Trade with Demon Race?

Lin Chen's Shinoyu is not surprisingly dead, throwing a blockbuster!

"What?" Haotian Saint King, like a fox whose tail was stepped on, his voice became particularly sharp.

"You had several deals with Demon Race back then. You coveted the bloodline innate talent of Demon Race, tried to hold the power of Demon Race, studied Demon Race Absolute Art several times, and even assassinated Demon Race. Geniuses, come to transplant their bloodline and transfer it into your own body. In the end, although you succeeded, you were also seriously injured."

"After your situation was known to Demon Race, Demon Race sent a supreme powerhouse and You fight all the way, and finally a terrifying battle erupts at the junction of the three domains. Although you repel the Demon Race, you are also repelled by the two bloodlines, causing your body to gradually die out and unable to act."

Lin Chen's tone is very flat.

"But you do control some Absolute Art of Demon Race. The evidence is that all the Sacred Beasts that you cultivated are accompanied by deep-rooted demonic energy. Sacred Beasts that are contaminated with demonic energy are not uncommon. It will exist, but every end of the impossible is contaminated with the beast core. Obviously, those Sacred Beasts were cultivated by you."

"The ancient formation that restrained Saint in the mountain range miasma is also one of them, you The ancient formation created by painstaking efforts can absorb the flesh and blood and holy energy of Saint to nourish your wounds, so you have planned one Saint battle after another, and finally you have the name of the mountain range of the funeral saint. "

Dashuai Lin even sat in front of the tombstone, with Erlang's legs and Haotian Saint King's bronze ancient coffin folded in front of him, his arms crossed his chest, and his mouth was laughing.

"In the name of your Saint King, it is not an exaggeration to raise upwards in the enchanting list. How can you choose to be a genius list? Your goal is to train us as your puppets, and Choose a substitute for your cultivation Demon Race Absolute Art. Human Race sanctification will naturally reject demonic energy, which is not conducive to your cultivation Demon Race Absolute Art. Only when you become a demon can you achieve your perfect substitute. Right, Haotian Lord Saint, a fellow practitioner of Human Demon, do you want to be the overlord of Human Demon?"


Weird silence is ushered in the altar !

After listening to Lin Chen, all geniuses think carefully!

If this is the case, then the Saint King inheritance of the Saint King mountain range is a complete conspiracy!

"Lin Chen, don't be fooling the crowd! The Lord Saint of Haotian killed countless demon races, and you have done so much. How can you insult such juniors!"

A genius who still didn't believe it, suddenly scolded Lin Chen!

Lin smiled without saying a word, snapped his fingers, the real virtue handsome Avatar took the ring of that genius, and when he was suppressed at this time, he easily wiped his spiritual imprint , Making him pale and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Zhen Deshuai took out a sacred pill in his ring, which was the spoils of war obtained when he passed the first test.

Zhen Deshuai threw Sheng Dan into the air.

"I heard that Demon Race and the energy of the light system are the most compelling..." Lin Chen smiled carefreely, ran the Battle Qi, flicks with the finger, and shot a white light towards the holy pill.

Shih~! Bang~!

The Holy Pellet exploded, suddenly exploding a monstrous energy storm!

" 叽~~!"

In the center of the storm, there is a ray of demonic energy that makes a sharp cry ascending, and the geniuses are scared to their teeth!

"The demonic energy is hidden inside the holy pill. According to my Lin's experience, I am afraid that Grade 4 Saint Level alchemists can't do it. This holy pill is taken from your ring , You should know that this is the reward from the Lord Saint in your mouth..."

Lin Chen slightly smiled, the genius came back to his senses in an instant! Cold sweat!

The geniuses tremblingly asked, creeping in the direction of the bronze ancient coffin. "Hao...Haotian Lord Saint, could it be......"

Haotian Saint King ignored these ants, after a dozen breaths...

"Boy, it's that The place sent you?" Haotian Saint King's voice was flat and indifferent.

"No, I'm not that place." Lin Chen shook his head and raised a joking smile--"The director sent me."

