Lin Chen returned to Xiaoying and Luo Yaoer. The latter asked seriously: "What is the origin of your core method?"

Lin Chen For a moment, she spread her hands to Luo Yaoer: "I don't know, my cultivation technique depends on picking up. No matter what it comes from, cultivated it."

Luo Yaoer: "..."


ten thousand zhang high In the empty and intense miasma, the twisted silhouette can't help but laugh up to the sky!

"hahaha, it seems that the harvest this time is not small. One is a peerless evildoer from the sword world of Sword Domain, and the other is a core method that is cultivated and cannot be seen by the king. Well, no matter which one, Both are suitable to be substitutes for this king. It's a pity that these two people died, and this king should give play to their innate talent!"

In the laughter, something dark was brewing!

The battle in the tomb mansion continued. After a day, this final tragic battle finally ended.

Lin Chen and the two Avatars passed safely, and finally 500 super genius gathered together!

Among these people, 91 are ranked 2000 on the genius list, 309 are within 5000, and 100 are outside 5000.

"Well, very good. Next, as long as you pass the third test of this king, it will be issued together with the reward of the second test. At that time, the alien crystals, orange-level cultivation technique, pill concocting fingerprints, core Method and everything! Don’t worry, there will be no life worry for the third test. However, it depends on how long you persist. The longer you persist, the richer the rewards!"

The voice of Haotian Saint King makes a genius They look excited!

There is no mortal danger in the third test? Prove that Haotian Saint King has valued their lives, should they value them?

Lin Chen is vigilant, this Old Turtle layout design, I am afraid that the next situation is not so simple.

"For the next test, those who want to watch the show can leave. The king previously magnanimously let you watch the reincarnation match, but now it’s not that simple for you to watch it again, not listening to the adviser. take responsibility for the consequences."

The voice of Haotian Saint King declared.

Some Ancient One and geniuses who watched the battle were hearing this, regretting and sighing, and left one after another.

Lin Chen put the little shadow into the Taoyuan planting bag, and then looked towards Luo Yaoer.

Luo Yaoer said indifferently: "It's okay, don't worry about me. I will be fine if I stay here."

She is the safest to stay by Lin Chen's side. .

This security is one of psychology and the other is substance.

Just as Lin Chen had guessed, Luo Yaoer has the ability to control him, otherwise if it takes away the energy of the Demon Seal...

After someone leaves, in the sky drops five Hundreds of beams rushed into the people who passed the reincarnation race.

xiu! xiu! xiu!

The light beam melted into their bodies, and everyone seemed to have a little more will.


Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, a stone tablet of several ten zhang high rises from the mountain range and breaks through the ground.

The stone tablet is shrouded in a layer of energy formation, wandering like ripples, and the illusory characters are extremely mysterious.

However, what is terrifying is that when everyone looked at it, they found that they could not see the stone tablet text on the altar!

No, to be precise, it should be impossible to look directly!

There is a strong pressure on the stone tablet!

Look at that stone tablet, Luo Yaoer's loving body trembled, she was moved for the first time after entering the tomb for so long!

Luo Yaoer felt bad, "He actually has this thing, it's bad..."

And what Lin Chen saw made him ecstatic!

On the stone tablet, there is a dazzling golden light flowing!

In the center of the stone tablet, there is a golden light treasure box suspended!

The treasure chest is faint golden brilliance, simple and unpretentious, filled with an invincible hegemony that dominates All Heavens and Myriad Realms, as if a War God is sealed!

Lin Chen is excited.

The treasure chest of the War God suit!

The voice of Haotian Saint King sounded again.

"This is the stele of the gods. It was obtained by the king who crossed the holy realm back then. It contains the will of Spiritual God, hehe. For you mortals, you may never understand how Spiritual God is. The existence of a stalwart. It is just a ray of will, enough to sink countless mortal planes!"

The voice of Saint King in Haotian makes all geniuses hear it!

Is it a stone tablet containing the will of God?

"The third test, you have to stay in front of the monument of God for long enough to get the reward. Those who kneel at the monument of God will not be suppressed by divine might, but will end in failure. divine might Those who persist for a quarter of an hour will be rewarded with a lower-grade alien crystal. Those who persist for a quarter of an hour will receive a spirit plant seed, and those who adhere to a quarter of an hour will receive an orange-level cultivation technique."

"The one who persists for the longest time will receive the King's Legacy inheritance!"

These rewards, in a flash, make most of the geniuses red!


Before everyone reacts, the energy formation of the stone tablet is suddenly lifted!


"Give your life to God!"

A voice suddenly echoed in everyone's ears, the will of Sovereign Nine Heavens seemed to be resurrected from a deep sleep, Opened a pair of eyes from the bottom of everyone's hearts, releasing the coercion to suppress innumerable living beings!

Boom! boom! boom!

With just one breath, more than a dozen geniuses were blasted out, hurriedly kneeling and crawling, sweating like rain!

All geniuses are complexion ashen, pale, or horrified, or trembling, like a universe of stars suppressed in their whole body and even their spirit.

They can't even raise their heads, let alone look directly at the stone tablet of God!

"This is...Spiritual God's will!"

"What a stalwart, I...I'm about to explode, I can't hold on!"

Another piece of genius keeps kneeling down!

"What about True God, this Young Master fought hard all the way, killing so many geniuses and powerhouses, even Saint was injured by this Young Master sneak attack, trifling the will of a god, look I broke you..."

Some geniuses ranked within 2000 want to resist divine might.

However, at the moment he raised his head, endless darkness rushed towards him, as if he was trapped in the vast world, a pair of galaxy-like eyes emerged from his mind, looking directly at him !

It was a pair of eyes with invincible spirit. He was so frightened that he retreated and almost knelt down!

At that moment, he realized his insignificance! In front of God, he is more than just an ant, it is the dust under the sand sea!

What a great and vast existence that is! How can mortals question and blaspheme!

With a plop, the genius who is called monster in the 36th domain knelt down!

"I...I want to fight against the great god, I damn...I have all sins!"

He was scared witless, rolling his eyes and twitching all over, he actually peeed his pants on the spot. Up!

Of the geniuses in the top 2000 of the genius list, which one did not experience all kinds of life and death, witty, bathed in blood and great opportunities, and was born.

The tenacious of temperament is more than thousands hammers, hundred refinements!

As the culmination of Battle Sovereign, even Saint dared to show their edge in a battle. Even if they lose, temperament is the most outstanding existence in all Battle Sovereign!

Is called a monster-like powerful'climax'. I want to resist Spiritual God, but I just kneel down and lose consciousness so easily!

The genius who ranks close to him complexion slightly changed, this is the end of an attempt to resist God!

If it were not a will, but a True God, they would have died millions of times!

At this moment, no one dared to attempt to blaspheme the gods anymore...

The miasma of Saint King in the sky in Haotian observes this scene.

On the other side;

Lin Chen's infinite energy is squeezing and suppressing him!

His flesh and blood flow from the inside out, and countless sharp swords seem to pierce out of his body!

In the more terrifying coercion, it seems to arouse the instinctive fear of living beings, infinitely magnified, infinitely magnified, like a hand tampering with his heart, the heart will be squeezed at any time!

"What about the will of God, I want Lao Tzu to kneel down? Did I go to you!"

Lin Chen raised his head and looked directly at the stone tablet of God, revealing fierce light !

A strong and violent fighting intent bred from the bottom of Lin Chen's heart!

Life and death are indifferent, Divine Prediction is a shame!

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