The stone tablet of God was broken, and the geniuses were liberated from the suffering of divine might.

Jian Qingcheng stared at Lin Chen's back blankly, exclaiming from the heart.

"In this world, there are mortals who dare to pick War God... He is just a Battle Sovereign..."

At this moment, the young man’s back is like calm as water. and high as a moutain, like a mountain that she can't surpass in this life.

Jian Qingcheng asked herself, facing the will of God, she couldn't afford to resist!

She is too small in front of God! Not to mention walking under divine might like Lin Chen, even challenging the will of God!

In the field of Battle Sovereign, Jian Qingcheng is absolutely confident that she can become Number One Person, but she is convinced today!

"Dare to challenge the gods, he is truly the unparalleled number one emperor!" Jian Qingcheng was lightly muttered.

For her evaluation, even if the monster-level geniuses behind her are proud and arrogant, it is difficult to refute!

They asked themselves, even if they are less than one percent of Lin Chen!

He is worthy of this achievement!


The pressure on Luo Yaoer, who was adsorbed on the stone tablet of the gods, suddenly disappeared and slowly fell, Lin Chen reached out and hugged him.

Luo Yaoer was in a trance in Lin Chen's arms and lost the opposition of the divide might. The memories of Fiend's ancestors slowly disappeared. She muttered in dream: "You...Saved me..."

Lin Chen was bloodied and squeezed out a smile: "hehe, save yourself."

Luo Yaoer asked: "Aren't you afraid that I will control you?"

"Why don't you want to control me, you may not succeed." Lin Chen carefreely smiled, with an extremely strong fighting spirit in his smile, "I am a person who only believes that things are done by human beings. I firmly believe that my own life will only be held. In my own hands, although you are beautiful, I only want the information about entering the holy prison. I am not interested in other things."

Luo Yaoer bit her teeth and pressed her lips lightly. : "Aren't you afraid of gods?"

Lin Chen shrugged: "I haven't seen True God again. How do I know, it's just the so-called divine might, that's it."

Luo Yaoer lovable body trembled.

The so-called divine might, just like that?

He dared to use the Battle Sovereign cultivation base against Saint King to kill intent!

He dared to shake the divine might with the power of Battle Sovereign!

Between Heaven and Earth, there is a second man who is so courageous...

Luo Yaoer smiled at Lin Chen, who was unprecedented, and the smile was as charming as Demoness, and like As holy as a fairy, the world was eclipsed by it, making Lin Chen dumbfounded.

"Idiot, God is not that simple..."

After the stone tablet of God was broken, a golden light treasure chest was suspended.

Lin Chen caught it.

[Open the suit treasure chest and obtain: One of the Golden War God suits, the arm armor connection part and the right shoulder armor. Suit type: absolute power, extreme attack, extreme destruction. 】

Golden light is condensed into a golden shoulder armor, the shoulder armor arcs like a cold moon, carved with exquisite red gold stripes, and the arm armor part connected to the wrist.

"This time it turned out to be the right shoulder armor! The right arm part of the War God suit has been collected!"

Lin Chen's heart trembled, and the power of a wristband was enough. It is said to be against the sky, plus the shoulder armor?


At this moment...


The voice of Saint King in Haotian has an excitement that can hardly be concealed!

"Perfect, so perfect! This king never thought that there would be such a heaven-defying boy. You are the one who perfectly inherits this king's Legacy inheritance, boy, what is your name."

Lin Chen is neither overbearing nor overbearing. He embraces a stunning person and calmly said with a smile: "Going back to Saint King, can I change my name or my surname, Lin Chen. You will definitely be impressed with this name."


"Lin Chen, good, very good! Faced with this king, he can be spoiled and peaceful. It is an unpolished gem. After so many years, I have finally waited for someone to succeed the king! Well, everyone don't Be impatient, your reward will be given as appropriate by the king..."

Saint King forced himself to calm down, Lin Chen sneered in his heart, it seems that this guy can't wait...

"I have a way to break his big formation, but you need to attract his body. He is going to attack us..."

At this time, Luo Yaoer, who was seriously injured, suddenly Whispered sound transmission to Lin Chen.

