With a knife in his hand, Lin Chen's domineering madness, a silver robe, no wind automatically!

Sword Qingcheng is like a slut who discovers a beautiful young man, with an infatuated expression on his face, aiming at Lin Chen and hitting him with a sword!

Lin Chen grabbed the knife in an instant, slashed diagonally with one knife, and the moonlight reflected the sky!

Shih~! boom!

The blade light and sword shadows of the duo cover the entire dragon platform, fast, amazing fast! To the extreme!

Countless afterimage blade winds, glowing with the divine light as bright as the moon, collide with the red sword and rainbow like red clouds!

True one thousand blows! The geniuses are so dazzled that they can't see where the two are!

[Trigger passive innate talent: tear...]

[Trigger passive innate talent: super chaos...]

Lin Chen runs'Yu Tian again When Seventh Gold Qi's body protects, the sharp sword qi that fills the ten zhang area beside Jian Qingcheng can no longer easily break through his defense!

The aftermath of the sword wind knife gun is like a continuous explosion. The two fight from the sky to the dragon platform, from the dragon platform to the edge of the Formation, shaking the Space Formation to pieces again and again!

"This...Is this the speed and destructive power of the Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign?"

"Fart! Do you call these two the Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign? This is exactly the fucking thing. Saint is fighting!"

"Even Saint who opened a holy cave may not be able to single out either of these two people. Too terrifying, these guys are really peers with us. Is it..."

"The battle of evildoers in the future! Undoubtedly, what we are witnessing is the battle between evildoers on the list of evildoers in the future!"

Those monster-level geniuses We can't help but be amazed.

After the close combat, Lin Chen's "super chaos" state was constantly triggered, forcing Jian Qingcheng to activate her "Bloodline Strength".

Boom~~! Jian Qingcheng's bright red long hair became light, and a bloody mark was drawn on the center of her forehead and her eyebrows. Her pupils turned into crimson, charming and beautiful.

Seeing Jian Qingcheng's bloodline activation, Yan Wuxie's face changed drastically!

"so that's how it is...so that's how it is, she is not an innate talent of Grade 5 holy veins, but...from that place!"

Notice Yan Wuxie is the only person in this detail.

After bloodline was activated, Jian Qingcheng's strength skyrocketed. Even though Lin Chen's "Super Chaos" was superimposed nearly ten times, its impact on Jian Qingcheng was still weak, allowing her to play more than 90% of her strength.

A large part of this depends on the will and sword skills of sword Qingcheng thousands hammers, hundred refinements. As she said, as long as she has a little thought, she can exert most of her strength.

Round hard power, Lin Chen and Jian Qingcheng are still a little bit behind. This is due to the gap between experience and bloodline innate talent.

But after the core method skyrocketed, Lin Chen's overall strength skyrocketed, as did the movement speed, which gave him an advantage in speed. Even if he couldn't attack the sword, he could stand undefeated!

Tear and pull~! Bang~!

After a thousand rounds of fighting, they collided again, and the two retreated, each steadily stepping down.

Sword Qingcheng’s cheeks dyed the clouds, and said intoxicated; "It's really strong! Lin Chen, you have made my sword dao more perfect, and I really like you more and more!"


Lin Chen shrugged, feel free to say with a smile. "Is it? Maybe you will like it more after I took out the gun."

Lin Chen knows that this woman's appearance in'estrus' is all because of getting what she is after, not herself.

Suddenly, Lin Chen's back was inexplicably cold, and his gaze from a certain direction seemed to kill him.

"This sword, you must take it, otherwise it will disappoint me."

Sword Qingcheng's blushing and coquettish appearance, there is a trace of enthusiasm, bright red long The hair fluttered, she flew in the air, the sword intent was in full swing, and the Blood Sword glowed with a sharp sword light pointed finger towards Lin Chen!

Shih~! A large amount of Battle Qi was transported into the different crystal interior on the chest, and the sword of Jian Qingcheng ignited a bloody flame, condensing into a scarlet long rainbow of several ten zhang.

