"Those who want to participate in the Life and Death Reincarnation Cycle contest, send the Battle Qi into the jade token. If you want to stop and exit, you can go directly to the space vortex of the tomb."

While Saint King in Haotian talked and laughed, a silver white space vortex rose in the tomb mansion, and the space channel of several ten zhang spaces extended.

At the same time, a densely packed azure jade token fell from the sky, and the choice was handed over to everyone.

"Saint King’s chance, this is only once in my life, and I don’t even dare to fight for my life, then I don’t have to mess with it!"

"My Ye Aolu walked out of the endless Great Desolate There are countless powerhouses that have been beheaded. How can they lack this time, Saint King inheritance, I deserve it!"

Many proud and arrogant super genius chose the Life and Death Reincarnation Cycle competition to send one Strike Battle Qi into jade token, rays of light flourish!

Some Ancient One also chose to leave safely.

This time they entered the mountain range of the burial saints, some grabbed the torso of the saint skeleton, some grabbed part of the saint treasure, this time also obtained the saint pill, or they are not confident in their own battle strength , But their gains are enough!

There are not a few super genius who choose to leave. When fighting against Sacred Beast, everyone used a lot of life-saving methods. If you continue to fight, you will only become a stepping stone for others. Close!

Some old monsters also didn't plan to let go of Saint King's chance, so they decided to join the battle!

For a time, there were only more than three thousand people left in the tomb mansion, and more than three hundred people did not make a decision!


When everyone made a choice, only Lin Chen turned his head and looked directly at Luo Yaoer.

He asked word by word Said: "If you want to do it, can you also control me."

Luo Yaoer's face is hidden in the cloak, and Lin Chen can't see her expression.

Lin Chen can control those Sacred Beasts that are contaminated with demonic energy with the help of the magic seals and techniques that Luo Yaoer left him.

Where is Lin Chen who holds the magic seal? This magic seal was given to him by Luo Yaoer, and he actually has no absolute control right!

What if Luo Yaoer controls herself like she controls Sacred Beast?

The magic eye in Nine Provinces, the Sky-Swallowing Mirror on Rainbow Island, and the magic mark that absorbs so much demonic energy, can you really suppress it?

Lin Chen took a deep breath: "Up to now, do you want to take me away?"

Luo Yaoer said indifferently: "My goal is very simple. Go and destroy it. Any seeds that might threaten my Fiend clan, I will remove them in advance."

As soon as the conversation turned, Luo Yaoer's tone suddenly became a little soft, "There is another Choose, you take the initiative to follow me, since you don’t care about the grievances in this world, why not follow me, if you can come to the Fiend clan, I will give you enough status and opportunity to make you my right hand, no matter if it is the 9th layer saint You will have the opportunity to set foot in Saint of Rank Nine, or Saint King."

Lin Chen suddenly said with a smile: "Then you come to unplug me now, I won't Follow anyone."

Luo Yaoer was silent, and the two stopped talking for a while.

But Lin Chen and his Avatar, Zhendeshuai and Zhendexiu, also chose to join the battle!

A total of 3,700 people chose to join the war!

Among them, there have been three thousand people who are geniuses on the genius list!

Everyone's heart is either worried, uneasy, or excited!

This Life and Death Reincarnation Cycle competition will surely be a major event that will sensationalize the genius list, and will leave a strong mark in the history of the Holy Realm!

These three thousand geniuses are all super genius from 1001 to 10,000 on the genius list, and the lowest of each is from Grade 5 sect!

In the near future, these geniuses will eventually be left with only five hundred people, and more than two thousand lost!

In the ancient book records of the 36 domains, only a few major events have experienced similar situations.

There is no doubt that this Saint King inheritance will become a turning point in history!

Some bold people chose to stay to witness history, neither leaving nor participating.

It is rare that Haotian Saint King seems to turn a blind eye to these people.

"Very well, only the elites are left. Let's start! The last five hundred people will be rewarded very richly!"

Haotian The voice of Saint King said with a smile.

Swipe~! Boom~!

At this time, within the devastated mountain range, it burst open from the ground, and dragon platforms like'giant islands' rose into the sky.

The dragon platform has three hundred seats, and the imposing manner is magnificent. It comes with Space Formation, which has a very wide range, and it is more than enough to give Saint a heavy battle.

"Your jade token has randomly appeared a new number, according to the number on stage. If there is an odd number, a bye will be randomly generated, and those who get a bye can automatically advance to the next round. This Life and Death Battle depends on ability, all your means can be used, as long as you can survive, by fair means or foul. This king looks forward to more accidents among you, hahaha!"


When the laughter fell, Lin Chen and Avatar's jade token appeared a rays of light.

His number is: No. 1459. The true virtue is: No. 1299. The Zhende Show is: No. 1088.

The geniuses or veteran powerhouses who received the numbers, the fighting intent broke out and began to take the stage!

"It seems that the Avatars and I are the last or penultimate batch, and we can prepare for another wave of time."

Lin Chen found a mountain top, sit cross-legged down.

At this time, Luo Yaoer on the other side has begun to enter the cultivation state. Her injuries have recovered about 30%, and her strength has barely recovered, and she can move freely.

Lin Chen opens the system.

[Heavenly Path Collection System Version 6.0

Host: Lin Chen ——cultivation base: Battle Sovereign (Five Tribulation Peak)——high level Essence: 34.55 million points

Ultimate strength: 99.99 million dragon power (Half-body transformation Saint Physique)-high level vitality: 98.16 million points

high level Divine Attribute value: 19455 points (half step Entering the Holy)

high level cultivation technique essence: 8977 points-advanced talisman energy: 26851 points.

Intermediate Heavenly Dao value: 19660 points-intermediate innate talent points: 31889 points.

Blank attribute: 6.9 million points-enhanced points: 18.74 million points.

High level element energy: Fire Element 12004 points, Earth Element 11150 points, Wood Element 10200 points, Gold Element 10366 points, Water Element 10488 points, Thunder Element 10100 points, Wind Element 10410 points, Light Element 69666 Point, dark system 7880 points

cultivation technique status bar (open or not)-bloodline status bar (open or not)

Passive innate talent column: (green rank) Dual Cultivation Acacia, (Purple Rank) Strike, (Purple Rank) Tear, (Quasi Orange Rank) Super Chaos, (Orange Rank) Extreme God Possession Fragment (2/4)

Active innate talent column: (Purple Order) Divine Steal Omen, (Purple Stage) Deadly Bloodthirsty, (Purple Stage) Ultra-Dimensional Teleportation, (Purple Stage) Ultimate Moment, (Purple Stage) Limit Return to Origin, (Purple Stage) Monarch Overlooking The Whole World, (Purple Stage) (Orange Step) Desperate Life and Death, (Orange Step) Instant Light and Shadow, (Orange Step One-time) Sky Reverse (1/2) Fragment.

Nertial skill bar (open or not)-feature rune bar (open or not)

innate talent combo (open or not)]

Lin Chen’s The cultivation base is not too far from most super genius!

When he first refining'Wheel Light Crystal', his strength was about 4000 in the genius list, and Avatar could rival the genius in the top 5000.

Now all elemental attribute values ​​and cultivation base have been improved. Lin Chen tried to break his wrist with the super genius ranked 3000!

But the more important thing is Lin Chen's fleshy body, his high level of blood, because of the mass murder of Sacred Beast, soaring 90 million points!

More than ten times the original!

This attribute value has caused an amazing change in his fleshy body!

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