Boom~~! The mountain range shifts, the earth's crust changes, and an altar slowly rises.

In the center of the altar is a holy stele with the words Saint King of Haotian, which is the tombstone of Saint King.

The magic mark on Lin Chen's palm is slightly throbbing! The reaction of demonic energy was sensed from inside the tombstone!

Lin Chen frowned; in the tombstone of Saint King, there was a reaction of demonic energy?

"It seems that this Old Guy is a complete bullshit, what the Protector clan fights with the Demon Race, everything around him is related to the Demon Race, I am afraid that things were not that simple back then..."

Lin Chen was disdainful in his heart, and he was extremely disdainful of this Haotian Saint King!

creak ~!

The miasma in the sky fell into a huge ten zhang bronze coffin and fell straight onto the altar of the tomb mansion!

Lin Chen suddenly discovered that the bronze coffin was flowing with strong attribute rays of light!

"Really strong attribute rays of light, this is innate talent type rays of light, at least the orange innate talent or the fragments are hidden inside!"

Lin Chen's heart Excited, calm on the surface.

"Human Race talents, please go to the tombstone and get your reward. Well, let’s start with Lin Chen."

Haotian Saint King can’t wait.

Lin Chen took the steps of not recognizing one's family and came to the tombstone a few meters high. He extended the hand to the stone tablet, thoughts move, and moved the'magic mark' in his palm.

"en?" Haotian Saint King's voice revealed a trace of doubt, and the next moment lost his voice in amazement!

"Boy, what are you doing..."

"I'll fuck your grandma a bear, old fogey! Want to get this handsome guy off, yin me? Today, see who is yin and who !" Lin Chen laughed.

The geniuses horrible to see, are they shocked and suspicious?

Is Lin Chen crazy again? Why are you still scolding Haotian Saint King for coming!

"Lin Chen, do you dare to insult Haotian Lord Saint?"

"Saint King is the great sage of my Human Race, you are so bold!"


Some geniuses who slid and slapped a horse immediately came back to his senses and quickly buckled Lin Chen a lot of top hats.

Lin Chen ignored these noisy guys, and the Heart Demon seal suddenly exploded with fierce suction!

Boom~! A cloud of black smoke exploded, everyone's scalp was numb, and the cold rushed from the soles of their feet to the top of the head!

"This is, demonic energy?"

"Why is there demonic energy on the tombstone of Lord Saint?"

"This is too...too ridiculous Now! Wouldn’t the powerhouse’s tombstone retain the last ray of will? How can arrogant beings like Lord Saint allow demonic energy to invade?"

The geniuses retreat in horror, and there is no such thing as a holy monument. The majesty of the noble and holy Saint King, some are just demonic energy like hell of evil spirits, ferocious, violent, full of the sky!

"Damn bastard, how do you have the Demon Race method!"

Haotian Saint King roared angrily, and the terrifying Saint King Prestige pressure suddenly broke out, trying to suppress Lin on the spot Chen!

pu! pu! pu!

Most of the geniuses in the field were suppressed by the power of Saint King and knelt down, and only a few of them could barely keep standing.

Lin Chen runs the core method, his pupils are red and orange. They are not affected by coercion at all, and he even smiles.

The demonic energy billowing like a mad dragon is rapidly refining absorbed into the Heart Demon seal of Lin Chen's palm. Finally, the demonic energy in the tombstone is completely absorbed!

"Damn, this child is immune to the coercion of the king's will!"

Haotian Saint King flustered and exasperated, his voice is full of hostility and killing intent, and then Nor does it have the kind of extraordinary and refined that educates the world.

Lin Chen’s core method is not even afraid of God’s will, but he is also a Saint King?

"tsk tsk tsk, Haotian Saint King, if you are still alive, I will definitely give you a Best Movie King Award. The acting is pretty good! You are quite entertaining, who is the Orthodox What a bloody fight to defend Human Race and Demon Race, it’s so loud."

Lin Chen tsk tsk said with a smile, and then the words are amazing, so that all geniuses have one's hair stand on end!

"Do you think that no one will know about your deal with Demon Race?"

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