Fighting against the false gods that day, and then encountering Zhao Tiankun, Lin Chen clearly felt the power of the low-grade alien crystals.

After coming to the Holy Realm, what he obtained was only the different crystal fragments equivalent to one thousandth or one thousandth of the different crystal power.

He has never dared to refining the strange crystal he obtained from the ancient gods. The reason is very simple. Its energy is like an abyss like a sea, like the latitude and longitude of Heaven and Earth!

"Zhao Tiankun's refining low-grade crystals is indispensable with the help of a powerful holy realm, and his own physique gives me a sense of suffocation that is oppressed by the whole earth. It can be described as the right time, the right place and the completeness, so I can control it. A low-grade alien crystal. Although I don’t have Saint's assistance, my Nine Tribulations battle body naturally has the effect of restraining and assimilating the alien crystals of the same attribute..."

Lin Chen's eyes burst into resoluteness. rays of light!

"At the moment I have no choice, time is not and the others, my elemental attribute value and cultivation base have changed from Heaven and Earth turning upside down when I first met the ancient god senior. I There may not be no chance!"

"Moreover, once it really doesn't work at the end, I use the decomposition function of system to decompose it into special attribute values. Compared with other desperate powerhouses, I still have a way out! Just do it!"

Now he is the Five Tribulations cultivation base, and he is no longer very weak in the face of alien crystals like the 9th layer Battle Sovereign before. Now he has the strength and foundation to try. Tame and control this power!

Awesomely, Lin Chen opened the jade box, and the snow jade-like crystal of the light system was quickly incorporated into his palm, instantly stimulating the core method of "Nine Tribulations of Creation" and began to refining !

The rays of light in the palm of the hand are prosperous, Lin Chen is like holding a star in his hand, like picking the stars!

All of Lin Chen’s Battle Qi were injected into the Light Tribulation Body, and the whole body was glowing in a flash!

The light system alien crystal, like a water emulsion, gradually sinks and merges into Lin Chen's palm, following Lin Chen's arm.

Wan Dao Xiguang gushes out from the top of Lin Chen's head, like a divine glow shining in the world, flooding every meridian in Lin Chen's body into a huge amount of light energy!

[The host gains 99 points of high level light energy, 101 points of light energy, 94 points of light energy...]

Lin Chen’s light energy is straight-forward!

"Sure enough, my light catastrophe body can assimilate the power of different crystals..."

pu chi~!

Lin Chen was not happy for a second, he vomited blood immediately!

The majestic energy of horror like a river of heaven flows into his body, even after Lin Chen’s elemental attribute value has skyrocketed, his nine-color chakra is not what it used to be, facing this light system alien crystal The energy is still like the difference between a baby rabbit and a giant bear!

If this continues, it is only a matter of time before Lin Chen is blown up by the energy of the alien crystal!

"My God, what a horrible energy! No wonder Zhao Tiankun is such a strong bastard, fight! Just leave an Avatar outside, summon the power of Avatar to refining, I don’t believe that this can’t be done. Alien crystal!"

Lin Chen clenched the teeth abruptly, stimulating the '8th layer change'. When the final moment is activated, the efficiency of refining the alien crystal is greatly increased, but it is still an utterly inadequate measure!

Each complete low-grade crystal is born in the strongest area of ​​the energy gathering place between Heaven and Earth. It has been compressed, condensed, and formed through countless epochs, and it is not known how much energy has been absorbed!

If it weren’t for Lin Chen’s “Light Tribulation Battle Body” to assimilate and restrain the light system alien crystals, the ordinary genius alone refining the complete alien crystals would explode and die without holding a few breaths!

Lin Chen quickly absorbed the infinite energy of the light system. Fortunately, his four Avatars teleported back.

Avatars all enter the state of'ultimate moment'. While the refining efficiency is doubled, the four Avatars and the main body use core method refining together, which is seamless and just like one!

Finally, the efficiency of Lin Chen's refining light system alien crystal energy stabilized a bit, but his injury got worse.

