The arrow light shoots quickly, the moonlight flashes past, the orange lightsaber rainbow burns the sky with anger, it cuts down vertically, divides the void, and the four-handed blade glow Senluo myriad The Blade Qi storm of forms, bursts and spins and cuts away in an instant!

Shuanglong flurry, one green and one black, Xiaoying and the Dragon King shot at the same time, the dragon tail transforms the sword and fights the stars!

Lin Chen’s Avatar, Dragon King, and Little Shadow jointly fought a monstrous offensive, banging forward with the offensives of all the talents!

Bang! boom! boom!

The destructive offensive turned into a hurricane of energy that swept through everything. The joint offensive of twenty super genius was breached frontally, and some geniuses were shattered back and flew for a short distance!

Luo Yaoer stared blankly at the back figure who was still standing proudly under the shining of the gorgeous energy storm, with a look of trance.

Next moment, severe pain hits, and the holy energy of the Yin system rushes into her body indiscriminately, Luo Yaoer's eyes are dark, and she leaves again in a coma!

In the confusion, Luo Yaoer vaguely felt that a warm arm hugged her, and even though the sound in her ear was terrifying, she did not suffer any harm.

"Is this a dream...If it is a dream, it is best not to wake up again..."

Bang! boom! boom!

When Lin Chen and all the Avatars broke through the offensive of the super genius, the little shadow made a way for Lin Chen!

Lin Chen hugged Luo Yaoer, flapped the Saint Phoenix wings and rushed out of the encirclement, his eyes were fighting intent boiling: "The super genius of the top ten thousand geniuses is indeed amazing, but I am also a Five Tribulations cultivation. Base, at the same level, I am not afraid of these guys at all!"

When Chaotianmen and the four red-haired youths took the lead in stabilizing their bodies, there was an inconceivable horror in their eyes!

The two genius offensives of Chaotianmen were'torn', the formidable power penetrated into the body, was bombarded with a confused, injured and dropped the attribute light ball!

"Damn it, that kid is really strong! Or what's the background?"

"Although these people have just entered the Five Tribulations cultivation base, every move is an orange-level battle Signs of skill! Why have you never heard of this kind of character?"

"No, he just said that his name is Lin Chen! Could it be that Lin Chen was the dark horse club on the Rainbow Island a while ago. "

All the geniuses met each other and immediately saw Lin Chen's true identity!

Lin Chen's "Dragon Flash" is extremely fast, and with the Saint Phoenix Wing, a few flashes flashed out of the genius's perception.

If it weren't for Lin Chen to take Luo Yaoer, using the Dragon Flash movement method and Innate Shadow Technique, Lin Chen could easily avoid the range of perception of these geniuses.

"Don't let him take away the Demoness, it will be difficult to kill him next time!"

The swordsman genius of Chaotianmen shouted Hah!

All The geniuses glanced at each other, tacitly telling each other, they decided to use the trump card stunt!


The two swordsmen of the ethereal Sword Sect take the lead! The swords in the hands of a man and a woman soared up, sword qi rushed into the sky, flowing colorful sword glow, sword light pointed finger towards Lin Chen's position, the sword weapon'buzzing' choice, suddenly shot and pierced!

The two swords from in midair suddenly turned into a ray of light like a rainbow and lightning, rolling the infinite sword qi storm, the formidable power of this move, it has reached the orange rank!

Combined by two super genius, the formidable power is even more amazing!

"Heavenly demon residual image punch!"

Two geniuses who absorbed the ancient demon bear stood proudly, and the demonic energy above their heads rose, forming two magnificent demon images in an imposing manner, throws a punch , Fist moved Star River thousands of miles, swept Eight Desolations Six Directions!

Four red-haired youths burned their eyebrows, stepping on the Heavenly Flame dragon, tumbling flames to condense their right arm, four of them hit a claw, and Battle Qi burst into flames!

"Yan God's Claw!"

The flame swirling like a string of light, forming a giant claw of dragon's breath that burns mountains and boils the sea!

The Chaotianmen is even more terrifying. The long sword qi dragon entrenched in the void above its head turns into the remains of an infinite sword monument, like an Immemorial sword saint walking through the void, and the sword qi bursts out like a rainstorm pear flower!

