"Azure Dragon possessed · Wanza azure light!"

When Lin Chen uses the system, he activates the bloodline and Sacred Dragon possesses!

Lin Chen's whole body is covered with azure Sacred Dragon scales, and the whole body is surging with nebula-like azure light, magnificent.

The azure light transmits a burst of invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable brilliance, blessing the'Yu Tian Seventh Gold Qi', the gold and green are combined, and it is as solid as golden soup.

The current Lin Chen can resist the Saint who opened the two holy caves! Wan Zaixuan Azure Dragon is already known for defense!

However, this alone is not enough! The destructive power of that blood dragon is enough to crush the current Saint Level Azure Dragon into dregs!

[Consume 33450 advanced talisman energy to activate Level 6 Rune of Slowness. 】

Shih~! Bang~! A gray and white talisman that suppresses the universe and everything blooms with the power of a peerless rune, and it explodes in the vicinity of the blood-colored Azure Dragon, with a radius of ten thousand zhang, and it is condensed into a solid state!

Lin Chen delayed the attack of this attack for an instant! It also weakened the formidable power of this move by about 20%!

This is the strongest Rune of Slowness Lin Chen has played so far. His rune energy does not even have 1 point!

He has to face Saint King! A legendary character in an epic poem, retention means death!

In the blink of an eye, a piece of golden light armguard shoulder armor was worn by Lin Chen!


The spirit of awe-inspiring Ghost God surged from Lin Chen's body, divine splendor ten thousand zhang, golden light monstrous, like the invincible War God resurrected from a deep sleep, blasting the absolute power of All Heavens and Myriad Realms Galloping on Lin Chen's right arm!

Even though Azure Dragon was possessed, Lin Chen was still shocked and vomiting blood!

But he can't control so much. The Scarlet Azure Dragon has torn the stagnant space of Rune of Slowness and rushes at him!

"What shit Saint King, take a punch from Young Master!"

Lin Chen shouted angrily, slammed his fist to the sky, waved the sky golden light, peerless divine splendor condensed in Above this fist!

Shih~! Bang~! !

The blood dragon shattered and the blood glow burst.

A Space Crack that broke through the sky straight through the sky like a sky deep, golden fist wind shook the sky and the earth, as if Heaven and Earth were both overturned by this fist!

Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, only a divine splendor is with you!

The blow that was enough to ruin the Saint 4th layer was blown by Lin Chen!

Tear and pull~! A faint blood glow pierced through the void, shattering Lin Chen's "Wanzai azure light" and Yutian Seventh Gold Qi!


Lin Chen fell to the ground, smashing a few ten zhang pits!

Although he shook the sky with a punch, Lin Chen himself was shocked into his body by the one-thousandth of the power contained in this blood dragon, and his not optimistic physical condition instantly shattered!

Lin Chen's internal organs, and even the Wheel of Nine Tribulations, collapsed!

The bones of the whole body are shattered by nearly 80%, the meridian is broken more than half, and the flesh is broken!

With the use of backlash in the War God suit "Ultimate Armguards", Lin Chen has basically stepped into the gates of hell this time!

"The situation is a bit bad...this time I really played a lot..."

The corners of Lin Chen's mouth were bitter, and the rays of light on his right arm trembled. Go back to the system space.

Luo Yaoer rushed to him in a hurry and helped him up.

Luo Yaoer’s beautiful eyes appeared a mist of water, "I...I was saved by you again...You are already desperate, I'm still hesitating..."

Lin Chen smiled bitterly: "great aunt...Why don't you leave..."

Haotian Saint King stands on the ancient formation, and his pupils tremble with fear, which is especially shocking to Lin Chen's series of methods. !

"It's amazing...The pure power of this fist is 30 billion dragon power? No, more than 50 billion. This power can only be considered as a power for this king at the peak period. A strong ant, but for a Battle Sovereign, this is simply a strength that surpasses countless boundaries!"

"The impossible existence of the Holy Realm has increased Battle Sovereign's treasure to such a power against the sky! this There is definitely a big secret in the child! This terrifying secret may be that the king has never touched the level! Catch him, absolutely can't let him run away!" How abnormal the experience of Saint King of Haotian

It's not an exaggeration to be a giant in the holy world, he felt that Lin Chen's chances could be described by the word'horror', which shows the power of War God's arm armor!

Between electric light and flint, Saint King of Haotian came back to his senses, the fingertips are a little far away, and another large formation is surging up against the sky, like a devil like an abyss, and like the sun, the moon and the sky, breaking open. Demon God-like fingerprints, they ran fiercely towards the two!

Seeing another round of offensive culling, Lin Chen didn't even have the power to stand up.

"Unexpectedly, you were by my side before I finally died..." Lin Chen shook his head and smiled bitterly, looking at Luo Yaoer. "You should run away, don't you still have a great cause to do? It's a pity to die here with me..." Suddenly, Luo Yao'er's eyes returned to the indifference and indifferent as before.

"I won't let you die."

After that, she grabbed Lin Chen's palm, her fingers clenched tightly, and the magic print rays of light prospered!


The demonic energy, as vast as the Star River, emerges wildly from the magic seal.

Whether it was the demonic energy of the Sky Tower, the demonic energy collected when swallowing the sky mirror, or the demonic energy absorbed on the tombstone of Saint King, all the demonic energy in the magic seal at this moment was injected Luo Yaoer's body!


Lin Chen was astonished, he found that the demonic energy in his palm was disappearing quickly!

Luo Yaoer's charm has faintly restored to what Lin Chen had when he first contacted her!

Indifferent, ruthless, and even has several points of cruelty.

If she had a hint of Heavenly Immortal falling into the mortal world before, then now it is Demoness coming to the world, ignoring innumerable living beings!


Luo Yaoer finished absorbing the demonic energy in Lin Chen's magic seal, got up and waved his hand, exploding dozens of acres of huge magic finger!

At this moment, Haotian Saint King's face finally returned to calm. Under that calm expression, there was only anger lingering like quiet fire.

"So you...are you so strong..." Lin Chen said with difficulty, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, blood spilling.

He almost died of anger by Luo Yaoer!

You are so strong, why don't you absorb the demonic energy sooner! I am dying now!

Lin Chen is a Saint Level alchemist, he knows his condition very well, his current physical condition, this last breath may not exceed a quarter of an hour.

He was really "pitted" by this woman!

Luo Yaoer stared at Lin Chen, there was still a sense of reason and self-blame in the indifference, her lips lightly opened: "I'm sorry..."

For Luo Yaoer, absorb Although the demonic energy that loses the magic seal will restore part of her strength, it also means that she will lose the opportunity to'own' Lin Chen...

The stronger the demonic energy stored in the magic seal, the better she can be The greater the chance of controlling Lin Chen.

She has now absorbed the demonic energy of the Demon Seal, and has lost the only opportunity to'own' Lin Chen. Everything is too late...

In the end, it was the youth who messed up the female emperor’s Fanghua, Melt a little bit of that frozen heart.

"so that's how it is, it's no wonder that the ancient formation of this king will be broken by this kid. It is because of you. This is the first time this king has missed his eyes. Your Excellency also has a devastated body. I'm afraid At the peak period, it’s not inferior to the king."

Haotian Saint King smiled without a smile, and with a wave of one hand, all four ancient formations were aimed at Luo Yaoer.

She picked up the drenched with blood, Lin Chen who was about to faint, her beautiful cheeks were extremely cold and indifferent--"Your bloodfiend burial circle is just a low-level magic circle that the emperor disdains to touch. "

Saint King's face changed in horror!

This emperor?

She claimed to be an emperor... bluffing?

No, maybe not!

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