Lin Chen naturally doesn't Will know such a long-term thing, everything about Haotian Saint King, Luo Yaoer told him through the "Magic Seal" transmission!

Demon Race’s powerhouse once mentioned that Human Race coveted their geniuses, and entered the territory of Human Race and fought against Human Race Saint King.

According to Luo Yaoer's understanding, that battle was most likely caused by this Haotian Saint King.

Furthermore, Luo Yaoer even taught Lin Chen how to destroy the mountain range ancient formation of the burial saint!

However, with Lin Chen's strength, even if he knows the location of the formation eye and how to crack it, he can't force the big formation.

There is only one way to break the formation, which is to force the body of Haotian Saint King out!

In short: Lin Chen wants to force Saint King out of the coffin. When he takes over the ancient formation, the weak spot of the formation eye will appear!

Luo Yaoer told Lin Chen that his life was maintained by the ancient formation with the "Holy Source" refined by Saint flesh and blood. He definitely couldn't take action against Lin Chen himself.

Unless he intends to perish together with Lin Chen and risk the mortal danger to get out of the battle, he wants to attack Lin Chen, only to suppress Lin Chen with Saint King Prestige, or to personally control the ancient formation.

Now, his coercion has no effect on Lin Chen, his choice may only be the latter!

Only then will Lin Chen have the opportunity to break the formation!

Secondly, Lin Chen also wants to force Saint King out of the bronze ancient coffin!

Little Shadow has a natural spatial perception ability. It clearly tells Lin Chen that there is Saint King’s funerary holy treasure in the coffin! As long as the coffin is opened, Little Shadow will have the opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

Can mortals figure out the background of Saint King?

If someone in Talin stole one or two pieces, it would be hard not to make a fortune!

The backs of all the geniuses were chilly. Although Haotian Saint King did not directly admit it, anyone with a discerning eye could see that he couldn't get rid of it!

"That's all, this king will know your origins. Unexpectedly, this king's plan will be disrupted by you. However, the choice of a substitute and the sword Qingcheng, since the king's coercion cannot be suppressed You, then you can only kill you!"


The earth shook and the mountain quivered, on the edge side of the mountain range, unexpectedly reappears four huge monsters!

"Savage elephants, giant pythons? And Immemorial Black Qilin!"

The expressions of the geniuses changed drastically, and the strength of these Sacred Beasts went straight to the 2nd layer of the holy realm!

"These Sacred Beasts are personally controlled by this king, Lin Chen, this is not a series that you can control."

The shock of Saint King of Haotian shakes the sky, his Saint King Prestige's pressure increased sharply by one point, and he didn't want to break Lin Chen's fighting intent all the time.


Lin Chen raised his brow and said with a smile: "Is Sacred Beast very hanging? Thirty-seven Sacred Beast I am not worthy, I am afraid of you Four heads?"

tone barely fell, Lin Chen raised his hand and snapped his fingers!


Boom~! The ice mist is permeated, Yin Qi is like a tide, and the four Sacred Beasts are enveloped by two groups of intense and overwhelming icy weather!

[Launched the blue-level high level nirvana twice: Tianyin and icy storm, 4 targets have been locked. 】

"What?" Saint King lost his voice in shock, this child is still hiding this hand?

ka! ka! ka!

The terrifying Yin Demon's cold air is like ten thousand zhang profound ice, and the cold air descends on Heaven and Earth, freezing and freezing the four nearby Sacred Beasts!

Saint King wanted to make the four Sacred Beasts desperately rushed to attack Lin Chen, but they were invaded by Yin Demon, and they couldn't act desperately. It was difficult to break free from Yin Demon's erosion, and the action was difficult!

Lin Chen jokingly sneered--"For this little trick, I am embarrassed to call Saint King. I will call a chicken next door and sprinkle some rice on the ground. The chickens are playing better than you."

The geniuses trembled!

Lin Chen is actually giving tit for tat with a generation of Saint King with strength of oneself!

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