"It's nonsense, it's ridiculous! The Four Tribulations Battle Sovereign is not enough to come here to die, how can it go deep into this inner circle!"

"No! Yes! It may be the birth of rare treasure! When some world's rare objects are born, Heavenly Tribulation will sprout, and these Rare Items are all rare levels between Heaven and Earth!"

"Let’s go and see! "

Within a radius of thousands of miles, Ancient One, geniuses, hermits, and others were attracted by the breath of Heavenly Tribulation.

The ground is covered with spider web-like cracks, one after another rift horrible to see, Lin Chen standing next to the rift is carrying a beautiful woman on his back, breathing heavily, with intense excitement and excitement in his eyes !

【Congratulations to the host for advancing to the Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign. 】


Lin Chen was not happy for two seconds before he was shot flying!

"Damn! Who is behind Laozi!"

Lin Chen, who was blasted to the ground, yelled, si si gasped, and it was so painful!

The little shadow immediately locked on the black robe woman who shot Lin Chen, Lin Chen shouted: "Wait a little fellow!"

Lin Chen wondered: "Is she awake? "

The black robe woman swayed when she got up, as if she was drunk, her eyes were hollow, she was dreaming about something intermittently; "I won't die...I...will subvert Human Race."

"Hey! Big sister, it's me, don't you know me? On the Nine Provinces continent, you said you want to take me away, the handsome guy!"

Lin Chen tried to wave at her How do you know that her eyes turned suddenly, her sleeves waved, demonic energy was monstrous, and a large bloody unrolled bolt of white silk swept Lin Chen across the air!


Lin Chen jumped into the air and pulled the little shadow in one hand. She dodges the black robe woman's attack dangerously and dangerously. With her sleeve, she smoothed out all obstacles in the hundred zhang space!

The violent yin holy energy rushed across her body, and in a daze, some confused memories poured into her mind.

"No, no! I'm not a demon, I'm just because of my ancestors..."

The woman seemed to see some nightmare, her expression was extremely painful and she shrank to the ground. He held his head, his expression was painful, and his beautiful face emerged with helpless despair, like a beautiful winter plum before withering.

"What kind of madness is she doing? It seems that she is not even confused!" Lin Chen's eyes were solemn.

Boom! boom!

Suddenly, two loud noises smashed the mountain, and four geniuses were killed!

"hahaha, it turned out to be a Fiend guy, only to return and find it easily!"

"Kill her, the orange-level cultivation technique is ready!"

The four geniuses laughed furiously, and the two sword lights spread their wings like white cranes traveling thousands of miles, rushing forward and repelling the four!

Two figures floating in the air, fluttering in their clothes, hidden swords in their sleeves, and white jade around their waists, the weather is extraordinary.

They are a man and a woman who previously encircled Lin Chen, two detached swordsmen in white!

"The ethereal Sword Sect, do you guys come here too? We have four of us, don't wait to die here!"

The red-haired youth among the four geniuses sneered. .

"Do you dare to snatch Lao Tzu's prey? Courting death is not a success?"

The earth shook and the mountain quivered, roaring like thunder, two huge monsters stepped on. It is the ancient black demon bear of seventh rank Peak, pulling the mountains and rivers, swallowing the world!

On the back of the black devil bear, there are two robust man with naked upper body sitting on the back of the tiger. The blue veins are highlighted like a horned dragon, brutal and violent, and the amazing murderous aura is like a lightning glow shot out from the eyes, and the breath swept away. The audience!

Two super geniuses again, the situation is getting chaotic!

Seeing that the scene becomes more and more chaotic, no one dares to take action first.

A window-like crack was torn in the darkness, and a black robe man with a monkey face emerged.

He blames said with a smile: "hehehe ~ such a lithe and graceful figure, is it also bred from the bloodline of my Human Race? Fiends are such a humble and disgusting race even pigs and dogs Not as good! It is so humble that All Heavens and Myriad Realms are disgusting rubbish, trash!"

