Lin Chen's magic seal is in hand, and it is not corroded by the demonic energy of the mountain. If you rely on your strength to break through, you must have at least the top 10,000 in the talent list to be possible.

This Earth Demon Qi has an almost condensed substance, which is extremely dangerous.

But Lin Chen felt that, compared to the demonic energy that emerged from his ten golems in the underground caves of Rainbow Island, it was not worth mentioning.

Little Shadow also has the Demon Race bloodline, and is not afraid of the erosion of demonic energy. It goes deep into the mountain alone.

In the mountain peaks, there are some weird buildings that stand in great numbers. Some are like towers, but they are full of holes, and some are like skeletons, but the doors are open.

Lin Chen found a white jade building resembling a skull, his breathing trembled a little, and he stepped into the building.

Inside the white jade skeleton, there is a desolate area. Many buildings are full of dust. The poison insect crawls all around, except that they dare not approach the ten zhang area of ​​a certain area.

In that area, there is a slender and thin shadow lying there!

Lin Chen walked over, picked up the black robe woman, and frowned slightly.

She was in a coma, and her consciousness passed out.

For the powerhouse of this series, the coma is so serious that it is basically in jeopardy!

Lin Chen lifted her up, released the spirit strength to scan her physical condition, as well as a soft water vapor, injected into her body, but found that there was no use for eggs.

His Battle Qi is not qualified to heal her injuries.

"What a domineering physique, how strong is her cultivation base... Although she was severely injured, she was caught with a very strange Yin sacred aura, her own strength is still resisting this independently. The erosion of the sacred qi of the feminine system!"

Lin Chen frowned, and was planning to put her in the Taoyuan implant for good treatment.

The Taoyuan implant sac at the waist exploded with suction, trying to suck the woman into the inner space, but the Taoyuan implant sacred violently, and the inner space was constantly shaking!

Lin Chen stopped immediately, dumbfounded.

“It’s because the demonic energy is too strong! It’s the same situation as the previous Swallowing Mirror. Even if she is seriously injured, the demonic energy in her body is still as strong as the sea, forcibly collected into the Taoyuan planting sac. , The internal space will burst open without being able to hold it."

A thorny feeling arises. If he can't take the Taoyuan planting bag, his action will be extremely inconvenient!

Can't bring a wounded person to compete with monster-level geniuses, right?

Her breathing is very weak, not like it at all.

"I can only fight once! With my level of refining medicine, I can still have a little effect on her. Two avatars came back to assist in refining medicine, two avatars were responsible for finding the remains of Saint to decompose, one avatar was responsible for advancing, and as soon as they found out, they would be super-dimensionally teleported to the direction of the advancing Avatar."

Lin Chen thoughts move, recalled two Avatars.

After leaning the mysterious woman on the wall, Lin Chen took out a hundred pill furnace!

"She is eroded by the Yin-type holy energy, and her own demonic energy is also resisting. The holy pill refined this time must have medicinal power mild, and it must not react with the demonic energy. Restrain the yin-type holy energy. Only by getting rid of the yin-type holy energy, can she heal her injuries."

Lin Chen selected from the eighth rank Pill Recipe in more than twenty volumes, the harvest of Rainbow Island. , Which enriched his Pill Recipe inventory.

And his eighth rank medicine ingredient, some extremely rare medicine ingredients have just been preserved, not yet decomposed, and come in handy at this time.

"Grade 1 Holy Pill, Nine Suns Returning Life Pill, Yang Yuan Reconciliation, Holy Yuan Healing, Warming Limbs and Hundred Limbs, Soft Meridian Viscera..."

Don’t say anything, Lin Chen began to refine. He collaborated with Avatar in "True Dragon Sacred Hand". The blue spirit strength controls the faint Dragon Qi, walking and flowing in the imprints of his hands.

hua hua hua!

The medicine ingredient that floats like flowing clouds is poured into the pill furnace, and thousands of seventh rank medicine ingredients begin to dissolve and refine!

The refining of eighth rank medicine ingredient is more precise and smooth. One after another Dragon Qi-like spirit strength is injected into a piece of stalactite, and the snow-white essence is extracted like a needle之液.

Lin Chen and the two Avatars soon sweated, and the precise pill concocting to control one hundred pill furnaces was very expensive.

In the state of danger lurks on every side in the burial saint mountain range, Lin Chen would not be so reckless in common sense.

Even if you can pill concocting at a high speed, when the refining is completed, the spirit strength will be extremely collapsed, and the battle strength will be greatly reduced.

However, he is a man with a'divine fruit'. Only after this holy product, Lin Chen, did he dare to let go of his hands to concoct medicine in such a ghost place, and he is not afraid of mental collapse afterwards!

Men’s long-lasting product, divine fruit, you deserve it.

Time passed, Lin Chen and the two Avatars tried their best to concoct medicine for two days and two nights.

And Lin Chen's "True Desire Show" Avatar who was outside has fallen.

There is no other reason. Avatar found the remains of two Saints. At the moment when the attribute value was decomposed, he was besieged to death by the powerhouse.

In the middle of the journey, Lin Chen swallowed two divine fruit and used the ultimate Return to Origin innate talent continuously. He was full of energy, long-lasting and hard. Keep the firepower at full power throughout the refining process, and the efficiency is terribly high!

3rd day, an orange-yellow brilliance is so powerful, a sign of the birth of Grade 1 sacred pill!

The demonic energy is shrouded in the magic mountain, and the natural phenomenon of the sacred pill did not cause the attention of the nearby powerhouse.

"Finally finished."

Lin Chen walked to the black robe woman, lifted up, lifted the cloak, opened the cherry red lips, and took him away. It's hot and boiling, medicine pill, stuff it in.

Medicine pill enters the body, and the Yanghua is circulating, and it does not repel the demonic energy, and begins to reconcile and subtract with the Yin system holy energy.


The woman uttered a dream, and Lin Chen shot the extreme pressure gun.

Yanghua melts the yin and the yin blends together, and the hot impulse makes the exquisite lovable body tremble, and the cloak falls off. Lin Chen was stunned in a moment!

The beauty in front of you is absolutely stunning!

Her green silk is like a waterfall, her eyebrows are headed, her neck is like grubs, and her snowy and graceful lines seem to form the most beautiful face between Heaven and Earth. The brows are dotted with beauties' cinnabar, which is extremely charming!

Her jade cheeks are stained with crimson clouds, and her brows are faintly sad, and her face is like a fairy, but she has a demoness-like charm to the extreme temperament. Any words and deeds seem to inspire the most intuitive men Desire!

Lin Chen almost got a nosebleed!

She doesn't need any decoration, even if she is in the dark, the darkness will become her embellishment, adding a bit of mysterious beauty to her. It seems that everything in the world can only become her foil.

The appearance and temperament are among the women Lin Chen has seen in life, the only ones are Leng Yueqi, Bai Ruoyan, two people who are as beautiful as Heavenly Immortal, and the Little Demon Empress. , A fairy-like woman, can only be compared with it.

Lin Chen always thought that there was a vicious woman hidden under this cloak. After all, when he first talked with this woman, the other person was as cold as an ice cube!

The woman was agitated because of the harmony of the essence energy of the Nine Yangs Returning Life Pill and the Yin system holy energy. Her eyes were not opened, but she moved for a while, and wanted to run out. Lin Chen grabbed her!

A very primordial impulse rose to the lower abdomen, Lin Chen directly bit his lip and blood flowed.

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