"This kid has a big secret in him, do him!"

"Chasing! The value of him is far more than the daughter of the Fiend clan!"

After discovering that Lin Chen used'Blinking Light Splitting', the geniuses from all walks of life seemed to be screaming with excitement!

When the geniuses were chasing wildly, a shadowy afterimage appeared strangely above Lin Chen's head!

The geniuses were shocked, and they inwardly shouted bad!

"It's the ghost monkey!"

"Damn it, this bastard is lurking before going to assassinate, he will succeed!"

【 Activating instant light split shadow innate talent, charging, penetrating, and sky hidden rune, consumes 68 advanced talisman energy and 50 innate talent points. 】

Swipe~! The dark scene turned into a sharp streamer, piercing Lin Chen’s top of the head, and the dark dark battle Qi rolled out a hideous face: "gā gā gā, boy, your secret and the head of the Fiend clan woman, I both Yes!"

Lin Chen's face is still peaceful. Even calmly used "Extreme Return to Origin" once to make up for Battle Qi!

pu chi ~! chi! chi! chi!

blade light flashes randomly, streamers fall! Twenty blade glow sharply soaring to the sky gathered and chopped off towards the monkey-faced man, stalking him incessantly, without giving him time to react at all!

【Trigger complete assault innate talent, formidable power increase: 300%. 】

Blade glow cut and slashed to the monkey face man's body, slashed with a knife, and actually split his defense alive, shredding it into a rain of blood!

The fall of genius! This is Lin Chen's first time to kill the top 10,000 talents on the genius list!

This hand of Shadowless Flying Knife·Four Links is Lin Chen's hidden power blow using the'Tianyin rune'. When the light and shadows burst, the formidable power is brewing to the extreme!

Lin Chen spins the faint Fire Tribulation Battle Qi, forming energy Formation, burning off the bloody rain above his head.

He leaped into the air, and took away the dozen orbs of attribute light that the genius had dropped after his fall, accepting the ring, and taking away all


Many geniuses breathed in air!

When will this kid stay behind? They didn't even see the traces of his shots. When they reacted, countless flying knives had already cut the monkey-faced man to death!

With the help of'Extreme Return to Origin' and the re-use of Phantom rune, the Avatar, who has entered a weak state, immediately became a lively dragon and animated tiger again!

Suddenly, an angry roar of thunder vibrated all around, the airflow collapsed, and the Spiritual Qi disintegrated and burst!

"Little devil, dare to play with this Young Master, the dog is not timid!"

A puddle of yellow sand destroys the sky and turns into a storm. Sandstorms are everywhere, like a barbarian dragon. Attacked from the right side behind Lin Chen!

That Zhao Tiankun actually killed!

Seeing Zhao Tiankun slaying to the side of the valley, all the geniuses complexion slightly changed!

Lin Chen frowned, this guy got rid of those Ancient Ones so quickly? Worthy of being a monster in the top 5000 of the genius list!

"Zhao Tiankun?"

"He is here too?"

The geniuses look jealous. This Zhao Tiankun, who has already entered the top 5000, is terribly strong. !

They harbor ulterior motives, they can’t join hands completely, and a single battle will inevitably be defeated by Zhao Tiankun one by one!

"This guy came very quickly. If you don't get rid of him, you won't have to fight!"

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, seeing Xiao Yingying trying to fight him, Lin Chen stopped, letting Avatar and Xiaoying separately act.

The nine-color starlight is condensed in the palm like a vortex, and the corner of Lin Chen's mouth is slightly raised.

Zhao Tiankun is different from the 20 super genius, the former is at least three grades better than them!

Previously, Zhao Tiankun's casual blow forced Lin Chen and all the Avatars to explode into the orange-level innate talent, and they can take it with all their strength!

To stop this powerful enemy, Lin Chen must show his hole cards.

"Young Master Zhao, don't you, try this!"

Lin Chen laughed proudly, flicked with one hand, the stars of the Nine Tribulations turned and destroyed the starlight, the brilliant brilliance shined Turning into a polar star and falling towards Zhao Tiankun with the radiant brilliance!