An indifferent voice echoed again.

"hehe, this Young Master doesn't like you as a monkey, but only the Fiend tribe is rubbish and you have a completely unified understanding."

Tsing Yi Young The Master lifts his sword and walks in the fluttering clouds and mist, wherever he passes, it seems that the sky will turn into a long blue cloud, a faint!

Beside the Young Master of Tsing Yi, there is a woman with closed eyes and ancient zither. She has the beauty of female beauty captivating even the birds and beasts, but the baleful aura between the eyebrows is rejected from beyond a thousand li .

Shih~! Tear~! A golden lightning straddles like a python, standing proudly in the air, a pair of golden robed man eyes like a thunderbolt, a thunder world is coming and going!

"Fiend clan residue, damn it!" The golden robed man suddenly shook, like Wan Lei Qizhen, Heaven and Earth tremble!

"This woman’s life, I want to go to the gate of heaven!"

Nine hundred and ninety-nine rays of light are like a snow bridge ladder, rolling down, eight handsome and extraordinary Jia Young Master walked down slowly from the Xiguang Snow Bridge, and every line of sight glanced at the audience, it was like a sword weapon out of its sheath, showing its sharp edge!

Twenty geniuses surrounded Fiend women!

They are all super genius ranked 9000 and 8000 on the genius list! Each of them is an eternal existence, a real legendary!

"Fiend clan's rubbish, all deserve to die. Today I only ask this person to die, you all get out of my way!"

The female genius of the ethereal Sword Sect gnashing teeth, killing intent soaring!

The monkey-faced man said with a smile: "Wait a minute, Xiao Qingyu, you are not the only one who wants to kill her..."

Twenty geniuses directly ignored the sidelines Lin Chen! They didn't pay attention to Lin Chen at all!

Proud! Absolutely proud!

This is the rebelliousness of geniuses alone!

They don’t care about Lin Chen’s innate talent, as long as they don’t make it to the top 10,000 of the talent list, they are not qualified to speak in front of them!

Black robe woman on the verge of collapse, she opened her eyes vaguely, in a trance. From these people who judged herself in a judgmental tone, she saw the sight of that day.

That day; Heaven and Earth was dim, and the blood seemed to stain every continent and Nine Heavens red, covering the world.

The Heavenly God Buddha, Foreign Domain Asura, Demon under the stars, and the entire supreme powerhouse between Heaven and Earth surrounded her!

The abuse of these supreme powerhouses is vaguely in my ears.

"Fiend clan, it is really a shame to my Demon Race!"

"Human Race does not agree with this garbage race! The residue derived from Human Race and Demon Race, this history , It should be annihilated! Disappear forever!"

In that battle, the sun and the moon faded, and Heaven and Earth collapsed.

She is alone, and the life and death of the Fiend clan are only borne by her.

The familiar and hysterical voice echoed in my ears again.

"Yao'er, the revitalization of the Fiend clan depends on you!"

"Yao'er, you who inherited the power of your ancestors, must fulfill their ancestors' last wishes! The human race that cruelly ravaged our human race will pay the price!"

"Fiend is on the ground, the blood is reported! The damn is Demon Race, it is Human Race! Yao'er, Human Race must die!"

Luo Yaoer always feels that this burden is too heavy!

To piece together the incomplete memories, how long is it?

In a small wood house, the chubby little girl was sorely crying, her eyes like jade stone crash-bang with tears, she hugged her mother and cried and asked: "Mother, Why do they bully me, saying that I am a monster, a very ugly person, and the most terrifying demon in this world..."

The mother stroked the little girl’s cheek, gently said with a smile: "How Yes, my Yao'er is cute and powerful. He has powerful power but never abused and never hurt others. He has been helping others. How could such a kind person be a devil."

The girl wiped her tears, "Really...really."

The mother hugged the girl and laughed: "Of course it is true. Do you remember the story of Fairy Maiden Yue that my mother told you? ?"

The girl seems to have memories: "Fairy Maiden Yue..."

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