mother preached patiently.

"Yes, Fairy Maiden Yue kind-hearted, powerful, beautiful and kind-hearted, but everyone laughs at her for having power but not using it, but she never hurts others, she always helps with her own power I am proud of others."

"She used her kindness to tolerate everyone, and finally brought her race into the God World. Those who once laughed at her finally regarded her as a Spiritual God, she The race has also become one of the most powerful races in God World. Yao'er, do you understand?"

The little girl's eyes flashed with hope, and said happily:" mother, am I someone like Fairy Maiden Yue!"

Mother smiled softly and stroked her green silk, "Yao'er, to become Fairy Maiden Yue, it’s not just kindness, you have to Have the heart to accept and tolerate others, and have the will to study hard, do you know how many ancient books Fairy Maiden Yue has read in order to save the world and influence her clansman, and how much suffering? You have to learn to control your own power ......"

That year, mother told Fairy Maiden Yue's story day after day, Xiao Yaoer was full of joy and accepted and tolerated others again and again.

Seven years old; a dozen friends walking on the dirt road, throwing yellowed mud at her continuously!

"hahaha! Look at this very ugly person, she all smiles when I throw mud at her, it’s so disgusting!"

"No way, you see her crying I still have to keep a smiling face, it’s amazing, I want to see when she can laugh!"

Xiao Yaoer was crying, her chubby face barely forced a smile," said mother Yes, I’m a girl like Fairy Maiden Yue, and I won’t care about you!"

Everyone laughed, and someone threw a lot of mud on her face, sneered: "Fairy Maiden Yue, you have horns on your head, it's a monster!"

Xiao Yaoer's nose suddenly became sore, teardrops rolled in her eyes, she couldn't keep smiling anymore and ran all the way.

Little wood house, mother's face was a little pale, and when the door of the wood house was pushed open, she showed a soft smile as always.

Little Yaoer hugged her mother, tears burst into her eyes, "mother, is Yaoer really a Fairy Maiden Yue? Why do everyone still call me a very ugly person? Why does my head grow Jiao, why am I different from everyone..."

"Yao'er, don't care about other people's gossip. Fairy Maiden Yue has walked the same path as you. You have to persevere and be patient. Grow The horn is your father’s gift to you. Others don’t know how to appreciate it. In the mother’s heart, Yaoer is the most unique and most beautiful!"

When he was ten years old; "mother, you lied to Yao Ah! Yao'er is simply not someone like Fairy Maiden Yue. They say Yao'er is a descendant of a lowly race, not even a human being, a demon!" Xiao Yao'er cried bitterly and left the wood house since childhood. Mother wanted to chase, but suddenly her face turned blue. , A sweet throat, suddenly vomiting blood!

In the small woods at night, under the moonlight, Xiao Yaoer was holding a sharp short blade, trembling and cutting off the horns on her head!

pu chi ~!

Blood sprinkled all over the ground!

Xiao Yaoer resisted the severe pain, lying on the ground, tears kept falling, she pursed her lips, gritted her teeth, stared at the moon, and smiled.

"I have no horns, I am not a demon..."

When I was eleven, my mother was bedridden.

By the bed, Xiao Yao'er held her hand tightly, crying: "Mother, Yao'er knows it was wrong, Yao'er shouldn't destroy her horns, Yao'er doesn't want to be a demon, mother don't Leave Yaoer!"

Mother stared silently and kindly, opened the mouth and said with difficulty. "Yao'er, you have to keep cultivation and make good use of your own strength."

mother look pale as paper, showing her last smile: "One day, Yao'er will meet a relationship between Heaven and Earth. The strongest man is like a mother meeting your father..."

The mother slowly closed her eyes, and before leaving, there was a trace of reluctance in her heart.

Yao’er’s talent will definitely stand on the top of Heaven and Earth. I hope she will not go astray because of her own strength. If there is one day, I pray for God’s blessing, and someone can save me. Yaoer...

At the age of sixteen, the throne on the void has regained its master.

"Xiao Yaoer, you are the best candidate for the Fiend clan to inherit the will of the ancestors!"