"Sword of the Hundred Sages, the sun and the moon sink!"

When every sword glow that is as thin as a hairspring passes through the void, there is a faint space fluctuation into a distorted shape!

The tricks of these geniuses are all of the Orange rank! But there is an incomplete taste, which is an incomplete orange-level cultivation technique! And it is trying hard to control the messenger, there is a sign that it is out of control.

However, no matter how weak it is, it is also an orange-level cultivation technique. Used by geniuses within 8,700-9900 on the genius list, the spiritual Qi with a radius of ten thousand zhang is crushed into nothingness.

Lin Chen is caught in an endless offensive, like a lone sail facing a heaven overflowing giant wave!

Lin Chen still hasn't looked back!

Swipe~! Zhen Dexiu dressed in purple clothed, gentle and elegant, blocking behind Lin Chen, with a peaceful and confident smile outlined at the corner of his mouth, and grabbed three thunder element arrows of seventh rank Peak!

Zhen Deshuai and Zhen De should carry swords and hold knives, each hold one side, with similar smiles at the corners of their mouths, completely not afraid of many offensives!

Zhen Dexiu pulls his sacred bow of "Sky Blue Thunder", lightning is like a silver snake, with arrows and strings, three arrows are sent!

"Feel the good light from the dark horse clubhouse!"

xiu! xiu! xiu!

Three arrows are fired, and the faint glow of the rainbow remains Void, extremely beautiful and gorgeous, like the dazzling starlight before the most beautiful meteor falls, short-lived, but extremely bright, people can't help but marvel at the'so beautiful'!

Zhen Deshuai holds'Qing Tian' in his hand, and his anger burns like a stream of fire and explodes. When he lifts his sword, the formidable power of orange Jianhong bursts to an unprecedented critical value!

A dazzling moonlight flashed out of the blue blade in Zhen Deying's hand, as if there was a moment of time in between the Dusky World, illuminated by the moonlight!

"I can't help myself, just rely on these three people to stop me from waiting?"

"The people in the dark horse club, are they all brainless people? They look down upon We still value yourselves too much!"

"Holy Artifact and the orange-level cultivation technique are not just for you alone! Don't think that you are unscrupulous when you have a little background. In front of us, you are not arrogant enough. Qualification!"

Many geniuses sneered. Although the offensive of the Dark Horse Club is strong, it is obviously impossible to shake up all the geniuses of the Orange-level Absolute Art!

However, next moment, the pupils of the geniuses were trembling with fear, and the weird cry of'gu gu gu' rang out from their throats!

Next moment, the arrow light trembles suddenly, turning into 15 meteor-like arrows?

Cut the mansions into five, the aurora is more prosperous! The orange rainbow crosses the sky, and the five swords are in the sky!

Tear and pull~! boom! boom! boom!

The giant fist of the golem was shot through, and the sword glow as thin as a hairspring was cut to pieces by the sword rainbow. All the offensives were like two heaven-shaking, earth-shattering hurricanes. collision!

Crack~crack~! Boom~! A huge earthquake was set off on the ground with a radius of a hundred li, the veins of the ground broke, and the spider-web-like dense cracks opened, horrible to see.

At the center of the confrontation between the two sides, a cloud of five-color energy mushrooms rose up into the sky, and many geniuses looked horrified, as if they had seen a ghost!

"What the hell is that technique? Can you divide the attack from one to five?"

"It actually really puts our attacks on the next... this is not The illusion can be compared with the other bluffing tricks!"

Extremely weird! Which of the geniuses present is not from Peak sect or Aristocratic Family, well-informed, and the things and cultivation techniques they have come into contact with are far beyond the scope of ordinary people’s understanding.

People of this grade are as strong as them, and I have never seen that the formidable power of the orange-level cultivation technique is not reduced, and the attack is divided into five parts!

All geniuses are first panicked, then feverishly excited!

They clearly see that this technique is suitable for battle skills of different types and attributes!

Damn, if they get the baby Absolute Art, wouldn’t it be just around the corner to be on the list of evildoers?

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