Om~! The stars of the Nine Tribulations trembled and instantly divided into five, presenting five scattered nine-color stars lasing away!

All geniuses complexion slightly changed, and those who are better than Zhao Tiankun can't help but look slightly changed!

"It's a strange attack, the dragon fights the universe, break for me!"

Zhao Tiankun grabbed it with a palm, and the five-finger Battle Qi condensed into a yellow dragon in the sky, the sandstorm was raging, and the sandstorm was rolling. The dust turned into a giant dragon and flew into the sky, hitting the nine-colored stars and exploding, rising up a nine-colored beam of light, constantly spinning!

The 20 super genius gathered their offensive and exploded with a strong blow on Lin Chen’s Nine Tribulations stars. The five and nine-color beams of light swirled and exuded the aura of destruction, locking everyone’s advancement area. died.

Lin Chen took the opportunity to retreat extremely quickly and swept away the attribute ball of light dropped by the previously injured genius.

When Zhao Tiankun was in the line, he couldn't kill all super genius!

Swipe~! Sand Dragon smashed the sky, a yellow dragon actually tore one of the nine-color beams of light, it was Zhao Tiankun!

Zhao Tiankun is wearing an earth-yellow Battle Qi armor, which is invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable, which resolves all kinds of offensives and energy aftermath, and almost resists out of the nine-color light beam!

He forcibly forcibly tore the aftermath of Lin Chen's Nine Tribulations? The strength is almost outrageous!

Not even other super genius can do it, let alone take this risk! The nine-color light beam blessed Lin Chen's formidable power that penetrated the rune's charge and was extremely devastating!

Zhao Tiankun was extremely angry and laughed: "Don't think that you can run out of the palm of this Young Master!"

He stepped on Qianlong at an extremely fast speed and stormed all the way to Lin Chen. Thousand zhang space behind.

The palm of the palm spins out of the sand Tyrant Dragon roll. Zhao Tiankun is about to play another strong battle skill. Suddenly, Lin Chen is holding Luo Yaoer's figure, turning into a space rays of light and disappearing!


Zhao Tiankun was stunned, dumbfounded!


The rays of light flashed in space, and Lin Chen's "super-dimensional teleportation" jumped to the position of the real handsome Avatar.

He previously let Avatar act separately in order to retain his opponents.

"This surnamed Zhao's bastard is really terrifying. If I try my best to fight him for speed, it may not be his opponent. The increase brought by a low-grade complete crystal is really terrifying!"

Lin Chen's eyes are squinted, his speed is beyond 10,000 on the genius list and he has no rivals at all!

There is even a probability of losing here!

Zhao Tiankun was born to be a "wanyue descending demon robbery body", and possesses the strength control and innate talent far beyond ordinary people to Earth Element Spiritual Qi.

This physique can use Power of Earth to fight for himself, double his strength, and cultivate his Zhao Family’s "Four-phase Dragon Spirit Art", which is a Peak’s half-orange core method, almost for Zhao Tiankun Tailored!

In addition, he is the Grade 5 holy vein, and the innate talent is against the sky. It is said that when he was a teenager, he only took one month to get started with the cultivation Earth Element purple-level cultivation technique. The innate talent is almost monster!

What's more terrifying is that he also refining a complete low-grade alien crystal!

As long as the'power of the alien crystal' is activated, even Battle Sovereign can tear mountains and smash the ground with a single blow, and has the power to sink a small plane!

In the situation just now, only Little Shadow could fight Zhao Tiankun singlehanded.

"Sure enough, the higher the ranking of the genius, the more terrifying the strength. These guys are more talented than an enchanting evildoer. Until I find the place where Qingtian War Saint falls, I can't use nirvana and Rune indiscriminately of Slowness, I would rather deal with these guys than give up this only trump card!"

Lin Chen sighed deeply, a strange light crossed his pupils, his eyes were sharp!

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