Lin Chen seems to be arrogant, but in fact he silently said in his heart: Don't come to some rashers, grandma's, and if you rush out of a group, I will only have two blue-level high level nirvana skills!

Looking at the audience, Lin Chen's strength is very strong, undoubtedly, but no matter how strong the strength is, it will not be able to withstand everyone's siege! Lin Chen must shock them with the most powerful means!

Lin Chen's preemptive strike, really shocked thousands of people!

But his eyes are still fixed on Yan Wuxie and other geniuses.

The top 5000 super genius has a life-saving method to defend against Saints, but they have not yet reached the level of higher rank challenge Saints.

Lin Chen really wants to guard against monster-level geniuses like Yan Wuxie and Fei Anxing, who are ranked 2000 on the genius list!

These geniuses are the real'monster'! Claimed to be comparable to the end of the enchanting list of thousands of years ago, the strength is terribly strong, and the existence that can truly fight against Saint.

In the perception of Lin Chen alone, this kind of'monster'-level genius should have nearly a hundred people present. It is not ruled out that there are hidden ones. Once they are besieged, Lin Chen will definitely give out his trump card!

The handsome and unrestrained Yan Wuxie whistled, "Hey, this kid has tricked all of us."

Fei Anxing glanced at him: "Why? , Are you going to be him."

Yan Wuxie smiled and said, "I'm not interested. The key depends on whether Miss Qingcheng is interested. She is the strongest person in the field."

Fei Anxing frowned and seemed to mind the'strongest' very much. He cast his gaze on Jian Qingcheng with an indifferent face.

Sword Qingcheng is slender, with a slender waist and full grip, wearing a bright red robe, wearing three feet azure edge, face is devastatingly beautiful, and his face is indifferent.

"This person does have a good set of things, but if it weren’t for him, those Sacred Beasts are dying, and we have to die here. Some people are right. On the whole, he has saved some people. The life of the weak who should enter the tomb house."

After that, Jian Qingcheng glanced at someone in a certain area, and no one who was swept by her gaze gave birth to a sword from the bottom of his heart. Edge Fear on the neck!

A pretty and lovely Junior Sister next to Yan Wuxie curiously asked: "Senior Brother, is this Sword Qingcheng really as powerful as you said? In the rankings, she even entered the top 5000 Nothing."

Yan Wuxie clicking one's tongue in wonder: "It's not just amazing, it's just a pervert. She is the invincible monster of the same women in the Sword Domain. When she drew the sword last time, she was ranked number one in genius. The 1310 Sun Moon Emperor lost her second sword even if she couldn't take her second sword. If that battle was Life and Death Battle, her ranking would have changed a long time ago."

"Ah! So amazing! "Little Junior Sister was surprised.

Yan Wuxie’s eyes suddenly turned rays of light, "The world is so unreasonable. It is the same as the Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign cultivation base. The top 40,000 geniuses on the genius list can easily be crushed. The ordinary Battle Sovereign at the same level. And the top 10,000 geniuses are terrifyingly strong. If so, no one can cross that line."

"Until the top 2,000 geniuses The name, the genius who is able to fight against Saint has just emerged, and the top 1,000 geniuses are all sanctified. But my brother tells you, even these characters may not be able to be crushed in Jian Qingcheng..."

After finishing speaking, his handsome face remained a bit scared, and he said word by word: "As far as I know, this sword has been able to ascend and become a Saint! Her accumulation has already been able to Promoted to the Holy Land! But she is accumulating the final mental sharpening, and she wants to chase the sword dao to the extreme and become a perfect holy! Once the sword is drawn, Clouds rising in the ten directions will surely destroy the mountains and seas with one sword!"

"So scary?" Little Junior Sister was horrified.

Mortals become holy, what opportunities may come by with luck, but not by searching for it, to meet once is to defy the heavens and change the fate!

This sword alluring city, can he choose the moment of his sanctification?

The genius who is as strong as the top 10,000 on the genius list, accumulates vigorously, but also not to say that sanctification can be sanctified, and you have to have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly.

The only geniuses who can hit the holy realm at any time and have a high probability are the top 2,000 geniuses, but they are still sharpening their hearts and pursuing the perfect state when they are promoted to the holy realm!

Shih~! Seven more super genius fell under the nirvana, and Chen Dexiu collected their attribute light balls and sati.

Because when fighting the War Saint beasts, they also consumed a lot to save their lives. After being bombarded by Lin Chen's nirvana, they finally couldn't stand it and fell on the spot!

Seeing this scene, the corners of the geniuses’ lips twitched a little, and no one dared to shout again.

At this time, a majestic voice sounded again.

"Little fellows, you did a good job. It seems that there was an accident in this entry, hahaha, but it’s not hurtful. This king likes accidents. The more of you can exceed this king’s expectations, This king is happier, and after receiving the reward, go to the second test!"

The tone barely fell of Haotian Saint King, a stream of shua~ shua~ shua~ fell from the sky!

This'raindrop'-like streamer of hiding the sky and covering the earth is magnificent, shining purple and red.

All the geniuses took a closer look. These'raindrops' are all the size of longan and litchi, the whole body is holy light and the brilliance is flowing, and they are all holy pill!

Lin Chen gasped slightly!

He alone robbed the Nine-Color Rainbow Bridge, and he obtained only more than 50 finished sacred pill, here is more than a few thousand, it is almost ten thousand sacred pill!

The lowest Grade 1 healing sacred pill, it is also the starting point for the sale of tens of millions of silver sacred dollar coins. Because the difficulty of refining and the required materials are too difficult and too high.

Even the average Saint can't afford to enjoy the Holy Pill. This shot is more than 10,000?

This is an astronomical figure!

The foundation of Saint King is simply against the sky! Mortals simply can't imagine, too terrifying!

"Clearers, each person has one sacred pill, and those who perform well receive two. Well, these sacred pills are allocated. Don’t try to snatch someone else’s sacred pill, otherwise the Royal General will personally Take action to kill offenders."

Haotian Saint King indifferently said.

Everyone chanted long live Saint King!

And Lin Chen actually won 6 Grade 1 Holy Pills and 1 Grade 2 Holy Pill!

The sacred pill is divided into Grade 9, Grade 2 sacred pill, and its value is several times or even higher than that of Grade 1 sacred pill.

Even at Lin Chen's current level of refining medicine, the main body and Avatar work together, and the probability of refining Grade 2 sacred pill will not exceed 20%!

The moment Lin Chen got the sacred pill, his face suddenly looked wrong.

"These sacred pill, there are also problems! The core of the sacred pill, there is a trace of demonic energy will?"

Luo Yaoer suddenly said: "It seems that his ambition is not dead. Ah, in these sacred pills, his strength of Faith was planted by means of Demon Race. Maybe he won’t show it immediately after taking it, but as long as he is a single thought, the person taking medicine pill will immediately become his believer, even if I will die without blinking."

Lin Chen's eyes squinted--"No wonder he is so willing, hehe, this Saint King is in the next big game."

At this time, Haotian Saint King's voice sounded again.

"Next is the second test, you can choose to leave or continue to move forward. Next is the Life and Death Reincarnation Cycle competition, where the Life and Death Reincarnation Cycle competition is held, and the third test is only five places for promotion. Hundreds. Once you participate, your life and death will be decided by your own."

As soon as this statement came out, the complexion of many geniuses slightly changed!

Second test, is it a life and death? Only 500 places?

However, Lin Chen's face is even more ugly than all geniuses!

A chill and have one's hair stand on end, rise from the bottom of Lin Chen's heart!

He thought of a terrifying probability!

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