The dragon's body flies into the void, and wherever it goes, it has its own magnet effect, attracting all the attribute light balls!

[Get 130,000 high level qi and blood, 100,000 high level qi and blood, 190,000 high level qi and blood, 90,000 high level qi and blood, 110,000 high level qi and blood, 150,000 high level qi and blood ,]

[Open 31 orange crystal treasure chests to obtain: 3500 intermediate innate talent points, 1000 intermediate Heavenly Dao points, 2 million enhancement points, 1500 high level spirit strength points, 2850 advanced talisman points energy. 】

In the past, the High Attribute light spheres obtained by Lin Chen were counted up to a thousand, and the most was also a few thousand dropped by the fall of the saints during Antiquity Battlefield.

However, the fall of the saints was not the work of Lin Chen after all, and the attribute light balls dropped were also limited.

But this time, it was the genuine Sacred Beast that all died in the hands of Lin Chen, and it is estimated that the number of attribute light balls dropped has exceeded 100,000!

The attribute value limit is soaring, and its soaring speed is so fast that the three major Avatars that are integrating core method cultivation memories must take into account the absorption of a large amount of Qi and Blood Energy!

And Lin Chen’s Dragon King is refining the blood like a raging sea, Qi and Blood Energy is like a burning angry dragon, shuttled in its Dragon Vein time and time again, impacting the first 10 million Dragon Vein!

The Dragon Vein continuously emits the'hong long long' agitation and vibration, like a mountains burst and ground split, the imposing manner like the disintegration of the ground veins is shaking violently! Constantly glowing with blue golden rays of light!


A vortex emerged, and the efficiency of Dragon Emperor's refining was increased by dozens or nearly a hundred times! The agitation of the 10 millionth Dragon Vein is getting more and more intense!

If it weren’t for the'myriad forms' divine ability, the Dragon King would really have to'explode' this time!

Lin Chen comfortably accepted the 37 eighth rank beast cores. Although these beast cores are contaminated with demonic energy, they can no longer be used from an ordinary perspective, but Lin Chen’s magic seal can be easily used. Absorb the internal demonic energy and return it to the essence.

This time, there are thirty-seven eighth rank fierce beast cores, with this massive amount of high level blood, not to mention whether Lin Chen can hit the body refinement holy realm, at least his dragon king is promoted Becoming Sacred Dragon is already an ironclad fact!

Geniuses are not idlers, and in a moment someone came back to his senses!

They recalled that during the previous battle, the people from the Dark Horse Club broke into the circle, tried their best to get close to Sacred Beast, and form seals next to them. Could it be that...?

First of all, Sacred Beast will not commit suicide no matter how stupid he is? If you commit suicide, why do you choose Lin Chen? Why did the people in the Dark Horse Club try their best to get close to Sacred Beast but only seal the seal and not fight?

More and more geniuses are beginning to realize that there must be a problem, there must be a problem!

Zhao Tiankun, who was beaten as a pig's head, became more and more ill, and there was still a smell of urine under his crotch, and finally he jumped into thunder and roared with anger!

"Fuck! What the hell did you say, your kid suddenly changed sex, and you also helped me to attract the Immemorial golden eagles to the two Sacred Beasts. The feeling is that your kid is making fun of it! I'm Lin Chen who is holding you!"

Zhao Tiankun awakened all the geniuses!

Many geniuses looked at Lin who was harmless to humans and animals and smiled brightly, thinking carefully and terribly!

No wonder he just helped Zhao Tiankun just now because his feelings made him die faster!

The drama master is definitely the drama master!

He acted so special just now!

This guy is good? What a fart! This kid is just an old lady!

"Insidious, so insidious!"

"This Young Master was completely fooled by him!"

"Fuck! We were fooled, this The kid used us as a tool!"

"This kid is only in his early twenties? This fuck is not a 200,000-year-old old monster? It's so overcast!"

I'm angry! More than 5,000 geniuses, more than 2,000 Ancient One, everyone is angry!

If it were the normal Sacred Beast, the strength of its fleshy beast body would take a long time to kill even if it hit the dark horse club there, right? Why did he wait until he was about to die before suddenly all rushed to Lin Chen?

Obviously, this Lin Chen is completely used as a tool for everyone present!

Everyone was fooled by him! He was completely reduced to his "wage earner"!

As everyone's eyes were in full view, Lin was not flushed and heartbeat, and said seriously.

"Everyone, I really can't blame me for this, right? You guys can also see that these Sacred Beasts clearly touched me. My people are just self-defense. You really can't blame me!"


Fuck your mother shit!

The'true virtue show' beside you, the skill of harvesting the eighth rank fierce beast core, like the extraordinary 10,000-year old lecher when sneaking into the beautiful boudoir, by the way, the clothes and pants are like flowing water!

Do you call this self-defense?

Hearing Lin Chen's words, the crowd's teeth almost broke!

Luo Yaoer on the side suddenly said: "I'm really puzzled, how did you live until now without being beaten to death."

Lin Chen: "...Maybe, yes. Because it's handsome."

Boom~! !

The nine top 5,000 super genius suddenly violent, turned the offensive, and aimed at Lin Chen.


Lin Chen has eyesight and quick hands, and snaps his fingers first.

[The host launches the blue-level intermediate nirvana, Thousand Flame Storm, Sky Falling Sandstorm, golden brilliance rain, and each nirvana applicable target: 3. Start to lock the target, strikes. 】

Shih~! Boom~!

Strong fire cloud tornado, golden brilliance cloud, sand and yellow cloud, suddenly exploded from the heads of the nine people, and a bunch of flame hurricanes were swept up and down. The fire took advantage of the wind, the wind rose, the golden brilliance Fragmentation shot down, suddenly covering the three of them!

"What's this?"

"Something's wrong, these things can't escape, fast defense!"

The gun shot out, nine geniuses rushed Using the life-saving method to defend, the imposing manner of nirvana spread out for a while, frightening everyone, and retreating to the side!

The blue-tier intermediate nirvana is suitable for Saints who open 1 to 3 holy caves. The formidable power is enough to force these super genius to use all they can to defend!

"A strong energy attack, I can't avoid it...this, what kind of Absolute Art is this?"

"I remember, it is said that Lin Chen was killed by more than a dozen saints. It’s said to use a very strange attack that can’t be avoided!"

"Isn’t this a rumor! Is it true?"

Many geniuses are frightened, this kind of attack is comparable to the holy realm attack, can't dodge it? Isn't this a foul!

Lin Chen raised the corner of his mouth, jokingly said with a smile: "Who else wants to come up, I have no advantages in Lin, except that he is handsome and has some special skills, that is, he is very good at self-defense."


"Let’s bluff people there, I don’t believe you can make this kind of attack a few times!"

There are also very ruthless geniuses who don’t eat this set of Lin Chen. Several Ancient Ones surrounded Lin Chen from the side and rushed forward!

Another 18 super genius and 17 Battle Sovereign Ancient One, Lin Chen is another snap finger, the remaining 8 blue-level intermediate nirvana skills, plus 6 blue-level high level nirvana skills are all Released!


In an instant, the changeable situation, the energy drained. Xuntian's nirvana might cover all those who rushed up!

Many geniuses changed their expressions when they saw the power of the blue-level high level nirvana!

He still hides a stronger back player? He even has the means to threaten the 2nd layer of the Holy Land!

When the genius of the second wave was hovered between life and death by nirvana, mournful scream brought everyone back to their senses from anger!

"Come on! Let me see who else is not afraid of death!"

Lin Chen shouted loudly, with an extremely arrogant attitude.

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