"What a big tone, let me Saint King of Haotian to learn your strength!"

Saint King of Haotian is not young, and it is definitely not just being fooled. , He fully mobilized the power of the four ancient formations, not only mixed with the flesh and blood energy of Saint, but also two completely different energies, Holy Force and demonic energy!

Luo Yaoer flicked a finger, and the demonic energy in the ancient formation exploded!

Haotian Saint King has lost a half before the battle!

"It would be too arrogant to mobilize the power of Demon Race in front of the emperor. Your ancient formation maintains your life. Are you sure you want to continue the fight."

Luo Yaoer said coldly.

In fact, her strength is not enough to completely crush the current Saint King of Haotian, even if he is disabled.

But she is not afraid of Haotian Saint King, if the power he controls is the Holy Force cultivation base, then everything is unknown.

The method used by Haotian Saint King is the method of Demon Race! Whether it is four ancient formations or the creation of a tomb house, most of the tricks used are Demon Race's tricks!

Under the world, no one knows the tricks of Demon Race better than Demon Race, except for those ancient Demon Gods!

The means of driving Demon Race in front of her? display one's slight skill before an expert, overweight!

"Will this king let you leave safely, die for me!"

The bloodfiend burial array is activated again, and the battle between the two sides is about to start!

One is the leader of the Fiend clan, and the other is Human Race Saint King. Neither of them is at the peak period. Even the situation of each other is not optimistic, but they still fight!


Besides the mountain range of Burial Saints, when Haotian Saint King Su merged into the ancient formation, it shocked all Saints!

The group of saints step on the holy light Xiahui and approach the outer ring of the mountain range carefully.

Boom! boom! boom!

The entire mountain range of the burial saints was shaking, and the internal space was shattered into paste, causing many saints to fear!

"What a terrifying power, what happened inside this mountain range..."

"The space of the burial saint mountain range is shaking, something is wrong..."

"The situation has changed! Our genius is in danger!"

When Saint of all influence wants to rush in to find out, the rays of light on the top of the mountain range are booming, and some old Saints look horrified. !

"All the ancient formations of the mountain range have been mobilized, something is wrong!"

"Is Haotian Saint King personally awakened? People who entered this time don't have a holy cultivation base Ah!"

"There are signs of demonic energy coming out. Could it be that woman..."

The Saints were horrified and horrified. , Ready to fight anytime!

If Demoness regains its power, the situation will be very serious!

Maybe, today their entire group still has a lot of casualties!

No one dared to act rashly, seeing the fighting in the mountain range of the burial saints became more and more heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

xiu! xiu! xiu!

Dozens of silhouettes rushed out of the mountain range in different directions!

When the two monster-level geniuses rushed back to their sect Saint, the first sentence was: "Hurry up...Run!"

Then, the last two hundred geniuses I used Absolute Art to save my life and all ran out!

"What happened inside?"

"Young Master, are you all right?"

"Young Sect Master, what's the situation?"

Do you know that those geniuses who ran out were as if they had seen a ghost, anxiously, clutching their own Saint's arm, their face paled with fright, and said hurriedly.

"Hurry up, run! Lin Chen from the Dark Horse Club forced Haotian Saint King out!"

"Lin Chen, bastard, was dancing at the head of Saint King's grave, Haotian Saint King wakes up and is about to come out!"

"Lin Chen saw that Saint King inheritance was a conspiracy. Saint King and Demon Race had an affair. He wanted to manipulate all of us to become his puppets. Now Saint King It's about to be born! Elder, there will be no chance if you don't run!"

The consistent wording of geniuses caused hundreds or even thousands of Saints to blow their scalps in an instant!


Lin Chen from the Dark Horse Club? Forced the body of Haotian Saint King out?

A Battle Sovereign, what madness did he do to force Saint King to be born and deal with him personally!

Haotian Saint King has an affair with Demon Race? Saint King inheritance or a conspiracy?

This amount of information is too big! The saints didn't turn their minds at once!

Someone from Saint subconsciously asked: "Young Master, what is Bengdi..."

"Damn it, is it time to ask this now!"

"I don't know what Bengdi is. Anyway, the lunatics in the dark horse club sing and dance at the grave of Saint King, and it is useless for Saint King Prestige to press against him."

Back to one's Yan Wuxie next to his own master blew a whistle, said with a smile: "hahaha, anyway, I'm convinced, Lin Chen is so angry that Saint King's coffin board is flying! Saint King personally appeared to deal with him, and We were able to escape when he broke the formation!"

Heard the geniuses talking and shouting, Ning Qingxuan and other women were anxious, why haven't the people in the dark horse club come out? Could it be an accident?

The Lord Fusheng and the others are even more trembling!

So angry that Saint King lifted the coffin board?

Hey, that's the legendary'Saint King'! How outrageous is this dark horse club that stands at the apex of the Holy Realm!

Is this piercing the sky!

If this is changed to Peak Saint, I am afraid that it will not be able to achieve this level?

Xiao Jing, who both hands crossed near chest, frowned slightly. As the enchanting evildoer, he hates peers who are more eye-catching than himself.

"Force Saint King out of the world? Oh, this Young Master has to see if Lin Chen grows Three Heads, Six Arms or Earth Immortal!"

mountain range When there was chaos outside, the sensational momentum of the mountain range of Burial Saints came to an abrupt end, and everything was silent!

All Saints have one's hair stand on end all of a sudden, an instinctive vigilance rises from the bottom of my heart, bringing their own geniuses to retreat several hundred li one after another!

The same is true for the Lord Fusheng and the others. Regardless of the struggles of the girls, they took them back to a great distance!

Saints are Tearing Space, always ready to escape.

If it is true as my own genius said, Haotian Saint King and Demon Race have an affair, the birth of that Saint King, even in a state of dying, if there is intention to kill, the presence of the holy land can survive , I'm afraid it's not more than five fingers!

No one dares to stay outside of the mountain range except for the enchanting list Xiao Jing, the group of saints who encircled Luo Yaoer, and the holy land old monster of individual boldness of execution stems from superb skill.

Under everyone's eyes, almost suffocating oppression pervades in the sky.

A black robe is simple, slender and beautiful. The shadow of the black robe is holding the blood-stained boy, walking slowly into the sky, appearing in the sight of everyone!

The sage is taken aback!

Not Haotian Saint King?

"It's her...sure enough, her strength has recovered!"

"No, it hasn't fully recovered yet. Only part of her strength has been recovered, and her injuries are still there!"

The twelve Saints who surrounded Luo Yaoer had different expressions, and they exchanged their eyes, and they were sure!

This battle cannot be avoided!

Luo Yaoer hugged Lin Chen who was dying, a ray of tears ran across her eyes, but her expression was indifferent.

"Go away. If he dies, I will let the entire Human Race of the Holy Realm be buried for him!"

Although her voice is soft and beautiful, it is as cold as Nine. The magic sound under the Nether Hell rolled up a purgatory magical power to envelop the heavens, stunned the sky, and shook Heaven and Earth!

Quan Sheng retreats, complexion slightly changed!

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