"I, Lin Chen, are looking through a field of ten thousands flowers, and I will never do anything in danger, but it is too difficult to topple, just think about something and get distracted..."

Lin Chen suppressed her from acting indiscriminately, thinking about other things all the time.

Be aware that even the top-level charm technique cannot make Lin Chen so embarrassed, unless the spirit strength completely crushes Lin Chen's level.

This woman almost turned Lin Chen into a wild beast by virtue of her own charm and temperament, which shows how rare her beauty and temperament are in the world!

Lin Chen just hugged the woman for two hours, restricted her movement, and did nothing. He silently read the "Single Player King Novel Collection" back and forth in his heart, and the woman's agitation was gradually calmed down.

She was dripping with sweat, but her face gradually became ruddy and improved. She was still in a coma, her eyebrows furrowed, and she seemed to be in a nightmare and it was difficult to wake up.

"The injury has improved! Life Pill of Jiuyang Returned to Life Pill began to slowly adjust the horrible yin holy energy, and then she can gradually resolve it by herself..."

Only half of the problem has been solved. Only when the Yin system holy energy is completely resolved, Lin Chen can give her Long Qing Guo and Liu Li Bodhi Seed.

Otherwise, any healing holy product will be crushed by the two opposing energies in her body, and the healing effect will be of little effect.

"Three days have passed, and there is no time to wait until she has resolved her holy energy before acting. Avatar has entered the inner circle of the mountain range, and she can feel no less than fighting everywhere."

Unable to pack the mysterious woman into the Taoyuan planting sac, Lin Chen had to carry her on her back.

With a soft backrest, Lin Chen's mind was shaken, recalling the stunning face of the woman, she couldn't help smiling.

"Well, if it weren't for the core method, I really don't necessarily think I can stand it. When a man is in this position, I feel aggrieved!"

On the tip of the tongue, Lin Chen turned into an afterimage, and Avatar followed closely from behind.


Outside the magic mountain, two silhouettes of white clothes stopped, a man and a woman, carrying a sword, like a peerless swordsman standing on the top of the cloud, the sword is not Out of the sheath, the edge is restrained.

The white clothed woman asked: "Senior Brother, do you perceive wrong?"

The man's eyes are sharp as a sword: "I can't be wrong, I have been pill concocting for many years, right? The natural phenomenon born of medicine pill is extremely sensitive, and there must be a sacred pill born here!"

white clothed woman frowned: "But, who would pill concocting in such a ghost place? I’m afraid I can stay sensible in it. It's all a difficult thing."


When the two were talking, three silhouettes rushed out of the magic mountain, and the two were shocked!

Among the three, one young man is carrying a slender black robe, his breath is weak, and his breath is like a gossamer, which surprised the two of them!

"It's the Fiend clan!"

"This child is weird, cut him off!"


The two shot their swords, the rays of light surged, the clank and the dragon screamed like a cold front, and the two white glow-like unrolled bolts of white silk suddenly slashed towards Lin Chen, flashing again and again. , Extremely fast!

silhouette draw the bow, the arrow light is like a plume and rainbow, praise the gods with a ray of thunder. Sword Fury Qingtian scrolls like a cloud of fire, orange light sword and rainbow cut horizontally with one sword!

Bang~! Bang~!

The sword light burst, Lin Chen retreated quickly, and the two were shocked.

"Two Four Tribulations Battle Sovereign?"

"Weird! Very weird! There are two orange-level battle skills in one shot, and the Four Tribulations Battle Sovereign can take us directly. The sword technique of the two, don’t let the kid go, chase after! There must be a big secret, take down the Fiend girl too!"

The two are transformed into a sword light, Lin Chen and Avatar go all the way. Retreat!

"My Innate Shadow Art can't hide her, these two geniuses are extremely strong, single-handedly fighting strength is stronger than that of Ling Jian, and is the top 10,000 characters on the genius list! "

Lin Chen put away the Avatar, thoughts move.