The aggressiveness in Blood Sword was so shocked that the geniuses couldn't help but back away a dozen or more li!

Lin Chen switches his knife to change bows, holds the bow in his left hand, and pulls the'azure thunder sacred bow' with his right hand. The majestic Battle Qi injects the crystal interior into the crystal interior of his right arm!

"Her sword is an orange-order sword technique, and it fits perfectly with the core method. It should be a lineage sword technique with the core method. The formidable power bonus is very high, plus a different crystal. The formidable power might be comparable to the destructive power exerted by the Saints of the two holy caves, and I can’t hide it."

Between the electric light and flint, Lin Chen launched two Offensive Talisman articles, Pulling the strings with full force and running the meridian route of "Jiguang Katayu", the Battle Qi emerged majestic, Lin Chen suddenly let go, and a spiral of feather feathers shot toward the sky!

Wherever you pass, pass through a spiral of glowing storm!

Om~! The arrow shuddered, and one was divided into five!

"Rainbow afterglow!"

Blood Sword cut, brushed, where the sword rainbow passed, a tornado-like afterglow, like a sky outside the sky Sword, as beautiful as Immortal Realm!

When Jianhong cut through the spiral of arrow light storm, it burst open in an instant!


In an instant, heaven falls and earth rends, mountain torrents dissipated. The vast dragon platform was shattered by the one red, one white aurora on the spot!

Only the Space Formation is still strong. Not only is it broken and repaired, the afterglow of the scarlet and the white glow continue to spread, like two giant beasts fighting each other.

Lin Chen and Jian Qingcheng were affected in different ways. Both of them failed to avoid the area outside the Longtai Space Formation, and were bounced back by this strong confrontation.

After dozens of breaths, two storms of one red and one white slowly disappeared.

The two stood in the void, Lin Chen gasping for breath, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and the sword Qingcheng robe broke, showing a large area of ​​snow white, and the breath was weaker than before.


The situation has changed suddenly, and the sword strength of Jian Qingcheng has changed again. Lin Chen has changed from the holy bow to the spear, and his fighting intent has risen steadily!

The geniuses who watched the battle swallowed their saliva...

The dragon platform, which was able to withstand the Early-Stage Saint attack, started to be shattered by these two'Battle Sovereign'?

"What will happen to the ending, these two people, who can survive..."

"Too terrifying, this is the most terrifying Battle Sovereign I have ever seen in my lifetime. ..."

The ghost face gray robe is filled with the murderous aura, "As expected, the person who is the Master immediately ordered to deal with is really extraordinary. If this child is sanctified, it will be a great Threat!"

Everyone had a foreboding that when the ending of burn both jade and stone seemed inevitable, a voice in the sky slowly sounded.

"For the two contestants of Dragon Terrace No. 1, this king announced that you two have passed the Life and Death Reincarnation Cycle. Previously, Dragon Terrace No. 64 has two contestants perish together. , Both of you can get a spot, no need to go to life and death battle."

The voice of Haotian Saint King came, and the geniuses were moved!

Even Saint King cherishes the innate talent of the two of them, which shows that these two people are very talented!

Lin Chen was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Jian Qingcheng, the corner of his mouth was slightly picked: "Heh, I also think it's good to stop here, don't you."

"hmph! " Jian Qingcheng coldly snorted: "I know you still have cards. You haven't used the previously unavoidable attack."

"Don't you still have a killer move, why bother with this, I I don't want to fight this kind of meaningless battle." Lin Chen shrugged.

"Then what kind of battle is meaningful to you." Jian Qingcheng asked, seemingly interested in Lin Chen.

Lin someone started, hehe smirked: "I'll tell you when I get to the bed."

After that, Lin Chen jumped, took the sword and dropped it. More than a dozen attribute light balls.

"On the bed?" Jian Qingcheng was taken aback, before taking a few breaths.

"hmph! Smelly man."

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