"Do you dare to scold this Young Master?" purple clothed Young Master fly into a rage out of humiliation, stepping on Huanglong, going straight, strong wind scattering the last Clouds, sweep all obstructions!

Lin Chen flapped the Saint Phoenix Wings extremely fast. He clearly saw that when the pampered young master took the shot, his body was shining with a brilliant starry brilliance!

Lin Chen's heart was shocked--"Is that a complete low-grade alien crystal? This person can actually refining a complete inferior crystal in the Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign cultivation base. This is a true monster-level genius. Maybe the level of being able to compete with Saint is not at the same level as the geniuses I met before!"

A single face-to-face blows up the two Avatars of Lin Chen. This person is more powerful than Nangong. I don't know how many grades of Ling Jianzhi's ilk are stronger!

Lin Chen turned into a lightning Thunder Fire, +15 Dragon Flash movement method with +15 Saint Phoenix bloodline, so fast that even the purple clothed Young Master did not catch up.

Lin Chen rushed to the center of the valley with a mysterious woman on his back!

The purple clothed Young Master with a giant dragon's foot on the yellow sand laughed humorously: "Want to take me to the center of the melee, and then take the opportunity to stray? It's not that simple, kid, this Young Master is not that good. Play!"

Shoo! call out!

Lin Chen led the Avatar into the mountain within the valley. At this time, Ancient One with thirty-two Five Tribulations cultivation base was snatching the remains of three Saints!

Even if they grab a Saint bone, the energy in the bone marrow can benefit them a lot!

I could see Lin Chen entire group hit the mountain within the valley, which attracted the attention of all the powerhouses. When everyone found the woman on his back, they couldn't help but be taken aback!

purple clothed Young Master follow closely from behind, the five fingers are grabbing again, the sand rolls all over the sky, and the Battle Qi is sweeping the wasteland!

Lin Chen turned on his side, avoiding it dangerously and dangerously.

Seeing that the others wanted to take action, the purple clothed Young Master suddenly shouted coldly.

"Give this Young Master out of the way! This is my Zhao Tiankun's goal!"

As soon as this name came out, countless Ancient One complexion slightly changed!

"Zhao Tiankun? Is that the star of the town of descending devil, Zhao Tiankun?"

"Really, it is rumored that this child has already entered the top 5000 of the genius list. If he does not come to grab Saint The remains, don't provoke him!"

A crowd of Ancient Ones avoided immediately, but Lin Chen took this opportunity to break in!

He smashed into the battle circle of two Saint remains, Avatar threw away two Rune of Slowness!

【Consume 220 points of advanced talisman energy. 】

"Jingyue Evil God!"

Zhen De Ying Avatar draws a knife from the other side, and'Zhu Lan Mingyue' flashes a moonlight slash that reflects Heaven and Earth in his hand Mang, unable to defend himself, repelled several Ancient Ones!

Swipe~! Brush~!

Lin Chen flashed vertically, carrying the beautiful woman on his back while snatching the remains of the three Saints!

Many Ancient One turn pale with fright!

But everyone didn't notice that the energy in Saint's remains began to disappear the moment Lin Chen's palm touched it!

[Consume 388 intermediate Heavenly Dao points, decompose three Saint remains, get 13,944 high level Battle Qi Essence, 22 Fire Element Energy, 52 Thunder Element energy, 29 innate talent points, 55 Some dark energy...]

"hahaha, big brother, we got it!"

When the attribute value hurried, Lin Chen laughed and sent the remains of the three Saints to Zhao Tiankun’s Throw away!

"Big brother?"

"Are these guys colluding?"

"They are deliberately pretending to be a chase?"

A group of Ancient Ones suddenly became angry, and Battle Qi rushed horizontally and horizontally, hitting one after another colorful Battle Qi unrolled bolt of white silk, turning into a gust of wind and rain to Zhao Tiankun’s strikes!

"This kid pits this Young Master? My day!" Zhao Tiankun pushed horizontally with both hands, a dozen yellow sand giant dragons danced all over the sky, peng~ peng~ peng~ a chaotic collision, blowing up all the offensive !

He kicked away the three Saint's remains and yelled: "Go away, I will chase that kid!"