"Ultra-dimensional teleportation!"

[Launch ultra-dimensional teleportation, carrying creature targets: 1. Teleport to space coordinate No. 3, cooling time: 30 seconds, consume 113 innate talent points. 】


In front of one's eyes of the two, Lin Chen is alive and turned into a space of rays of light, and the two geniuses have one's hair stand on end!

"Space shuttle?"


Lin Chen descended to a secluded lake.

The spatial position he transmits is exactly where the Avatar, who is advancing at first, is located.

It is very far away from the magic mountain that Lin Chen entered at the beginning, at least three thousand miles deep.

There are a large number of fierce beasts and miasma blocking the way. This location cannot be reached within a few days. This is the result of Lin Chen Avatar using Purple Gold Eye to drive with all his strength, ignoring any battles and battles along the way. Treasure's birth battle has only reached this point.

Lin Chen looked up at the sky, the miasma in the sky shrouded from the position of twenty thousand zhang to the height of ten thousand zhang.

"This is the inner circle of the mountain range. The deeper the inside, the lower the height of the miasma. Fighting here cannot be high. Once you are pushed into the miasma during the battle, you will die without the strength of the holy realm. Undoubtedly."

Lin Chen has serious eyes, fighting here, and his movement method cannot do as one pleases. If he gets too close to the miasma in the sky and is pushed forward, it will be nine deaths and still alive!


The battle exploded, fire beacons broke out, and a dozen or more li valleys in front of them rose with dozens of breaths.

Lin Chen urged Purple Gold Eye, a little sense of spirit strength, and surprised: "There are four Saint remains over there?"

At this time; a yellow sand dragon The dragon-like Battle Qi crosses several dozen li to Lin Chen!

Zheng~! Zhen Deshuai squeezed'Sky' with lightning and turned everything, the sword light flashed, and split the giant dragon on the yellow sand!

"Hey, the Little Handsome Brothers over there, can you give me that Fiend guy. I don't like fighting, hand it over, you can leave it obediently."

A lazy, cynical voice echoed all around.

Lin Chen raised his head, the huge yellow sand giant dragon swept around the sandstorm, and the yellow sand giant dragon sat on a purple clothed pampered young master like a hedonistic son of rich parents, jokingly. Looking at Lin Chen.

His pair of evil eyes exudes fascinating rays of light, his gaze falls on the Fiend woman who is carrying Lin Chen, and suddenly said joyfully.

"Huh? This Fiend guy turned out to be a woman...Wow, it's a peerless beauty! Hahaha, this Young Master wants it!"

Young Master laughed, five fingers Catch it away!

pu chi ~! pu chi ~!

His five fingers shattered and produced a tremendous amount of power, and Battle Qi turned into hundreds of millions of tons of yellow sand to cover Lin Chen, sweeping across the world, and one palm can sink the country!

This move is beyond the scope of'Battle Sovereign'! The ordinary Five Tribulation Battle Sovereign can be captured almost at will!

"Is it! So strong?"

Lin Chen was frightened, a flash of body, the dragon flash speed soared to the extreme!

"The Four Great Shadows!"

"The Sword Fury Raises the Sky!"


"Annihilation! "

Avatar has many stunts, blessing the "instant light and split shadow", and the offensive is like falling into the sky!

Blade glow gun shadows are like squally storm strikes to the hundreds of millions of tons of yellow sand storm covering all around, forcibly breaking a path!

peng~ peng~!

This is the case, the Avatars were also blown out of two, only in exchange for Lin Chen's breakthrough opportunity!

"Huh? All attacks are divided into five?" The purple clothed Young Master was puzzled: "I used the Four Tribulations cultivation base to take my attack? Freak, what a freak! Don't go! I just want to be a beauty, if you put the beauty down, I will let you go!"

Lin Chen couldn't help yelling: "I want your grandma to be a bear!"

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