Even if Lin Chen took Liuli Bodhi Seed and Long Qingguo quickly, the injuries he repaired quickly are accumulating new internal injuries!

However, although the price is heavy, Lin Chen's high level light system energy rushes all the way in a straight line!

This is the fastest increase in elemental attribute value after Lin Chen converted to high level elemental attribute value!

What decomposes eighth rank medicine ingredient, eighth rank strange mines, robs Chen Family, and is all'garbage' in the face of this soaring!

Lin Chen's high level light system energy is only in the blink of an eye, from 4659 points, like a hot knife through butter breakthrough to 10,000 points!

It hasn't stopped yet, the high level light energy is still soaring! It took only two quarters of an hour to break through 15000 points!

On the other side;

Zhao Tiankun was repeatedly played by Lin Chen, fly into a rage out of humiliation!

His appearance is no longer the same cynical and lazy evil as when he first entered the mountain range of the funeral saint, instead, he is a serious and fierce look!

"It turns out that those guys are the dark horse club, and the famous Lin Chen who plays this Young Master? Hehe, interesting, today I, Zhao Tiankun, want to see where you can hide!"


A cold smile rose from the corner of Zhao Tiankun's mouth. He landed on the ground, leaned down, his palms against the ground, and the flow of the Earth Element on his right arm shone with the brilliance of the earth-yellow.

In this instant, all the energy fluctuations, wind and grass, flowers and trees in the nearby area were clearly detected through his Earth Element crystals, like palm lines.


Lin Chen's only Avatar'Zhen Deshuai' who remained outside suddenly condensed before his eyes.

Between the towering peaks in front, there are a lot of attribute rays of light shining!

"That direction is closer to the core circle!"

From the Central Zone between the peaks,'Zhen Deshuai' perceives the oppression of suffocation, and geniuses gather!


Suddenly, a sense of crisis strangled the'true virtue and handsome'!

A pair of blue and yellow pupils appeared in Zhen Deshuai's mind. He was surprised: "Good guy, is that Zhao Tiankun? You can feel me at such a distance!"

Zhen Deshuai grinned, stepped on the Dragon Flash movement method, and swept towards the Central Zone of the attribute light ball!


The burial saint mountain range, the battlefield in the west on the east side.

The mountains burst and ground split here, the center of the peaks is the skeleton of a group of tall mountains, all of which are the skeletons of Sacred Beast!

Here, there was a melee between Saint and Sacred Beast!

In the Western Sky Battlefield, all the Saint's remains and the skeletons of the beasts are all in the energy Formation, and the Formation is gradually fading in its brilliance.

Over 7,000 feet high in the sky, strong poisonous miasma enveloped, and poison mist penetrated.

If Saint is here, you may be able to find some abnormalities. Inside the poisonous miasma, there are four prison-like ancient formations!

These ancient formations are like four-way prisons, or like a pair of huge shackles, or the ancient formations of Heavenly Star and Earthly Fiend, vague and long, permeating the atmosphere of primitive vicissitudes , Hidden in the miasma.

The slightly spilled energy in the ancient formation is enough to prove that these formations are activated at any time!

These ancient formations are the main reasons that caused a large number of Saints and Sacred Beasts to fall!

What's even more weird is that behind the ancient formation, there is a weird bronze coffin!


Below all around, there is a group of silhouettes floating in the air, either indifferent and ruthless, or have a dignified appearance, or charming, or in control of the universe, peaceful, genius gathering!

The geniuses stared fiercely at the situation in the energy formation.

In the remains of these Saints, some Saint finger bones are also wearing high level rings!

Holy Tibet! The complete Saint's legacy!

The most important thing is that none of the Saints who entered this year are ordinary holy realms, all are experts in holy realms, and the lowest is Saint Realm 3rd Layer, which is more than 21 holy caves in full bloom!

Among the 57 remains of Saint, forty-five of them wore the ring, which became the target of all the geniuses in the audience!

It can be seen that a total of 57 Saints have fallen down here!

Counting the scattered fierce beast skeletons, no one can imagine what terrible war broke out here in the past!

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