At this moment, there was an Ancient One cry. out in surprise: "Something's wrong, the energy of the three Saint remains disappeared?"

"Zhao Tiankun, is it your kid?"

"Hand over the Saint bone marrow, or even You are born in Grade 6 sect, don’t blame old man vicious and merciless!"

A group of murderous-looking Ancient Ones surrounded Zhao Tiankun. The corners of his eyes were swept away, and when the energy of Saint’s remains was dry, suddenly Know that I have been tricked!

"What a sinister kid!"

Zhao Tiankun gnashing teeth!


[Get 14152 points for Battle Qi Essence, 29912 points for Battle Qi Essence, 18592 points for Battle Qi Essence...]

Lin Chen’s Battle Qi Cultivation Base went wild all the way, he broke down four Saint remains all the way, and the energy of each remains is extremely large!

Each sacred skeleton provides Lin Chen with no less than 500,000 high level Battle Qi Essence, and the fall of Saint is still Saint. The energy contained in a skeleton is not small!

Lin Chen's body banged, and there was a sign of breakthrough!

Lin Chen's Nine Tribulations Wheel, Battle Qi's fluctuations suddenly soared more than three times! Nine-color brilliance gushes out of Lin Chen's body, his breath is violent!

"It turned out to be a breakthrough? This Saint's remains are really the baby of the baby!"

Lin Chen licked his tongue excitedly.


A group of nine-colored clouds locked Lin Chen like a calamity in the dark!

Nine colors of robbery clouds surge from the miasma, but because of the turbid miasma, the Heavenly Tribulation condensed by Spiritual Qi here is about 30% weaker than the original.

Yes, Lin Chen’s Heavenly Tribulation is weird! Even though he was 30% weaker, he still felt a deadly threat!

"Last Transcending Tribulation was when a little shadow helped me shuttling through the void, this time I was not so lucky!"

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and snorted. A nine-color flame came like a Fire Dragon!

Swipe~! Avoid Lin Chen movement method. How do you know that nine-color Fire Dragon is actually mixed with dark energy, smashes out the 2nd flame, and shoots Lin Chen directly!

There was a burst of annihilation energy in the eyebrows, Lin Chen annihilated and shook the nine-color flame.

Boom~! More than a dozen groups of undercurrents of cracked Wind Tornado enveloped Lin Chen. This time the offensive was even more fierce, mixed with three kinds of calamities: water catastrophe, darkness catastrophe, and wind catastrophe. Even Lin Chen's face was solemn!

Avatar moves together one after another, and the energy of Heavenly Tribulation fights together!


A black cloud claw was intercepted and killed, crushing a group of dark tide hurricanes close to Lin Chen, Lin Chen was shocked!

I saw that the little shadow was born out of nowhere, in the form of a shadow of ten meters long, with horns like deer, head like camel, eyes like rabbits, ears like cows, items like snakes, belly like mirages and scales. It resembles a carp, a cloud claw, a carp tail, a purple electric dim light on the top of the head, and is a great ancient giant dragon!

This giant dragon has the dignity of Dragon Clan, the baleful aura of Demon Race, and the spirituality of the shadows, all in one, such as the Immemorial giant, which is beginning to take shape!

"Damn! So little fellow, you can fight like this?"

Lin Chen was surprised. Little Shadow is a creature that Heaven and Earth cannot lock.

Except for Lin Chen's Avatar, it is the only creature that can help Lin Chen Transcending Tribulation without being backlashed!

Little Shadow winked at him triumphantly.

With the help of the little shadow Dragon Transformation, Lin Chen’s Transcending Tribulation like a hot knife through butter, the nine-color Heavenly Tribulation came vigorously, if outside, Lin Chen must do his best.

But in the burial saint mountain range, more than 30% of the formidable power has been corroded by the miasma, Lin Chen can let go of his hands and feet and Heavenly Tribulation and face the bang!


With a radius of thousands of miles, there are many people who are disturbed by the breath of Heavenly Tribulation. Some geniuses immediately noticed the location of Heavenly Tribulation.

"Strange, how come there is Heavenly Tribulation here? Is there still Four Tribulation Battle Sovereign entering this place?"

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