be decomposed, and the Avatar does not have to fear death at all. It can be continuously powered by rune energy! "

Lin Chen released all his Avatars from the Taoyuan planting sac in one breath, and even the small shadows were released!

Lin Chen used the'Extreme Return to Origin' and the'Ultimate Moment', the Avatar was fully fired, and one after another stepped on the movement method and rushed to different directions.

"little fellow, it's up to you next."

Lin Chen patted Little Shadow's head, but it suddenly shook its head.

"The...space here is too turbid, and there are solid space barriers. Shuttling through the void is very dangerous, and the deep space...cannot shuttle..."

Little Shadow Milk The milky voice echoed in Lin Chen's mind in the form of mental sound transmission.

Lin Chen twitched at the corner of his mouth; "Huh? You can't shuttling through the void here?"

The little shadow turned into a dark dragon shadow, eyes dazzled by purple electricity Seriously, slightly nodded.

"It is no wonder that it will become the area that Saints are also afraid of, it is dangerous..."

The help of the innate talent who lost the little shadow, has several points of the smell of the eagle losing its wings .

The little shadow hides in Lin Chen’s arms. Even if he can’t shuttling through the void, its innate talent can always make Lin Chen foresight and the first to perceive the emergence of crisis and treasure within a hundred miles. , Let Lin Chen know in time!

Lin Chen went all the way to the inner circle of the mountain range of the burial sacred. It took two days to reach a huge and dangerous mountain peak, full of billowing black mist of demonic energy, and even the violent beasts that inhabited here. Don't dare to approach!

Lin Chen breathed out the air and looked directly at the mountain through the dim light. The magic mark in his palm, the rays of light, was as bright as a purple gem.

The mysterious woman is in this magic mountain.

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