Lin Chen has to admit that even if he is the Five Tribulation Battle Sovereign cultivation base himself, without the help of Rune of Slowness, it is difficult for him to face the top 5,000 geniuses on the genius list!

If he desperately uses a sword of "Shen Tear", he does not have enough confidence to calm Zhao Tiankun, he has "Shen Tear", and the other party has it too!

This is his current stage, the limit! Going forward, we must have more killing move!

After breaking through the Five Tribulations cultivation base, Lin Chen can barely use "Shen Tear", but only once. This Blade Technique consumes too much Battle Qi and Meridian, and it will be a little careless. Break your own meridian!

The mountain range of the burial saint is no better than the outside world. If you use the War God bracer here, Lin Chen's chance of survival in the future is equal to zero.

The genius is like a cloud here, danger lurks on every side, in a state of complete collapse, and there is no probability of life-saving at all.

"There is only one probability of using War God wristbands, either when it comes to life or death, or to ensure that there will be no other geniuses after use, I can use War God wristbands to suppress me All the geniuses faced!"

In Lin Chen's eyes, there was a bit of cruelty! For the sake of Tai Yi Fu Tian Jue, he almost pressured his fate!

If Lin Chen enters the mountain range of the funeral saints alone, it is completely fine to avoid these geniuses.

He can use the hidden breath of Innate Shadow Technique to like a fish back in water in the mountain range of the Burial Saint.

But now he is going to take this Fiend woman with him. Once he goes there, he will always be the target of public criticism!

Lin Chen found a cave, and the little shadow and the dragon emperor concealed the law outside the mountain.

Secondly, Lin Chen dispatched all Avatars to urge the'Innate Shadow Jue' to dispel the breath, and continue to search the inner circle of the mountain range. The main purpose is still to find clues to Qingtian War Saint.

"In the case of advancing to the Five Tribulation Battle Sovereign, both Avatars and I have geniuses around 8000 on the genius list. If the firepower is fully utilized, we should even rank 6000. A genius can also fight, but facing Zhao Tiankun and his like, still not enough!"

"Mountain range of burial saints! A carelessness, this is where I, Lin, was buried."

Lin Chen sighed, the people who came here were not the geniuses at the apex of the holy realm, or a group of old monsters who were trapped in the holy realm and were about to die of old age!

Next, Lin Chen did not act rashly.

He is now carrying a'time bomb' and cannot put her into the Taoyuan planting bag. Unless he has a single person to single out many geniuses or run away in front of a large number of super genius, otherwise the appearance is death!

Lin Chen discovered that although the Fiend woman is still in a coma, the Yin system holy energy in her body has gradually dissipated, which is offset by her demonic energy and Lin Chen's "Nine Yangs Return Life Pill" It's more than half!

"I can give her medicine pill to heal her injuries!"

Lin Chen crushed more than a dozen Dragon Ching Fruits and a Bodhi Seed glass, and took one from Rainbow Island. Healing Grade 1 Sacred Pill, the “Good-Fortune Pill” from the beginning, did not hesitate to take it to her.

Without a lot of Jiuyin Holy Qi, Lin Chen can clearly detect the injuries in her body.

"Hiss! What a serious injury, meridians broke apart, the bones were all broken, even the internal organs were shattered, and the flesh and blood were mixed with internal injuries that were pierced by the sharp sword qi... Is this? "

Lin Chen was shocked!

This injury cannot be wrong, it is completely similar to the little fairy before!

It's the internal injury caused by Lin Xingchen's sword technique. It's extremely terrifying, cut into the bone marrow-like energy!

At the beginning, it was because the little fairy had a deep cultivation base, which was able to avoid most of the formidable power caused by the internal injury caused by the sword qi dark energy.

If you change to an ordinary Saint, even if you are not killed by a spike, you will be tortured to death by a sword qi internal injury!

"Could it be that she had fought against Lin Xingchen before? Or had he fought with someone related to Lin Xingchen? That guy is as strong as a monster, so he is still seriously injured? Could it be that she was injured? Yes?"

Lin Chen has many thoughts in his mind, but he has no time to think about it too much, sending a large amount of Battle Qi to help her catalyze the energy in her body.

Sacred Pill, Bodhi Seed and Long Qingguo began to repair her injuries steadily.

Long Qingguo nourishes the flesh and blood, Bodhi Seed repairs the damaged internal organs, and Good-Fortune Pill regenerates her broken bones.

These healing sacred products are all types with mild energy and will not hurt the host. Lin Chen almost used the black robe woman's body to bear, and healed her with all the details.

Whenever he sees the unparalleled beauty under the cloak, Lin Chen will always have a heartbeat speeding up, and he can't help but smile.

"Great aunt, don't die, if you die, I can only enter the holy prison in the most stupid way! I miss Lin Mou, handsome for a lifetime, and travel all over the world , And finally enter the holy prison by squatting in jail, that's too ridiculous!"

To settle the black robe woman, Lin Chen sat cross-legged, lost in thought.

"Would you like to keep her here and send an Avatar to protect it? No, the genius who entered the mountain range of the funeral saints this time is extraordinary. Any genius who is good at exploring or perceiving can find her. My Avatar may not be able to protect her, and I may not be able to rush back immediately..."

Lin Chen thought for a long time, but couldn't find a good way.

In the final analysis, my own strength is too weak and I am limited in any way!

If only to take her away, Lin Chen is fully capable of doing it.

But Lin Chen is still looking for the fragments of the "Taiyi Futian Jue", which makes it difficult for the handsome Lin who has always had an endless stream of ghost ideas.

"The Five Tribulations cultivation base is not enough. Is there any way I can quickly increase my strength...Increase the elemental attribute value? Now I am the Five Tribulations cultivation base, stronger than the attribute dropped by super genius The value is also very limited. The eighth rank medicine ingredient that directly decomposes to obtain the elemental attribute value may come by with luck, but not by searching for it ……”

Lin Chen searched for it and died before The ringing of the monkey-faced man under the Shadow Flying Sword has cultivation technique and some medicine pill, but I have not found anything useful at this stage.

"Cultivation technique? I only have a half-orange cultivation technique on hand, which is not very useful. Use reinforcement points? I want to be strong, but I am so strong! God's tears have never been a cultivation Perfection, so I can move. I can’t move, the main battle skill at the moment has all been strengthened to +15, can it really only rely on Rune of Slowness and nirvana?"

Just as Lin Chen was thinking about it, his mind suddenly flashed The silhouette of Zhao Tiankun!

A thunderous thought hit Lin Chen!

He was struck by lightning in an instant, and he stayed in place!

Next moment, Lin Chen flipped the ring, and a beautiful jade box appeared in his palm.

In the jade box, there are jewels that are dazzling like a round of blazing stars, which are extremely magnificent and suffocating!

The dazzling aurora illuminates the cave, almost blinding someone in Lin's handsome eyes!

The'treasure jade' in this jade box is exactly what Lin Chen currently holds, the only complete low-grade crystal, the light system crystal!

As for the embryonic crystals that are being'cultivated', it will take some time to be born.

Lin Chen's heart is beating a bit fiery and excited.

Perhaps, it's time!

Take this most important step, the moment to control the alien crystal!

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