Many Saints outside several hundred li hear the sound like scraping bones, have one's hair stand on end!

"This woman, who are you..."

"Is it that Fiend woman?"

The Saints outside several hundred li are running Holy spirit, covering both pupils, clearly watching the situation outside the mountain range, and immediately turning away when something goes wrong.

Although it is not Haotian Saint King who came out, it may be a more threatening existence than Haotian Saint King!

Gazed at Lin Chen, Xiao Jing both hands crossed near chest, and the corners of his mouth curled up with disdain: "Dead? It's really disappointing. I want to kill him, didn't expect me to go on an errand for nothing..."

Suddenly, between Heaven and Earth, the second round'sun' actually rises!

"The demons and monsters of the Fiend clan, less bluff, no matter what your background, you have to die here!"

At the center of the sun, walk out of a body slowly The majestic man wearing the golden armor of the sun, he has tiger eyes and sword eyebrows, his outline is rough and resolute, his demeanor is not angry and prestigious, and his whole person is full of imposing manner.

He carries a golden spear on his back, with the tip of the spear pointing obliquely at the sky, turning it into the afterglow of Heaven and Earth.

Behind him is a holy light sun shining brightly! The power of Shengwei suddenly became the strongest existence in the audience!

"It's the Great Sun Burning the Heavens Saint Lord of the Flame Domain is here!"

The morale of the twelve holy realms soared, shouting the name of Golden Armored Man!

Luo Yao'er still face doesn't change, "You want to stop the emperor's footsteps because of the incompetent things of yours."

The sage of the group suffocated...

She actually claims to be an emperor?

How is this possible... Could it be that she really is?

Before the group of saints guessed Luo Yaoer’s identity, a nine-color divine light shining on Xiao Han!

Luo Yaoer was surprised, this nine-color brilliance rushed out of Lin Chen's body?

Lin Chen only felt his consciousness dizzy, everything around him seemed to be still, plunged into endless darkness.

Lin Chen has been close to the feeling of'death' many times. He is very clear that he is really going to die this time.

"Am I going to die...what the woman was thinking, she took away the demonic energy of the demon seal at the end, I don't have to die if I do it early, it's too worthy of death. Ah!"

"Damn it, I came to this world. I have seen so many beauties and died before opening the meat. This is too damn loss! If I can come back, I want to prostitute To lose contact!"

When Lin Chen's consciousness was'annoying', in the darkness he was in, an orange light shone in!

The eight big orange characters show Lin Chen's mind!

Ancient God Power, stand after breaking!

"This...this is what I obtained from the Orange Secret Realm in the Nine Provinces continent sky tower... By the way, it is said that the dean was sanctified by the orange Secret Realm of the sky tower! No wonder, it's no wonder that the ancient god senior met for the first time before and said that the two of us are destined!"

Lin Chen was in ecstasy!


Lin Chen's consciousness was pulled back by this new resurgent power!

He opened his eyes again!

His whole body has formed a substantial energy brilliance, which is surrounded by a two-meter-wide and three-meter-long nine-color energy cocoon!

Luo Yaoer stared at him from outside the light cocoon. Although her beautiful cheeks were as indifferent as ever, a bit of excitement flashed in her beautiful eyes!

Lin Chen wants to act, Luo Yaoer immediately sound transmission to him.

"Don’t move around, there is a new force in your body to help you reshape it. You are injured too badly this time, and it just perfectly activates this force. You can use it in a Spurt of energy’s promotion to the holy realm cultivation base, then you will feel at ease to attack the realm and leave the rest to me!"

Lin Chen took a deep look at Luo Yaoer and said seriously: "Although I I'm still very angry with you, but you must be careful, don't die!"

The corners of Luo Yaoer's lips are slightly lifted, and Fanghua is outstanding.

"They, can't threaten me yet, protecting you is the most important."


"What is that?"

"What a strong vitality, this kid has a powerful life potential hidden in his body. Now this potential is stimulated. His cultivation base has reached the Peak of the Five Tribulations, and there is a high probability that he will step into the Holy Realm. "

Great Sun Burning the Heavens Shengjun glanced at Lin Chen and said indifferently: "This is not the most important thing. Take down this Demoness first."

Xiao Jing had a playful smile. touched the chin, said with interest: "Oh, I got the opportunity of the breakthrough holy realm, it's interesting..."

Luo Yaoer slowly stepped into the void and said indifferently: "Who will go forward? One step, death."

xiu! xiu! xiu!

The twelve Saints surrounded Luo Yaoer, the Great Sun Burning the Heavens saint holding the golden spear behind him backhand , Said with a sneer: "Interesting, do you want to protect this Human Race boy?"

Luo Yaoer's face was expressionless, and the slender jade hand glowed with a faint red light, like a slight moon and blue waves, flowing five fingers .

A pair of smart eyes, now transformed into a faint blood red jade-like beauty, enchantment, charm, and extremely indifferent eyebrows.

Luo Yaoer put her hands together, her lips lightly opened, and she thought of the cryptic formula.

"The emperor has only one sword, which can cast down demons, swallow stars, accept the moon, imperial gods, slash the sky, destroy the world, and destroy the world."

blood light gathers the beautiful woman and pulls her hands apart , The billions of blood light wandering slowly in the palm of the hand gathered into a bloody scimitar.

This scimitar is cut and cast like blood jade, and the blade is curved like a moon, releasing magical power to the extreme...


At the moment when the Scarlet Scimitar was held by Luo Yaoer, the terrifying demonic energy was like a magic prison covering the heavens, shielding the sun, released from the magic knife and descended to the heavens!

The entire Spiritual Qi of the mountain range of the burial saints is incorporated into the blade like a blood moon like a vortex!

The earth and the sky are all withered and ruined!

The ground veins become dry and cracked, the Spiritual Qi in the sky evaporates, and all life is withered, annihilated, passed, and withered.

All the light between Heaven and Earth must be eaten away by that bloody scimitar! It was heartbreaking, sad, and plunged into endless despair.

Finally, even the face of Great Sun Burning the Heavens Saint Monarch has changed, especially shocked!

" it the magic knife·Zhantian..."

The Great Sun Burning the Heavens Sage clearly remembers that the day before countless epochs, the Holy Prison The chaos shocked all directions in the holy world.

A woman killed the holy realm upside down, and a devil blade crossed Heaven and Earth, so that the gods could not stop her from appearing in this world!

That devil blade, as if it can swallow everything, can become the existence between Heaven and Earth to the evil, it is a nightmare in the history of Human Race!

The level of contact in the holy realm is far inferior to him, and he has not been able to spy on the portrait of the magic knife. The news is blocked by the holy realm'some existence'!

Om~! The twelve holy realms were uncontrollably sucked by the shocking Heavenly Demon Qi emitted by the devil blade!

The demonic energy of the magic knife is too strong, and it takes away everything in the void, time, space, light, Spiritual Qi, life, as if it can swallow all things in this world!

Even the pretentious evildoer·Xiao Jing showed some fear and fear, a very terrifying knife! "

The twelve holy realms are preparing to brew this world-wide blow, and when they fight back desperately, in the sky split a hurricane blade light, tearing the sky apart, cutting off the demonic energy The enveloped sky saved the twelve holy realms!

The saints were surprised, and the powerhouse came again!

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