"Human Race is the source of all evil, inheriting the strength of the ancestors of the past generations, and then To destroy the Human Race! Repay all the suffering that our Fiend clan has endured and experienced in the past generations to Human Race!"

Xiao Yaoer’s ears, mind, and endless voices are constantly echoing, and her power is getting stronger and stronger. powerful.

When witnessing the scenes of the Fiend tribe being ravaged and slaughtered by the Human Race among the ancestors, the expression becomes more and more indifferent.

In her mind, only the last wishes of the ancestors and the hatred of the Fiend clan are left!

She wants to pay all this blood to Human Race!

On that day, the Fiend clan gave birth to a new leader!

She led the entire Fiend clan alone, killed the Holy Realm and overthrown the Infinite Plane, disrupting the entire Heaven and Earth universe!

Luo Yao'er's eyes became blurred, she broke out of her memories, and fell on those silhouettes who surrounded her before her eyes, carrying the last trace of demonic energy, and resisting the pain, desire and all geniuses When desperately fighting.


Three sword light shoots all together. It is the three geniuses of Chaotianmen who drew their swords together. The sword qi is like snow. A sword is coming to the west, and the snow is flying!

The yin holy energy in the body corroded the demonic energy, and the last strength was not able to be exerted. Luo Yaoer laughed at herself in her heart.

"Why do you recall this suddenly, mother, Yao'er has not become Fairy Maiden Yue after all. If he wants to inherit the will of his ancestors, how can he shame the Fiend clan by benevolence and righteousness? Maybe, this at first is Wrong, there is no strong man in this world..."

Tear~! Bang~!

The sword light burst, bursting into shattered lights!

Luo Yaoer was stunned in place!

A straight and proud back stood in front of Luo Yaoer, her eyes were in a daze, and she vaguely saw the domineering and awe-inspiring between the young man's eyebrows.

"Boy, you are courting death?"

"Where did the nameless junior come from? Do you know how many sins the Fiend clan committed in the Holy Realm? You dare to protect her "

"Being company with her is to provoke the majesty of the Holy Realm! Boy, do you dare to challenge the War Saint Realm?"

The eight geniuses of Chaotianmen are glowing with sword light, Battle Qi surging violently, turned into a sword qi storm enveloped Lin Chen!

Lin Chen patted the dust on his shoulders and glanced at all the geniuses in the audience, "It’s my shit! I am not interested in your grievances. The person Lin Chen wants to protect me is All Heavens and Myriad Realms. Do it!"

Luo Yaoer's lovable body trembled lightly!

Boom~! The red gold war spear flashed in his hand, the 8th layer change and the ultimate moment were fully opened, Lin Chen was surrounded by azure brilliance, like a hell Asura, holding a gun pointed finger towards all the geniuses present, sneered awe-inspiringly.

"Either you get off, or I hit you off!"

Lin Chen, who entered the Five Tribulations cultivation base, uses the 8th layer to change, and his breath is not inferior to these steps. Five Tribulations cultivation base A hundred years of super genius!

Lin Chen's words stirred up a thousand waves! All the geniuses are outraged, and they are angry!

The sword qi of Chaotianmen is surging, and there is snow in the mountains and mountains, cutting out the snowy Heavenly River Sword and cutting Lin Chen with air, every move is the ultimate half-orange sword technique!

The ethereal Sword Sect combines two swords, the sword opens the sky, a sword comes to the west, and the clouds are misty!

golden robed man releases the golden thunder mad dragon, enrages the eight wilderness, and the dragon tail sweeps!

The monkey-faced man grabbed out the giant claw that was billowing in the dark, flashing in layers.

The ancient heavenly demon bear is incorporated into the bodies of the two murderers, and the power of moving mountains and suppressing seas hits with one punch, and the wind is like Mount Tai!

"I want to see how these arrogant people can be the top 10,000 on this genius list!"

The endless offensive is coming, Lin Chen was stunned and smashed with a gun diagonally, and the golden rainbow burst with a burst of fire!

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