"tsk tsk tsk, dignified Saint King, you just have the ability? Spicy chicken! It's really spicy, Haotian Saint King, are you ashamed?"

Lin Chen tsk tsk sneered and stepped on the tombstone of Saint King, "Look at your bear look, what else can you do besides shrinking on the paper and bragging? Suppress and frighten people? Are you not raising it or not? If you don't raise it, you will come out of the green coffin. My dark horse will use a hundred methods to rejuvenate you."

"What? If this doesn’t come out, don’t you want a hundred ways? Don’t, Great Saint King, because of the handsome face of this handsome guy, I’ll give you a broken bone. If you don’t have a 30% discount, I’ll help you. A full set of folds?"

"Fuck! Shameless to the face, right? Someone came out and challenged me! This handsome and talented Battle Sovereign cultivation base, you dare not move, wait for me to become a holy, I'm afraid You can slap you to death with a slap! So Mr. Lu said it well, persuade him, he is not worthy to be my opponent Lin!"

When all the geniuses heard Lin Chen’s words, they scalp Ma, frightened!

Insane! This kid is really crazy!

Saint King, the strongest king under True God, each is a legend in the holy world, a character that even Saint Peak must worship!

He is a trifling Battle Sovereign, dare to despise Saint King?

"A common man! Dregs, trash! You are an aphid-like rubbish in the eyes of this king, you dare to despise this king!"


When Saint King’s anger came, a Saint King Prestige pressure covering the heavens, shielding the sun broke out in the bronze ancient coffin!

Shengwei was mixed with the anger of suppressing the Eight Wilds, and Heaven and Earth trembled, and the space shook, as if the entire tomb mansion was about to collapse!

Even the four-headed Sacred Beast in the'cloudy sky and ice storm' has been implicated!

The pressure of Saint King, even the average Saint is hard to resist!

A genius has been crushed by Saint King Prestige and fainted with foaming at his mouth!

Only more than two hundred geniuses are still struggling!


Nothing to Lin Chen or anything!


Accurately speaking, it should be of no use to the entire "Dark Horse Club"!

Next, an even more outrageous scene appeared!

The true virtues, the true virtues, the true virtues of the dark horse clubhouse, the true virtues, the true virtues, the true virtues show, and all members are dispatched!

Zhen Dexiu and Zhen Deshuai jumped and stood on top of the bronze ancient coffin. The two held the piano in one hand and the drum in the other.

The geniuses opened their mouths slightly...

The geniuses who were still conscious witnessed an unforgettable scene!

bang! bang! Zheng~!

Zhen Dexiu plucks the strings, Zhen De Shuai beats the drums! The joy of drums is like a wedding feast for marriage, hiding the sky and covering the earth, echoing Zhou Tian!

Next, Lin Chen and the three Avatars stepped forward, in front of the tombstone of Saint King, with their chests straight, and the collar with both hands, untied the shirt directly, revealing a strong streamline. Pectoral muscles!

Someone Lin chuckled and said: "Since your Excellency Saint King doesn't want to come out, then I will come to the dark horse club with a little daddy, and give it to you who are so awkward~"

Haotian Saint King's will is stunned.

The geniuses looked dumbfounded.

Which the fuck is this singing?

Lin Chen and the three big Avatars crossed one step at a time, and the bottom plate was extremely stable.

Zhen Deshuai's sorrowful singing voice spread all around.

"I want to fly to the sky, go and swell~ give my beloved shadow~ eat a few cotton candy."

"I want to stand on the sea and fish A big moon, hung on the crotch, bright dignified~~"

Before playing the music and singing, the four great men face the tombstone of Saint King, and collectively reach out to explore the crotch, four crotches come fiercely!


Many geniuses almost went blind!

Zhen Deshuai blinked and hummed on the wooden drum.

"I want to be willful, I will be willful~ I want to sing and I can sing and dance~ See who can do to me~"

"I don't want to hesitate, I will not hesitate , I don’t think I’m confused, I’m not confused. What could be more swelling than this~"

"I want to stand on the top of the mountain~listen to the wind and sing~wait for the first light of the sunrise, Look at my handsome face. I want to wander alone, to the far distance, and I won’t panic at all when the waves are still."

Lin Chen and the three big Avatars waved their shoulders and raised their hands, and their bodies were forty. Tilting five degrees, the geniuses opened their mouths so wide that they could lay an egg.

All the members of the'Dark Horse Club' actually sang and danced in front of the grave of Saint King in Haotian?

No, he called it...Bundy?

"This...these guys are crazy!"

"He...he's so nasty."

"I'm so blind. !"

"I cracked!"

Dozens of monster-level geniuses such as Jian Qingcheng and Yan Wuxie twitched their mouths...

This ... Is this the fucking first emperor?

In a certain way, he really achieved the'first forever'......

Who dares to sing and dance in front of the tombstone of Saint King!

And the one who led the team?

If he is number one in the eternal age, what title should he have?

Everlasting first show?

Or the head of the grave?

Luo Yaoer Puchi on the side smiled, "Let you draw the body out, but didn't let you blow people to death..."

The tomb mansion shook, and the space trembled violently. Haotian Saint King's crazy sound shook the world!

"Lin Chen, your fucking courting death! Wow ahhhh! I'm mad at this king, die! You crime deserving ten thousand deaths, this king will put you into eternal purgatory, making you worse off To die, to blaspheme the king, all will die!"

The anger of Sheng Meng made the geniuses numb, dizzy, and convulsions all over, some geniuses even started to foam at the mouth.

Yes, all the members of the Dark Horse Club danced so much! The backhand gave Saint King another crotch!

The geniuses are going crazy!

God! Let him stop!

Don't let him sneer anymore!

Everyone will be shocked into idiots by Saint King's Shengwei if they continue to show off!

"Oh heaven, earth! What kind of sin I made in my previous life, why should I meet these strange flowers, I fucked his ancestor!"

"I was wrong , I’m really wrong. I shouldn’t enter the mountain range of the funeral saint at first. If I don’t enter the mountain range of the funeral saint, Junior Sister will not die. If the Junior Sister is not dead, I might still be in the sect with Junior Sister. The little mountainside is learning the Great Dao of Yin-Yang, wow!"

"Is there any Savior, hurry up and stop these bastards! Don’t sneer, I can’t stand it anymore!"

"Ahhh! It hurts! My waist, my Qilin Arm, my kidney! My cock!"

"Saint King's Shengwei is too terrifying, I am about to hold on Go down!"

"Is this Young Master a dog in my last life? Why should I meet these demons? My damn should go to brothel and read a book by massage, and come here to get some hairy Saint King inheritance! Wow, kill me with one sword!"

"My fucking shit is going to be broken out!"

"Brother Ji, save me! "


Some geniuses broke down, some were remorseful, and some even cried loudly under the wrath of Saint King!

Someone Lin flirted with his bangs, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Give up, on Sao, you guys can't compare to someone like me, Lin."

The most showy Battle Sovereign in history?

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